
Subjective Reality Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Echo chambers tend to create a belief that your opinion is a reflection of reality rather than just a subjective interpretation of reality."
"People are entitled to their own opinion to make them feel good, whatever helps them sleep at night."
"Our experience of life is through our mind. We only know what we see from our perspective."
"The world is comprised of human perspectives."
"If he doesn't see his own life as tragic, who am I to say that it's tragic? He's happy, so that's all that matters."
"We all have our delusions, our ideas of how the world works."
"Creating your subjective reality consciously is super healthy as long as it is not done to the exclusion of other subjective perspectives."
"People live differently. We are very much victims of our own subjective experience."
"Each individual's own subjective interpretation misguided by their inherent bias."
"If they think a song is good, does that mean it's good? If they think a person is uninteresting, does that mean they are?"
"Right or wrong don't exist in reality. We have no idea if you think a movie is good and they think the movie's bad. Who's right? Nobody."
"Perception is reality, especially when it comes to our league. People are going to perceive you in any certain type of light."
"What you believe becomes your own reality, no matter how ridiculous it is."
"Just because something is subjective doesn't mean that there isn't some social consequence from doing the wrong thing."
"They all make up their stories about what's really going on and they try to make their own personal story about their own personal experiences."
"In their mind they think they're doing the right thing."
"It's not defending truth, you're defending something that feels more real than truth to you."
"Perception is reality. It doesn't matter what reality is; perception is reality."
"If it makes sense to me, then you telling me that that's not what's happening doesn't matter."
"Grace, kindness, service—this is the complete opposite of the person we have seen over the last few years."
"It's their truth, their lived experience, ignoring the truth, the objective reality."
"It is enough to have your own lived experience and your own truth and therefore your own reaction to stuff."
"When you don't have an objective standard of truth, it's like having a rubber ruler."
"The film articulates an idea of the tension between our subjective view of the world and our faith in an objective reality beyond that."
"There is no objective truth and value; meanings and worth change depending on circumstance and perspective."
"There is no truth found in it all, reality is only what we perceive with flawed selfish minds."
"In a narcissist's subjective reality, there is only exploitation, power, and control."
"Reality is shaped by our understanding. All value is subjective."
"Existing for a while now in physical reality time that might be just a few seconds but in your time as you're sitting there and experiencing this it might feel like an eternity."
"Just because you think something is wrong doesn't make it wrong."
"But at the end of the day, nobody is wrong here, we can all argue from points on articles, we can all argue points from press conferences and interviews."
"History and facts were fundamentally unknowable... concentrate on making your own reality as you wanted it."
"Sometimes it's more about whether we want to believe something than whether something is true."
"The best we can do is hope to make our individual world as close to the real world as possible."
"That's what I'm taking from there: everything is different, everyone's truth is different."
"It's not really about the truth, it's about his truth."
"Believe what you want to believe, that's your business."
"What is impressed subjectively is expressed objectively."
"Math is fake. What I said is just as true as anything else."
"Imagine your thoughts start taking on a life of their own, then create a dream world that you think is real." - Hyperianism
"Most people still have work or some swamis searching for work... but yeah you know what I have no clue what is and isn't objectively fact I just know that some people want to have a conversation."
"The curation of the information itself and the incentives have to be put in a way that it promotes instead of siloing idea flow idea quality saturation of objective reality from subjective reality."
"It’s not about accuracy, it’s about a worldview."
"Reality is simply what you perceive it to be."
"It's possible for two people to be looking at the same thing and one of them is getting the wrong idea of what he's looking at."
"The only thing they teach you is true is your emotion, your feeling, your perspective, your story, your truth."
"The self introduces a subjective perspective in the mind."
"I think, therefore I am, like is your subjective frame of reference, or you just mean like in general how everybody seems to have kind of their own view of society exactly okay."
"Truth unless it's your own personal truth still remains in truth."
"There are as many versions of reality to experience as there are beings to interpret reality."
"It's not the facts of your life that matters, it's the interpretation of the facts."
"Until we recognize the universe in our head, attempts to understand the world remain a road to nowhere."
"The truth is it's both. It's what we make it to be."
"There is no truth, there's my truth, there's your truth, and everything is subjective."
"There's no right, no wrong, it's all true based on your beliefs."
"I'll always tell the truth, but it might not be the truth you think you hear."
"And when you jump in, and you start describing how you remember things, suddenly they feel like that's the real way it happened."
"No matter what we do, the world is subject to us and we are subject to our imagination."
"There's no truth, just varying shades of grey."
"You know, I think my dad is aware of like when he's like I didn't realize so you guys have dreams and you're not aware that you're in a dream like you literally think it's real life even if it's like something absurd yes."
"Everybody's version of the truth is the truth right now."
"There's no the truth, there's only your truth."
"When you have your own encounter, trust yourself."
"He's very right and it makes sense and I understand what he's talking about because it is actually part of the quantum code and the flag."
"We have the power to create our own reality during this time."
"Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give it."
"Remember, conditions have no meaning outside of the meaning you give them."
"Your subjective mind always forms the objective world in the image and likeness of your conception of it."
"People gonna believe what they want to."
"We see things only as we're constructed to see them, and can gain no idea of their absolute nature."
"Like a Pirandello play, where one man's sanity is another man's madness."
"We live in a culture that just teaches our kids and us that the most reliable guide to reality is our internal subjective feelings."
"There are multiple truths to the same or singular location when editing."
"They are nothing but a bundle or a collection of different perceptions."
"Because we all have different brains and different bodies, we're all going to experience different realities."
"Reason often takes a backseat to sentiment; feelings are facts."
"I prefer to remember things the way I want to, not necessarily the way they happened."