
Combustion Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Due to the fact that the volcano itself emits incredibly high and flammable sulfur gases, they ignite as they enter Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere and burn with an intense electric blue flame."
"It was chemists who, about 300 years ago, recognized the hugely important value of air in the way that fuels burn."
"Carbon monoxide is what happens when you burn gas and you don't have enough oxygen, and that's very dangerous."
"Complete combustion... I feel like that could be taken the wrong way buddy."
"The combustion is as clean as you can somehow make it."
"Deflagration increases cylinder pressure in an even, predictable, and controllable manner."
"If you want to light the air on fire with nothing but light, you need some gigantic power densities."
"Horsepower is generated by producing heat."
"That's what happens, that piston has fuel and air, and when it comes to the top, it compresses it all and makes it go boom."
"Nitrous oxide itself is not combustible, it just helps fuel burn faster because of the oxygen content."
"The cooler the air is, the more power you're going to be able to get out of the combustion chamber."
"A wild blown Nitro burning 392 Hemi"
"I can't say that enough how we place these logs, how we let it breathe, airflow is everything."
"A fire that doesn't breathe is going to create creosote and it's going to be bitter and it's going to be off-putting."
"The drier the wood, the easier the fire."
"...because the heat can't distribute through the material as it's burning or transitioning all of the heat is concentrated in that very thin micron thin shell of expanding reaction..."
"This thing's just going to light right off even though it has less than subpar compression."
"Once this fire gets going it needs a Beacon Point it needs some BTUs to catch vertically something inside of this fire needs to tell it don't go out the entire time go out and up."
"The experience offered by combustion is too pleasurable for it to be wasted on people who don't care and cars that aren't."
"One of the most remarkable things they found about this yellow solid here is that it burns."
"Fire is an extraordinarily complicated process."
"The dryer lint will burn on its own but the wax is going to let it burn a lot longer."
"It’s almost like combusting fossil fuels inside of a living space is a bad idea!"
"We do everything we possibly can to decrease the chamber surface area and increase the burn speed."
"Preheating the intake air might make it burn more but I don't really think it's burning better."
"I personally am skeptical that preheating the combustion air in a lantern really makes any difference at all."
"In a steam turbine, combustion of coal, petroleum, or natural gas heats water to make steam."
"This may result in incomplete combustion forming carbon monoxide due to cooling of the flame."
"We have to have an air fuel mixture and if any one of those three components are missing, we'll never have combustion."
"To every one part of fuel, we have 14.7 parts of air."
"Think about combustion is just like if you were to have a campfire. The more oxygen you put into the fire, the bigger the fire gets, the hotter it gets. But if I put in too much oxygen, I actually blow the flame out."
"Fire loves to climb, it needs space between the fuel and its end that promotes oxygen airflow which in turn creates heat."
"It's an aircraft engine... so when you start the vehicle the piston can't compress or the gas if there's no... and boom you could blow the similar part."
"... because that fuel passes over the intake valve and goes inside the combustion chamber, and direct injection-only cars, that does not happen."
"In a coal-fired plant, a bright yellowish-orange flame in the furnace is a positive indication that combustion is taking place properly."
"People are evaporatively cooled unvented combustion appliances."
"The origin is associated with fire, it's a state of combustion."
"Complete combustion means they're burning insufficient oxygen for all of the carbon and all of the hydrogen to be fully oxidized, so we're always going to make carbon dioxide and water."
"Alcohols burn to produce carbon dioxide and water, but they have a smoky flame."
"The higher the octane it means the more efficient that fuel burns within the cylinder correct."
"Sodium ion batteries are less prone to combustion or explosion compared to lithium-ion batteries."
"Colder air carries more oxygen and you need the oxygen to burn the fuel."
"With the mixture control, we actually have some control over the speed of the combustion event."
"Gunpowder grains burn from the surface into the center."
"Smaller grain powder burns faster due to increased surface area."
