
Religious Revival Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"An awakening affects an entire area... and there have been, some call it the Azusa Street Revival... but the impact of Azusa Street was an awakening."
"We need a Great Awakening. We must put Jesus Christ back in his proper place in our lives, schools, churches, governments, and Society."
"There's never been a full-blown Global Revival of Deliverance until now."
"Revival is a season of unusual Divine visitation. God comes with intense power, with intense conviction, with intense transformation."
"I believe the greatest revival in history is yet to come, a time of unparalleled salvation during the most difficult time."
"A victory over the devil, let a mighty revival of baptisms come to their city, come to their home."
"We need real Revival in this country... it's just Christianity in other countries and they don't have mass shootings."
"God's using her to lead one of the most prolific real Revival movements the Earth has ever seen."
"Let the global revival continue tomorrow night."
"Revival has hit this land Revival has hit America come on babies babies Sons and Daughters will be saved."
"But nobody be naive, there will be a revival, there will be a move the spirit of God but there will be a definite backlash."
"God is in control and he sparked this revival."
"It truly is a spiritual revival in this country."
"We're living in the day of the greatest revival to ever hit this planet."
"Maybe there's a promising future, maybe there's a resurgence of Christianity on the horizon."
"We're heading into the most amazing revival, it's going to be led by our Eucharistic revival."
"The greatest harvest of souls in American history is happening right now."
"Soul winning is back on a massive scale because people are hungry."
"I've not experienced the power of God like this with no one touching them."
"For those of you who have been believing and contending for Revival it's coming."
"The great impact is the great Revival. It's the Great Harvest and it's going to be wild, wild where the boldness of the church is released."
"I'm in on the next 90 days... Prodigals coming home to the Lord in Jesus' name."
"God is doing something, a revival happening right now."
"This is the biggest revival of all Christianity... the only truly universal religion."
"We're going to have a revival right where we are. Oh, we need some footstopping hand clapping tambourines slapping."
"An ultimate solution to a lot of the problems that you and I agree face America... has to come from cultural and religious revival, and government can't."
"The Great Awakening sparked religious revival throughout the colonies."
"The only hope for this nation is that the church wakes up in Revival."
"Nations will convert and the faith will be rekindled."
"The return of the Gods is a revelation concerning the ancient gods of old being resurrected."
"There's coming the greatest Revival across the globe that we've ever seen."
"We're in the throes of a great revival and spiritual awakening."
"So we praise the LORD for that too because we're seeing that happen and we're seeing this new breed arise in this time."
"This is a time for Revival, this is the time for my church to reunite as one."
"We're going to take back true early Christianity... with power."
"This is the start of the greatest revival in history for one nation under God, and that God is Jesus. Amen. God bless you all."
"The greatest days of this revival are yet ahead of us."
"Any widespread Revival that happens in the church needs to involve repentance for these things and many more."
"Revival is a powerful movement of God's spirit that brings a renewed sense of Faith passion and Zeal to Believers and non-believers alike."
"When it's when we get healed in our soul of all the tombs that we're dwelling among... that's how you get authority, that's how you get revival, that's how you get the mantle."
"God is about to pour out his spirit in this country like never before."
"This movie will absolutely change your life. I believe it's going to be a catalyst to Revival in America."
"It's going to change the minds of people worldwide... it's going to change a lot of the way they see things in their Community."
"True Revival is the collective Obedience of God's people."
"The greatest Revival in the history of the world is coming upon us."
"Revival must come through repentance, and why are we here today? Because this is the day appointed for the return."
"Revival is always local, it's always contagious, it's always Christian becoming revived infecting Christian."
"You're another domino in the Revival that God is doing all over the Earth right now."
"Repentance is key for a renewal that brings a Revival."
"Revival is coming and when that revival hits and the glory of God hits there's not a disease in existence could stand in His presence."
"Revival means the putting away of the apostasy, the repenting of the apostate practices and beliefs, and a return to the pure worship of the word of God."
"Revival can no longer be a substitute; there's no substituting for revival."
"We're seeing record numbers of people come to Jesus."
"What you really want is reformation. If revival doesn't become reformation, they can be occupied by devils, and after the winds of revival blow, what happens is the enemy comes back."
"His name is Jonathan Edwards and tonight he is under the same unction of God as during the time when God shook the Eastern Seacoast of this nation with a 15-year move of the Holy Spirit."
"The next move of God is not a man Revival, it's a Jesus Christ Revival."
"Revival is happening at fivefold church every Sunday."
"This has to do with the most world-changing, the most impactful outpouring of the Holy Ghost and fire to ever hit this planet! Amen."
"The internet's about to be shot up with a whole bunch of revival of Jesus Christ."
"The start of the Great Awakening can be traced to a series of messages that Jonathan Edwards preached in Northampton on the subject of justification by faith."
"This is a real Revival, where we're coming to the altar and turning our lives back over to Jesus for Real."
"Many lives were changed at Azusa Street, and through them, thousands came to experience the baptism with the Holy Spirit."
"Revival is not a dream, the word of God is not just hope, the promises of God, they are yay and they are amen."
"This is the End Time Revival, not just any Revival, but the end time Revival."
"The recovery of Orthodoxy in the West is well underway in our Western right parishes."
"Either God is going to perpetuate this revival and it's going to keep going deeper and deeper and higher and higher and longer and longer or either the clouds are about to split and Jesus is about to come."
"For revival had become a defining feature of American Protestantism."
"We are on the verge of the greatest revival the church has ever seen."
"We need a Holy Ghost spirit-filled revival in the church today that sets us ablaze for the glory of God."
"It's a revival that's going to surpass the Book of Acts in power."
"The greatest Revival is not going to be of the young people or the old people; it's going to be two generations joining together and bringing the church to its greatest hour."
"...religious revival broke out in many parts of Scotland when the Covenant was presented."
"During the tribulation, there will be the greatest revival of human history."
"The revival can be messy, but it's worth it."
"The Lord sent a prophet to completely explain things to them, and the order revived the way that it should be."
"We're in a season of purifying, refining, pruning, and then after that, God's going to do what? Command a great Revival."
"The Great Awakening is a religious revival in the colonies and in Europe."