
Book Reviews Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Reading one-star reviews of your favorite books can be therapeutic and a reminder that you can't please everyone."
"It has amazing reviews. It has over four stars, like 45,000 reviews on Goodreads."
"But I'm not sure if anyone else feels like that about this book you'll have to let me know in the comments."
"And if not I hope you're looking forward to the next book video."
"That's the point of the book I don't expect this to be 1941 Germany where people are gonna literally burn the book but a new form of book burning is when mobs ascend on these retailers just to wreak reviews so that someone else won't buy the book."
"Just because he's a doctor and he's trending, it doesn't mean he's correct."
"Chances that you get conned review points in upcoming books is much higher than... an actual book series."
"So if you're listening to this and you agreed you were like okay it was good but it wasn't like I mean go read it or you just don't have trauma in your life."
"Just because I hated this book, you could love it. I'm excited to inadvertently give some recommendations but also, hopefully steer you clear from books that you don't need to waste your time with."
"Goodreads, see what different people like about different books."
"People are really writing about this book as if it's some modern-day Mein Kampf against migration."
"I knew when I picked it up there was no way it wasn't going to make my personal top 10."
"You don't need to tag the author in your one-star review."
"I wrote every one of the book reviews... it is the most powerful connection."
"Let's rewind to before I read this book where I hated romance books."
"It's like reviewing a book in video form, you know? Maybe I can do it. I listen to book reviews in audio form, but I've never watched a video review of a book."
"Stop giving books you dislike high ratings because you feel bad for the author and want to pity rate them. That is why so many trash books have 4.5 stars on Goodreads, and it's annoying."
"It's really good to have a fresh perspective kind of read it and tell you their thoughts on it."
"But I do think that some of you guys could end up actually really liking the book."
"Unlike a lot of YouTuber books that I've read, there's at least a good moral to some of the stories being told."
"This might make it onto my best romances of the year list."
"I am very much free to say whatever I want about these books, about my opinions on these books..."
"It is much more intellectual to be able to say why you enjoyed a book rather than just saying yes I enjoyed it or no I did not enjoy it."
"I'm just so thrilled that it's getting such great reviews."
"I talk about the books so that you don't have to read them."
"Most people aren't getting reviews, that's why their books aren't selling."
"This is sorting favorites among favorites...all four of these are probably going to be in my top favorite reads for the entire year possibly for my lifetime...these are up there five stars each incredible amazing I love them all."
"Honest reviews are important for other readers. They aren't for the author. They aren't for the author's friends."
"Prioritize getting Arc readers who will give honest reviews."
"If you clicked on this video wanting some scary books and you're like, 'Ah, these don't sound scary enough,' then maybe this is the one to turn it up or not."
"I obviously peaked at the good reads choice so I will be doing a little bloggy blog built on that because a few of you all have commented about wanting a reading vlog specific Le that kind of video."
"Just because they say they'll review the book, doesn't mean they will."
"Word of mouth and the unstoppable appeal of the books soon made up for any poor reviews."
"If they like any of the books, please do reviews. They're very, very helpful and they'll keep me writing."
"I think it's important to never fully judge a book based on its rating."
"A beautiful book cover isn't going to cut it if the story is crap. I've read so many books in the past few years that have had beautiful stunning covers that have just been like so amazing and then you get into the book and it's just like a mess, a straight-up mess."
"Booktubers should read just as many books that they enjoy as they hate."
"I find that three-star reviewers are more likely to give you lots of context about what they liked and didn't like about a book."
"Leaving a review on your favorite author's book does a lot for the author."
"I'm going to focus on books that I think I'm going to give five stars to."
"I'm going to do a video where I read only authors that I have previously given five stars."
"If you ever need something to read, please stop by; I'll be here putting out reviews, I'm not going anywhere."
"I think I can do it because I love doing the book reviews, it's pleasure for me."
"I think 'Bunny' is my number one, which I did not see coming at all."
"It enriches the experience of reading the books even if you're saying something negative or you didn't like it."