
Public Appeal Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"It's a mistake! It's insensitive. It's arrogant. It's disrespectful to other people, and it has to stop, and it has to stop now."
"I sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the American people. I humbly ask all the members to do your jobs and consider the merit of what I have presented."
"If anything, he represented the worst of late night, the most unappealing portrait to younger viewers."
"What is populism? It's a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people."
"Americans are waking up... Donald Trump asked on the campaign trail... what the hell do you have to lose?"
"In times of desperation, thus we ask that anyone with any sliver of information related to Stefan's disappearance, his truck's disappearance or the situation at large to please call the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation."
"Prince Harry respectfully calls on authorities to do their duty for the British public."
"We need your help to make this happen. We need countries to commit to River cleaning, we need companies to help with funding and operations, and we need you to tell the world to close the tap."
"They're destroying our country. They're wrecking our country. As a citizen, I demand that Joe Biden close the border immediately. Close it. Close the border, Joe. You can do it. He doesn't need Congress."
"I think an autopsy will...put to rest most of these questions." - Scott Duffy
"I'm just trying to be a good artist, trying to make my bread, trying to make good music for the people."
"I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets: please deal with the misinformation and disinformation."
"We're just asking the people of Texas to make small sacrifices, just little sacrifices, no blood or anything like that..."
"Can he make a statement? I saw the tweet, ask people to leave the Capitol."
"I think he's authentic I think that's what that's what wins people over and Donald Trump was was the same in a way."
"Health care workers across the country pleading with Americans to get vaccinated."
"Tell the world, Johnny, tell them I'm a victim too."
"To this very day, her case is still unsolved. If any of you out there happen to have any information about the disappearance of Joan Carolyn Risch, please contact the Lincoln Police Department."
"I will not ask for sympathy... but I will ask that you watch this entire thing all the way through."
"Protecting children wins votes because who wants to be against protecting children."
"He did it the old-fashioned way, not by sounding like Donald Trump."
"I still you know I I don't want to be disrespectful TD Jakes but if you do anything listen to this video and listen to the people Oprah listen to the people all right you guys I love you."
"They're really good at just being themselves which is cool. I think a lot of people like the authenticity."
"I would just respectfully ask people outside their home, go home, give it a break, get a good night's sleep, leave the Laundries alone."
"Charisma and his promise... unprecedented popularity."
"She was different. She was, for so many people, the breath of fresh air because she didn’t talk like a politician."
"Your silence is reprehensible. We beg you to do the right thing and help us bring Gabby home."
"Honestly we're still pretty baffled as to why people seem to like watching the two of us be us on national TV."
"Keep questioning what happened to Rose and where did she go." - Brent Walk
"We're living in a time where kids are literally showing up on the news begging for adults to believe in them."
"He's got that intangible factor that makes someone engaging to watch."
"I think that's why people loved it because it was authentic."
"I would appeal to state authorities in the United States to take this more seriously."
"We want to encourage anyone that has new information, would you please reach out?"
"Moon River is for the people... it's already functional, it's already working, it's easy to use."
"It's a testament to substance over theater and the appeal of a universal message."
"It's one of the things that's attractive to people, that's right."
"Why does Olivia have the it factor you wonder? Experience, talented, marketable, relatable, genuine, likable merch, and privileged."
"I think that this is a very, very popular idea that appeals to our sense of who doesn't want a healthy planet, who doesn't want happy healthy animals, who doesn't want a healthy body."
"I want to apologize... to anyone who I offended in my past actions."
"I'm once again asking for your financial support."
"I think Disney should be a Centrist company... appealing to the entire political spectrum."
"We appreciate the tremendous support from the public and continue to ask for your assistance in bringing this investigation to a close."
"If you have any information about Beth's murder or the disappearance of Vivian Cameron, you can contact Crime Stoppers Victoria."
"He's not just your normal politician and I think that's a large part of Fetterman's appeal."
"These are desperate times. Please help us shine a light."
"Stick to your guns, especially if you've got something that works and people like."
"If anybody knows anything... we implore you to call Crime Stoppers."
"The whole point of being a musician is us standing up on stage crying like please love me."
"We encourage anyone with information to please contact the Chippewa Falls Police Department."
"The more honest and real you are, the more people will gravitate to you."
"Losing to Warrior at WrestleMania 6 didn't diminish Hogan's popularity, as he continued to captivate audiences throughout 1990 and beyond."
"Nobody should have to resort to literally begging for strangers to support the cost of their medical care."
"Vanessa knows how to give it to the girls and the gays and the days and the straight men too."
"I hope to god that Live Nation, all the organizers, Travis Scott, and Travis Scott's team are hearing these stories and they're not bowing out."
"They like strong men who stand up and speak up."
"All we want is whoever took him to walk into a police station and get them."
"People are gonna fall in love especially have to combine people are gonna fall in love with this kit."
"I stand here in front of all of you to ask for one more chance, to be a better person."
