
Life Preparation Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"By me running, I am callousing my mind. I’m not training for a race. I’m training for life."
"By running, I am callousing my mind. I'm not training for a race, I'm training for life."
"Your parents' role isn't to prepare the road for their child but to prepare their child for the road."
"Hope for the best but prepare for the worst."
"We gotta make sure our names are in the Book of Life. I'm striving, I'm hoping for the best, and I'm preparing for the worst."
"Befriend your future old self because you will become her."
"The challenges and hardships are just life's way of preparing your soul so that you can be ready when opportunity comes."
"Church is many members and it's the best thing that God is offering to you in this life to prepare for a life better than this."
"Your past was meant to train you, teach you, and develop you, prepare you for this empire."
"Stop complaining about where you are, it's preparation for where He's going to take you."
"I am not engaged...I just like to be prepared."
"Something could be setting you up for what you want to accomplish in your life next."
"Life goes quick, life's gonna move on you and so you need to start young and prepare for that so when you get to my age you're on easy street."
"I realized everything in life prepared me for this journey."
"I think my way is going to be um I feel like I've been preparing for this for a long time."
"He'll grow up good and strong and we'll be there to prepare him for a world that can be warm and wonderful but also very strange and cold."
"It's not all about grades, but preparing them for life."
"Life is unpredictable. Prepare for the worst with life insurance."
"Invest in yourself, ladies and gentlemen. It's not always about the financial aspect. It's about spiritual preparation, physical preparation, having structure in your life."
"Kids, I want all the students to be ready for the world when they leave here."
"Suffering at times is a preparation, not hatred." - Narrator
"One of the main factors while we are studying signs of judgment day that it impacts our life we live better lives so that we are prepared to meet Allah subhana wa ta'ala on the day of judgment."
"I have prepared for everything my whole life except one thing: old age."
"The biggest preparation you better have is knowing where you're going when you leave this Earth."
"It's incredibly important, but they want you to know algebra but they don't want you to know like how to do taxes."
"What are the things that you are most afraid of? What have you not done because I guarantee you everything you've done to this point has prepared you for this?"
"November 2022 is going to be an absolutely mind-blowing time for you, everything that was happening in your life so far was preparing you for this moment."
"I tell my kids, 'You know what? I was preparing for y'all to get here.' That's how I feel."
"I'm prepping my life, I'm setting myself up for what I want to be."
"Be prepared that it's going to lead to something much bigger or greater in your life than you may expect."
"I learned so many things from each relationship that I feel like it's prepared me for where I'm at now."
"You've been training for this for lifetimes. Part three, you are ready."
"They prepared you for it. If anything, they prepared you for this 10th pentagon that you're gonna get."
"The speech you gave about preparing you for life, you know, Crossfit's for life, changed my perspective entirely."
"He's not going to protect her from the world, he's going to prepare her for it."
"This is a moment, an opportunity that I've been prepared and prepped for my entire life."
"Life lessons transformed into wisdom, preparing you for a new, unexpected path."
"A parents job is to put their kid in the best position to have a happy, healthy successful life."
"But that's pretty much it guys I'll keep you updated take care God bless and don't forget the three p's prepare practice and persevere."
"Dreams as messages: your soul communicates insights and premonitions to prepare you for life's challenges."
"Teach them real life skill set... every aspect of their real life."
"Son, that didn't prepare you for the real world at all."
"At best it's a stall... you're still going to have to face what's on the other side."
"You prepare the child for the dunya that he lives in according to the Sunnah, and you prepare your child for the hereafter according to the Kitab and the Sunnah."
"The universe is preparing behind the scenes."
"Everything in your past was getting you ready for your future."
"Are you prepared to die? Have you made any preparation at all for your death?"
"I never thought about it preparing me for what I do now, but yeah, I believe in like divine order."
"Memento Mori. Seneca's advice: 'Prepare our minds as if we'd come to the very end of life.'"
"The challenges that show up are to prepare us for the next challenges in life."
"Every moment in life has prepared you for the next moment."
"Do it, make the changes you're ready for it, you've been preparing for this moment all your life."
"Prepare for your time and prepare from now and do not look at the insignificant issues in life."
"You need to prepare for the actual big moment when it comes to moving on with your life."
"College is done it needs to be remodeled and remade into something that prepares people for actual life."
"I've been preparing for this my whole life, you know?"
"I prepared myself for life because I wanted to do bigger things."
"I wouldn't change a thing because it inevitably prepared me for things that were harder, were more challenging."
"A rising tide lifts all boats; it's not just the kids with problems but all kids who can benefit from these skills. These are an inoculation for life."
"The whole goal of the personal statement is to tell me why you've been preparing your whole life to become a physician."
"Consider the school as a preparation for life, not just a place where instruction is given."
"I think that sort of discipline probably set me in good stead for what I ended up doing."
"If you want to prepare for this life, if you want to become 'the difficult,' you have to be on the offensive."
"I have never been more ready for anything in my life."
"Yes, these are actually unironically super important to be educated on at school so that people don't just wander blindly into the world."
"But I think basketball in the show is not so much how well do you play the game, but how well are you preparing for the game of life."
"If you do a business degree, you will learn those essential life skills that I think everyone should know."
"Everything that I went through was to prepare me for what I'm going through right now."
"The education system rarely teaches you skills about initiative or marketing or sales."
"School doesn't really prepare you that much for the real world."
"How can I best prepare myself for life? How can I think about problems in an interesting way?"
"You've been preparing this for your entire life."
"We're talking about lives... how do you prepare these guys for when it's all over?"
"School is supposed to prepare a person for life, not wear them out."
"Life is prepping you for a lot more."
"Brooklyn was a boarding school for the streets, get you ready for the real world."
"It's important to come to terms with that for us and also in particular for our family members and our children."
"It's a beautiful thing to be able to homeschool the kids in so many different areas, to prepare them for life."
"I spent my life being prepared, and the VIG is always ready."
"It's the greatest gift my parents gave me; it really sets you up for life."
"As soon as children are born into our homes, we have a responsibility to prepare them for life."
"We are not so activity-oriented as to prepare for activity; we prepare for life."
"School is not for that period. It is a great tool to learn how to socialize and build informed friendships but ultimately you're there for one thing is to learn and to learn life skills that you're going to take off into college or into work in the workforce."
"It is perhaps even more important to prepare children for the many aspects of adult life that require cooperation."
"School should teach skills, school should give you experiences, schools should just prepare you for life."
"Find something else that gets you excited to be there every single day and you've essentially prepared yourself for life."
"That's life skills that you need; no matter what field you go into in life, you need to understand how to manage your money."