
Wildfire Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"A man in Utah has been arrested for accidentally starting a 60-acre wildfire while trying to burn a spider with a cigarette lighter."
"The California wildfire sparked by a gender reveal celebration taking the life of a first responder."
"The rescue team went to Kangaroo Island to help koalas that suffered due to the wildfires."
"Pray those wildfires don't reach the ocean or the whole state is going to be fried worse than Dog the Bounty Hunter."
"The Dixie Fire erupted in California and is edging close to a town still rebuilding from a 2018 firestorm."
"Authorities say that a 26 year old man has been arrested this week after he allegedly ignited a 60-acre wildfire."
"California wildfire is straight out of a horror movie."
"This is now the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history."
"The apocalyptic scene in Maui unfolded before sunrise, an island wildfire so explosive flames poured into the Pacific, forcing the desperate to plunge into the ocean to escape the inferno."
"California's record-breaking 2020 fire season has now become a fire year."
"I wondered what kind of wildfire this was and how it had seemingly leapt past half of them directly to the bridge."
"It's blowing up, it's burning up the internet, it's spreading like wildfire."
"If you see a lot of videos of Wildland fires trucks going down the road hoses are draped on the back."
"Soon word of mouth spread like wildfire."
"This script uses either Landsat 8 or Sentinel-2 imagery to calculate the normalized burn ratio for pre and post-fire images."
"We're sitting out right underneath the Bobcat fire in Los Angeles, which is right up in the Angeles forest. And it's, I'd say, four or five days now of noticeable. You see it in the air, you smell it, you cough."
"It's the worst forest fire in record history."
"...what climate change is doing is greatly amplifying the likelihood that those initial ignitions go on to become large intense and dangerous conflagrations that become difficult to control and can really adversely affect both communities and ecosystems."
"The wildfire was cleansing her, burning away all her rage and fear, filling her with resolve."
"A single match can cause thousands of acres to burn."
"This Wildfire season is the most serious fire fight Canada has ever faced."
"The news had spread like wildfire."
"The 1910 Great Northern Rockies fires ... burning about three million acres in about 48 hours."
"AI helps people navigate wildfires."
"The only way to stop a wildfire is to take the fuel away from it."
"The fire started on the eastern side of the Napa Valley and progressively moved north and east."
"... a lightning strike near sealer's Cove started a fire that burned 62 000 Acres."
"The fire creates its own wind sometimes."
"This is one of those fires we just have to stop and look and go wow."
"It would have been a picture of serenity if it didn't remind me of a wildfire rising up from the trees."
"It started out instantly, it spread like wildfire."
"There hadn't been a forest fire in one of the most radioactive and contaminated areas in the world."
"Once a wildfire starts, it takes on a life and personality of its own."
"A virus like this is like wildfire; it'll burn and burn until it eventually extinguishes itself or until it consumes everything in its path."
"Your success will depend on how well you understand fire behavior in the wildland urban interface."
"We were completely surrounded, people outside said that the flames passed over the top of the roof from one side to the other."
"Fire is a fact of life in California."
"California's wildland fires burn hotter, travel faster, and are much more destructive than they used to be."
"The reputation of the Shadow Island has spread far and wide like a wildfire."
"General Sherman, the world's largest tree, is wrapped in a fire-resistant blanket as wildfires threaten the park."
"We deal with wildfires in Africa with helicopters dropping water on them."
"I mean, last year, for example, you might remember smoke pollution from Canadian wildfires alone affected nearly 70 million people in 32 states."
"I've been working in wildfire for 40 years; I've never seen a fire move like this fire moved."