"Just because you have a fuel in there in the form of a mattress with bedding on it does not necessarily mean that that fire is disconnected kind of rage on and continue to burn it still needs a sufficient supply of oxygen in order for that fire to sustain."
"Spontaneous human combustion is amazing, bizarre, and horrific. Given all that, it still happens."
"Putting more energy into the combustion chamber through the air-fuel charge is what produced more power from the engine."
"The air-fuel ratio ultimately determines the amount of energy that's available in the combustion chamber, and it's that energy that determines how much torque the engine makes."
"Carry out a flue combustion analyst check and obtain satisfactory results."
"What's the number one source for a fire to be successful? It needs oxygen."
"Love is like a fire, and the fire needs two things: things to combust and oxygen."
"Complete combustion... you produce carbon dioxide and water as a byproduct."
"We're at a moment when it's possible to imagine in relatively short order humans ending large scale combustion on planet Earth."
"The old school of thought was the fire triangle, which had three components: oxygen, heat, and fuel."
"Just look at that flame which is now being produced, demonstrating once again the fantastic effect of oxygen on improving the combustion of an element."
"The power stroke is the one that's doing all the work."
"Detonation is where you have more of an explosive burn in your cylinder versus an even progressive burn."
"Petrol and diesel cars need heat or an external ignition source to catch fire."
"I'm very confident that we can get some really healthy, strong, beautiful flames from this car."
"This burns off, it re-burns the gases."
"Rising cylinder-head temperatures can be indicative of an abnormal combustion event that could actually damage the engine unless you arrest it."
"The colder the air, the more compressed it is, the more oxygen it has, the better the combustion process is."
"The metal burns at about a temperature of about 640 to 680 degrees and then cools down to about 560 degrees and continues to burn."
"So basically, when we look at a fire, it's like a triangle: you need fuel, you need heat, and you need oxygen."
"A high amount of oil used on Tut's body during burial actually combusted inside the tomb in antiquity, causing large amounts of damage before it was even opened."
"Alkanes are useful as fuels; they can burn in oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water, which we call complete combustion."
"Water doesn't burn, but the chemist isolates hydrogen from the water, and hydrogen is a gas that burns."
"We make power in cylinders by having a better fire."
"Enthalpy of combustion is the enthalpy change when one mole of a fuel is burned in excess oxygen."
"Hydrocarbon plus oxygen will always give you CO2 and H2O."
"Alcohols... they burn readily, producing a really nice clean light blue flame."
"For every gallon of gas your car burns at sea level, it also burns 1,476 cubic feet of air."
"The power of these engines largely comes from the combustion."
"The great thing it does for you, it helps create turbulence which allows your hot gases to mix with oxygen better to give a more complete burn."
"We want to cool it because smoke is basically incomplete combustion."
"More surface area means more oxygen; oxygen supports combustion."
"Zinc is the metal that within reason burns better than everything else."
"Combustion is a chemical reaction; it's actually a rapid oxidation which is the mixing of fuel, oxygen, and the source of ignition to release additional or excess heat."
"When I saw this fired up the first time... I could hardly believe what I was looking at because it was displaying so effectively the whole issue of combustion."
"The cylinder provides a combustion chamber where the burning and expansion of gases take place and it houses the piston and the connecting rod."
"Fire doesn't burn if there is no air, and the air would become very, very cold as ice without the heat of the Sun."
"Thermite is a unique mixture that burns hotter than the sun."
"Enthalpy of combustion... this time we're going to combust a carbon."
"The higher pressure will give you a higher ISP and be more efficient for when you combust things."
"Complete combustion... produces carbon dioxide and water."
"Incomplete combustion... leads to carbon monoxide being produced, which is bad because it's toxic."
"Burning these fuels releases gases that trap heat in the atmosphere."
"Calorimetry is used to work out the enthalpy change of a combustion."
"Modern fuels release more energy faster and consume more oxygen than legacy fuels."
