
Astronomical Event Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"If it were to collide with our Earth, the resulting explosion would be tantamount to about a thousand megatons in TNT equivalent, which would almost certainly cause major catastrophic disasters all over the planet."
"Of all the astronomical phenomena you can witness, the total solar eclipse has to be the most visceral--the most in-your-face reminder that our reality consists of giant balls of rock spinning around stars."
"The Great North American Eclipse of 2024 promises to be one of the most widely observed eclipses in history."
"In the hushed stillness of totality, as the Sun's corona shimmers in the darkened sky, you may feel a profound sense of connection to the cosmos and to those who have witnessed eclipses throughout history."
"Jupiter and Saturn will come within 0.1 degrees of each other forming the first visible double planet in 800 years."
"The solstice is inherently a more local phenomenon than the fact that from Earth, Jupiter and Saturn are about to appear to be as close as they have in hundreds of years."
"A very rare sight in the night sky: spectacular images of a green comet passing the Earth for the first time since the Stone Age."
"In the shadow of the upcoming April 8 2024 solar eclipse lies a profound opportunity for reflection and repentance."
"This solar eclipse will be highlighting the light behind the shadow."
"He noticed something in the night sky that would change his life forever."
"The sun no longer appears as a bright glowing sphere but a simple black ball. This phenomenon is called a solar eclipse."
"Its light was brighter than the sun and it was observed over a wide area."
"When you're seeing shooting stars, it's an indication that something beautiful is about to unfold."
"They call that the Passover, they know the Passover is when the Sun comes from the hot southern hemisphere of the planet Earth in the heavens in the gate where Capricorn wounds and"
"The outcome lunar eclipse looks very bright."
"Lunar eclipse is about shedding a new light on something, revealing something that was hidden from view."
"Ann Hodges became the first and, so far, only recorded victim of a meteorite."
"It's going to be fantastic... to see a total eclipse and do it with a bunch of atheists."
"For scientists, the acid test of their mathematics came when a strange new Comet raced toward Jupiter dream of cosmic bullets that would shock and Amaze Millions here on Earth."
"This HDR image of the solar eclipse in 2017 was recently released for the first time. That's pretty cool, dude."
"The cow reached its peak in a matter of days, ten to a hundred times brighter than a normal supernova."
"I came across an article by the astronomer that takes the position the star was a real astronomical event."
"The dragon and meteor shower peaks tonight, you can have about 10 meteors per hour."
"If a supernova explodes in the Alpha Centauri star system, that will be a splendid light show."
"Supernovae: outshine entire galaxies, spill more energy than our sun."
"In 30 million years, Mars will suffer devastation as Phobos crashes into the planet."
"As Uranus approached its Equinox, it suddenly cast off its veil and revealed itself as a green twin of Neptune."
"A solar and a lunar eclipse: you can think of the beam of light that is constant from the Sun, spreading out in all directions."
"The 1800 Light Year Distant Planetary Collision: Represents a cataclysm like nothing ever seen before in astronomy."
"What would happen if the Sun died? Well, during the total solar eclipse last year, if you were standing in the path of totality, scientists recorded that the drop in temperature was a full 15 degrees Celsius."
"This is gonna be the most epic thing that's ever taken place on the moon."
"For the first time in history, humankind had welcomed an interstellar visitor."
"The Universe owes us a really bright, spectacular comet."
"This is one of his quotes: 'The dwarf planet was then catastrophically struck by an asteroid.'"
"So that's why I wanted to show you. Mars and Saturn conjunct soon as well."
"Mars will be closer to Earth this week than any other time for the next 15 years."
"The Northern Lights are going to be spectacular tonight."
"During this close passage that would be repeated precisely every 26 million years or so, our star would create panic, tearing a considerable number of comets for gravitational effect and conveying them to the inner areas of the Solar System."
"I want us to focus on this total solar eclipse as a time of deep meaning making and reflection."
"The Phoenix phenomenon leads to the conclusion that in the year of 2040, in the month of May, the sun will darken by the Phoenix."
"Hopefully by no later than 2028, we could have this grand solar flash."
"This is the best example we have so far that a typical instability from, for example, a star passage or some other unusual gravitational event, can then result in a sudden collapse of a lot of matter."
"The impact of Comet Shoemaker-levy nine into Jupiter back in 1994 was a game changer."
"This dramatic occurrence is known as a kilonova."
"The 22nd of December this year is an event that astronomers have been looking forward to for a very, very long time."
"The Star of Bethlehem might have been a new star, like a torch blown by a strong wind."
"So this is real historical evidence to say at that time there was an astronomical event that was important that people wrote down."
"It's the only one of which we have a written record."
"You have to understand that what you're actually seeing is a description of the winter solstice and that is where we see the rebirth of the Sun."
"It may have appeared so bright because all of its energy was concentrated into a very tight beam and that beam happened to be aimed directly at Earth."
"We are preparing for a total solar eclipse; we'll tell you everything you need to know."
"Experience the awe-inspiring alignment of the Sun, the moon, and seven other planets in a phenomenon occurring once every 32 million years."
"The eclipse was just the talk of the town, the talk of the continent really."
"Together we witness one of the most exciting astronomical events of the year."
"The flares stretched over a half mile across and were estimated to be traveling at a breathtaking speed of nearly 5,000 kilometers per hour."
"This is perhaps one of the biggest events, which has happened in astronomy."
"We all looked up and witnessed that total solar eclipse, that shadow with the flares coming off of the sun."
"It's really exciting because it's currently going through a shock, so everything is changing and it's a continuously evolving object."
"It's like 3:40 in the morning, and I'm seeing a badass eclipse."
"The word Solstice means Sun standing still."
"Whether you're at 95%, totality, 5%, get out there and experience this amazing phenomenon."
"Let's go somewhere where we can see the totality, and we can see the eclipse."
"On the equinoxes each year, the light hits the pyramid in a way that creates the winding image of a snake on the stairway."
"The super moon event came just six minutes after a spring tide, the alignment of the moon, the sun, and Earth that makes their combined gravity reach its peak twice a month."
"Did you guys see the eclipse? We did, we saw the eclipse together, which was fun."
"It unleashes as much energy as our sun does in a century in just a few milliseconds."
"A large comet slammed into the deep waters of the Indian Ocean."
"Millions and millions of people really care about this eclipse."
"The night sky raising the curtain on a rare Spring Light Show well worth staying up for."
"This is only going to happen once every hundred thousand years, even your great-great-grandkids aren't going to be able to see this comet again."
"It was a celestial spectacle that won't happen in the US for another 20 years."
"The event is visible from North and South America, Australia, and parts of Europe and Asia."
"Don't miss the opportunity to witness this amazing phenomenon."
"You have just experienced totality."
"We are good to go, we're going to do this, we are gonna watch the solar eclipse."
"When the star was at its zenith directly over one of these pools, the ring around the water would light up for just a second."
"It is currently predicted if this event continues at this rate, almost all of the United States will be able to witness the lights."
"Eclipses are special in three different ways: they are very beautiful, offer a unique opportunity for research, and they are rare."
"Whenever we have a solar eclipse, that's a major reset."