
Inspirational Leadership Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"It is my responsibility, is our responsibility, to continue that so that a hundred years from now, we are still that bright shining light."
"I've never seen somebody like him, leadership-wise."
"People are watching us and seeing what we're doing, and they're very impressed."
"With that kind of leadership, you could build trust, you could build hope, you could lead people to a better place."
"I want to give people hope. I'm a cheerleader for our country."
"The people who are the most passionate can move everybody else and that is what you are seeing in real time."
"Pharrell has an ability to bring out the best in other people."
"Crack open the universe... inspire those around me."
"The power of example is amazing... there's a role that we all as a society and community can play."
"You've got to be the change that you want to see in the world."
"Actually come out of it enlightened a bit yourself, and then you ask that of everyone else who's watching you."
"A show filled with empathy, courage, everyday heroism, and the 'Follow me!' ethos."
"Real greatness is often best measured by the greatness you inspire in others."
"Genius is just getting in front of god's people and getting out of god's way."
"We must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"Roberto Di Matteo takes Chelsea to its champions league final... Roberto Di Matteo is unquestionably in my mind a god-like Chelsea manager."
"You'll not only build the building, but the walls will never contain the people God will send to it."
"This institution is an act of dauntless hope."
"He allowed us to be superheroes, rock stars alongside him."
"We have every confidence that you are capable of great things done with simplicity and in the Lord's way."
"What will matter most is what others learn from you about who they really are and what they can really become." - President Henry B. Irene
"Humanity's ability to inspire, the only force powerful enough to not only lead us into the Collector's inferno but to lead us out of it."
"Leaders hold a position of power, but those who lead inspire us."
"We follow those who lead not for them, but for ourselves."
"It's those who start with 'why' that have the ability to inspire those around them."
"Never in my lifetime have I seen a country stand up with such passion and such courage and demand the much-needed change." - Leslie Odwin
"Webb represents the best of NASA. It maintains our ability to propel us forward for science, for risk-taking, for inspiration."
"You're a vision carrier, a vision keeper. There's greatness on the inside of that person."
"Ron Dennis said that he wanted McLaren to feel 90% NASA, 10% Disneyland."
"How can you listen to Elon say that with such extreme confidence and not come away excited and inspired?"
"He loves talent, he loves creativity, and everyone bringing their own particular unique beauty and dreams to his bigger dream."
"Muhammad didn't just talk the talk, he walked the walk every day." - John Ramsey
"She brings the light. She comes in and leads a detective night in the pursuit of taking care of and protecting and serving the people of New York City."
"Now let us raise the flag of justice into the sky together."
"We'll discuss the specifics of his ideology later, but to the people of Helghan, he carried a simple but powerful message: that through their unique hardships, the men and women of Helghan had become more than human, extra human."
"I ought to care more about you than I do about me. I ought to care more about what's right than I do about what's popular."
"We must act to seize the future, and I hope to discover hints on how to go about this through this talk with Professor Harari." - Governor Koike
"We need someone that has that equal Charisma and fire."
"It was John who showed us the light, who gave us hope, made us believe, and pushed us to become."
"What better way to rebuild your power base than to have people follow you because they love you?"
"What we need is something they can believe in, a vision for a future that they actually want."
"How do I improve everybody's life in this country? You've got to give people a narrative. You've got to give people an answer. You've got to give people a story."
"Then a battle cry by Philip of Artois was heard as he seized a banner of the Virgin Mary: 'Forward in the name of God and St. George, today you shall see me a valorous knight.'"
"So many people fell on you, you made it, you set the path, everyone else saw that it was possible."
"Enthusiasm is infectious, and you're witnessing that philosophy bearing fruits."
"You want people who can both inspire and move the population."
"She became the voice of people who at the time were being incessantly suppressed."
"And it's so good to see younger people like you guys picking up the ball here, picking up the baton, and doing such a courageous job."
"Big thinkers are specialists in creating positive, forward-looking, optimistic pictures."
"We've persuaded players who've become legends of this club. So, you know, this fairy tale..."
"Garvey overflowed national boundaries, spoke to something deep in our soul, and had no regard for oppressors."