"The three parts of a fire are three triangles: heat, fuel, oxygen. If you lose any one, the fire goes out."
"High-speed combustion is essentially combustion efficiency."
"Carbon monoxide is formed from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels."
"That is an incredibly efficient burn."
"The fire can't breathe, that's why the flames are moving out of the door, it's very fuel rich."
"When we burn biomass, we're releasing what we refer to as modern carbon."
"I'm a scientist, consider the following, fire needs oxygen."
"The heat that comes from a fire happens because of something called combustion."
"Combustion is where organic matter burns in the presence of oxygen and releases carbon dioxide."
"The enthalpy of reaction for the combustion of carbon to carbon dioxide is minus three hundred and ninety-three point five kilojoules per mole."
"You really want to atomize it; the liquid fuel does not burn, it's the individual droplets and the vapor around it."
"The definition of octane is the fuel's ability to resist spontaneous combustion caused by either high heat and/or high compression."
"It's not a true rocket stove, we're talking about a double wall stove that actually burns the superheated gases at the top of the stove."
"For a fire to start, three key elements are needed: firstly, a source of ignition or heat; secondly, a source of fuel; and thirdly, a supply of oxygen."
"The ignition temperature can vary per source."
"The ignition temperature specifies at which temperature a voxel will ignite."
"The burn rate is related to a parameter that you might be familiar with from the combustion literature called the equivalence ratio."
"If the burn rate is set to one, it means that the mixture that you are emitting will be at perfect stoichiometric conditions."
"Soot is what gives rise to this glowing look of the flames."
"Fire is a visible effect of the process of combustion."
"The three essential elements required for combustion are fuel, oxygen, and heat or source of ignition."
"When silicon burns, it produces glass, also say sand or silicon dioxide; when carbon burns, it produces what? Greenhouse gas."
"It's burning with a really, really clean blue flame."
"The calorific value is a measure of the amount of heat released during its combustion."
"The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is... C₂H₄ + 3O₂ → 2CO₂ + 2H₂O."
"More oxygen molecules in the air creates a more powerful burn in your engine; bigger bang equals bigger horsepower."
"Combustion is the consuming by flame of the volatile gases released by applying heat to the fuel."
"In the combustion, we ended up with how heat energy being used to generate electricity by generating sufficient amount of steam from water."
"Ethanol burns blue and smokeless but these blue flames can be virtually invisible to the naked eye."
"Hydrogen burns much faster than gasoline, resulting in rapid combustion that enhances engine responsiveness."
"The only force that's gonna make this rocket accelerate has to do with the combustion inside the rocket."
"What's happening is as the fuel travels further away from the flamethrower, it ignites and gets really, really super hot here, and then gradually cools down."
"In zero gravity, a candle's flame is round and blue."
"I really hope combustion motors don't go anywhere because it's such a passion for so many people, including myself."
"Combustion is the type of organic reaction that produces both water and carbon dioxide."
"The fire triangle says there are three elements that need to be present for a fire to be able to burn: oxygen, heat, and fuel."
"The fire tetrahedron is exactly the same thing with one additional component added to it, and that's the chemical chain reaction."
"The gunpowder begins to burn, it creates pressure within this cartridge."
"Fire is a chemical reaction that produces energy in the form of heat, light, and flame."
"Avoiding these harmful byproducts by vaporization is one of the reasons that people generally consider vaporization healthier than combustion."
"If you look at the thermodynamics for the reaction of oxygen with a lot of different substrates, you have to pause and wonder why we don't all spontaneously combust."
"If we lived in a world of singlet oxygen, we would all be running around on fire, and not in a good way."
"The catalytic converter is designed to promote continued combustion in the exhaust through heat and chemical oxidation."
"We can use thermodynamics to understand the details of combustion at a slightly deeper level."
"All the hydrocarbons are burnt, all the CO is burnt to CO2, all the particulates are gone."