"We hold the power of the cathedral, we just have to create the space."
"The mission is to set humanity free, reaching out with love and authority."
"You are furthering the divine stride of our founding fathers."
"Do prove that you are with us, do prove that you will not let us go, do prove that you are indeed Europeans, and then life will win over death and light will win over darkness." - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
"We need to show our loved ones what courage looks like so they can have courage."
"I'm setting an example for other kids out there who are chasing wild dreams to not just stutter in the face of adversity."
"The way you truly honor a Founder is not to talk about them in an historical context. You honor a Founder by talking about them in a present day context."
"A.I. was really connected to the people, you know what I mean? When you can make people put down guns, people that really wasn't thinking about they could make it, he gave them hope."
"So much of politics can get kind of nasty and dirty, it was fun to be able to get in the mind and perspective of someone that was trying to raise people up."
"That's the type of person this world needs now more than ever."
"We must carry on Xavier's vision. Oh, world, unite!"
"People like Martin Luther King and others are not merely heroes because they spent their life in the service of others. They're also heroes because they recognize the injustices long before the rest of us."
"She gave us love, courage, she showed us the future, she makes us feel like we can make it now."
"I'm proud of this brother, young brother, proud of him."
"Simon started like a little revolution with all disc golfers. I know that you inspired me to start a YouTube channel for sure."
"This is the United States of America. There's not a single thing beyond our capacity when we decide to do it together."
"John Lewis believed in the Lord, he believed in humanity, and he believed in America." - President George W. Bush
"He's the right human being he's the right person he's the right he's everything you want to believe in he's everything you want to get behind and see fight."
"Roosevelt mounted high on Horseback and charging the rifle pits at a gallop and quite alone made you feel that you would like to cheer."
"I'm just passionate about my country and inspiring the next generation."
"He's really a genius in that sense that was very inspiring to work alongside that kind of creative force."
"Never had I seen so great courage, nay not amongst all the Nephites."
"God is using you and many of the speakers on the reawaken America Tour in a very powerful way."
"We can do this. There's nothing we've ever failed to do when we decided to do it together."
"The greats, they keep going because they understand that people depend on them." - Michelle Taylor Willis
"I follow you proudly... Brothers, sisters of Kathira, join me!"
"America's fearless resolve has inspired heroes who defined our national character."
"I just want to thank you guys, I'm here to motivate y'all. Y'all could do whatever you put your mind to."
"Make people feel like they belong to something bigger than themselves."
"We must show them that her wings stretch across these lands, never-ending."
"The Esters are rising, the Moris are rising, and I want to know who's with me."
"No one is more important to this team, this family, than you. Inspiring people is your superpower."
"I think it's always inspiring, yeah, kids who want to kind of, you know, change your world, you want to get them empowered inspired and get them riled up and get them thinking I want to go outside and get dirty."
"Leadership is a level of responsibility...you have this ability to really impact the lives of others just by showing up and being you."
"They're real, they're passionate, they're all around us, they're the game changers who are literally growing a greener world and inspiring the rest of us to do the same."
"Sir Alex leading them out onto the pitch should be the biggest inspiration they get."
"Be a beacon for anyone who dares to dream despite the barriers."
"My goal is to create a brighter day for as many people as I possibly can."
"We need a vision for what the post-carbon economy looks like that is inspiring enough and delivers enough in terms of jobs, in terms of new opportunities, in terms of better health. It has to be exciting."
"Be the change you wish to see. Group photo of everyone Bernie has lifted up from poverty."
"I love being able to help kickstart your success."
"The power of the visionary: give people something to believe in."
"Continue challenging the status quo. Your ambition is inspiring others."
"You're the light, and they're dark. So they need you. You're the lights they need in the dark."
"We are doing this amazing tour of Turk Island, and I can say you guys are the shining light for the rest of the world."
"Endeavor's tenacity inspires those watching as he proves why he can be the new symbol of peace."
"I trust you guys, I know you can do it because you guys are inspirational."
"Be led by the people that are talking about light and about hope, don't be led by people that are taking you even further into fear at the moment."
"My Spartans are humanity's next step, our destiny as a species."
"I need you to lift the spirituality of the whole planet. I need you to be hope, I need you to be faith."
"He wanted to make sure that other people... had a chance to live their dreams."
"The idea of being awake and aware isn't about becoming more lonely, it's about becoming a Wayfarer, one who shines the light for all before them just by being you."
"Hold your light and be that beacon, do not waver under the sphere-based energy."
"The one who has this kind of insight isn't just preaching prepared speeches, they're someone who understands how to call someone back to Allah, no matter what the circumstance."
"You're only as powerful as the people who you can inspire to action."
"Jesus stands on his own as the most remarkable luminary of all time."
"This update has the potential to be the best Sumeru update yet."
"However, what really broke me was the final notes for the series Duo's disciples write about him being the great pillar who supported them and helped them grow."
"The most powerful leadership of all is kind of effortless. You're just becoming better, and that attracts people."
"He always wanted to see those things through... he inspired greatness in others."
"Never forget that we fight for a future where kids like him will always smile."
"It's really inspiring to see somebody who executes their vision."
"Malcolm lives in each of us, and we must all work together for the community."
"If I give them anything it's faith and mindset."
"United we stand when we work together under his lordship; great things happen."
"Lead people with inspiration and fight for something, not just against everything."
"Sometimes all it takes is one person with a vision to start a revolution."
"He wants to bring more love and positivity to the community, which I think is really admirable."
"You are a man that's created to create an atmosphere conducive for the Glory of God."
"It's a high honor to inform, inspire, and empower my people."
"Let us be a representation of your glory and make people level up and go after who you truly are."
"If you are speaking truth to power, awakening the world, you are the real star."
"He made you an Avenger. The world needs that. Maybe Stark was wrong."
"On the shoulders of giants, it's time we become giants!"
"Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world."
"Your vision should be so dynamic that not only you are excited about it, everyone that hears it should want to get involved or at least write a vision of their own."
"You are opening the eyes of others by keeping your eyes open to the truth."
"Martin Luther King appealed to our common humanity as individual human beings."
"Nat Turner wasn't selfish because he could have escaped... he returned back because he knew that he couldn't rise above his nation."
"It's about being the person that you need to be for the people that are watching and you devote yourself to that."
"If you give people a mission and you give them a need, they can sometimes amaze you."
"Bless you all, Bear Nation. Stay frosty and go be the light."
"Don't follow me, you're going to do greater things than I am."
"If you want to inspire people, you don't say 'we need to be better at messaging.' Show, don't tell."
"So when I watched more brothers... that are bringing it out in a meek and humble way, I mean, that's key to me."
"If Nigeria is a weapon fashioned against us and the Bible says no weapon fashioned against us is going to prosper, then we can build at least build on the clearer honorable legacies of the likes of these two babas."
"You guys are going to be lighting the way for others."
"It will honor his legacy and be guided by his own words and experiences and driven by his passion for making a difference in as many lives as possible."
"Her impact in her ministry transcended denominational borders."
"She spoke with the team just days before her passing in coach Davison and her strength and joy for Life changed this group of young men."
"My people want to revitalize the nation they live in, but I want to revitalize their hearts from within."
"Dr. Martin Luther King implored us to judge one another based on the content of our character and not the color of our skin."
"You're a powerful spirit guide in the flesh, guiding others to their own victory, their own freedom."
"God is going to use you to show people how it's done."
"Through his charisma, through the power of his teachings, formed a movement on behalf of the weak, the poor, the dispossessed, the marginalized."
"The goosebumps moment Sir Khaleesi lifted the World Cup."
"Those who inherit the title of Joy boy are charged with a transcendent mission to bring great transformation to the world, freeing those who cry out for help."
"He did amazing things in terms of here in America, inspiring men of all walks of life within the Pentecostal realms of all denominations and types and outside of the Pentecostal realms, he brought them all together."
"The best CEOs... know that they are also an inspiration."
"You've got to make them want to run through brick walls."
"Kennedy got up before Congress and gave arguably one of the most clear and compelling goals that any leader has ever given."
"He has inspired fear, confidence, and awe all across the globe."
"True leaders do not control people, they inspire them."