"Trump refuses to back down, and people like that he does."
"We're trying to bring awareness as well uh people if if you whoever's watching this whoever's watching this if you actually did this shame on you."
"Someone out there has to know something about this person."
"You look so cool. Do you want to be on our homepage?"
"I think Bernie actually advantage that...because Bernie is very effective at speaking to a split in people."
"It's a cry for attention, but at the end of the day, man, units in the city in store right now, go get it."
"In August, America's Most Wanted ran a segment discussing Jenna's case and showing the composite sketch."
"I really hope that Dylan's found, and I know you guys do too. Now, I just, with nothing else to rub people's face in it."
"He fits a lot of the boxes that people are looking for as well as, you know, he's just so talented and so deserving of it."
"Please, please, we're in the middle of a Chipotle. Please, Tony, I'm begging you..."
"Making a direct appeal to vaccinated Americans builds over a coalition of the vaccinated."
"Elon's personality is just so magnetic to so many different people."
"One person to come forward to help to solve this case."
"I wasn't the best because I killed quickly. I was the best because the crowd loved me."
"Doing something cute is a good way to get votes."
"I'm hoping that somebody sees something or somebody knows something and comes forward. Shanann, Bella, Celeste, if you're out there, just come back..."
"With their traditional good looks and mischievous smiles, it's easy to see how Charlie and Milo McConnell have won over the internet."
"Bernie Sanders is true to himself. Not pretending to be anything else. Why supporters like him. Not going to appease some other group or the media. He's going to be him."
"Pan Am employees worried about losing their jobs, took out a full page in the New York Times."
"I think people really want that and respect that."
"It's so easy for Justin, for any of these people to come out and just end this."
"Trump appeals to people in a way that I just talked about. He appeals to people's better interests."
"Billy's new wisecracker persona was natural, breezy, and endearing."
"Athena is still missing she's four years old and still missing so the more eyes on this case the more awareness out there the better because hopefully as more people see it it will lead to a tip being generated."
"There's an obvious reason why people love it, it's really good."
"He's a moderate or you know center rights conservative but a lot of the stuff he talks about is agreeable for much of the population and it's why he has the highest rated cable TV program in history."
"Graham Norton has what many people would consider their ideal charisma."
"We're asking that you come forward, please give this young team, this police department, everybody in front of us today some information to help find out the truth, whatever it may be."
"The reality is that without your support, we won't be able to continue to do what we do."
"He radiated authenticity and people wanted that." - Victor Davis Hanson
"It's our attitude as well, I think that appeals to a lot of fans."
"This simple change seemed to really appeal to most people."
"For the watching public, it was an emotional plea for the safe return."
"Truth be told, if the public isn't gravitating towards your music, switch it up and make different music."
"Very unconventional, but I'm very proud of it, and ordinary people love this because it's very dramatic."
"He just made it such a classy art form and just the public latched onto him."
"These guys have such a likable way about them, I love it."
"The Volkswagen van that disappeared overnight, of course, yes it did. Somebody somewhere must have seen that van suddenly appear."
"I was like, people will love that bit."
"The family is desperate for help from the public."
"If you love Audra McDonald on stage, then love her civic plea as well."
"If it pleases me, it also pleases other people."
"It's one that a lot of people are just going to be attracted to."
"Sometimes it'll just resonate with the public and they go for it."
"So tonight, detectives are putting all their cards on the table and they're appealing for the home nation's help to name the killer."
"My voice has somehow caught on with audiences."
"Please give us some information on Dashina, please; we love her."
"Great art, well-crafted, also exhibits that, and the general public understands it when they see it."
"That is a cut we could make that will be a vote catcher. That's brilliant."
"All we can hope for tonight is that someone who sees this reconstruction will see something that maybe didn't seem important at the time."
"See people love this kind of tradition with a twist."
"It's really genuine and I think people like that, people who are doing it for just purely genuine reasons."
"You did it again. You've found one that people are going to like."
"You will do something that no one else has done before that people will love; people love new and different."
"What would sell out arenas is the big air stuff, that's what's the wow factor to everyday civilians that don't know about skateboarding."
"Now that the House of Commons has declared itself, we shall take our case to the country."
"If you know something, suspect something, or saw something, do please call."
"I think they're really cool, I think that a lot of you guys will like these pants."
"Thank you for joining us tonight, and remember, for so many of these families, one tip could be the key to bringing them closure and putting those responsible behind bars for good."
"There's a ten thousand pound reward."
"...law enforcement never stopped looking for answers and appealing to the public for information."
"Making a debut after a long preparation, how can the singer and album make an appeal to the general public?"
"The program turned up trumps, the Crime Watch appeal was a great success."
"I'm quite excited because I know for a fact people are going to love it."
"We are desperate for any news. April is only 5 years old, please, please help find her."
"We're appealing to the local public and it's grown somewhat in the last two years."
"We ourselves as victims of the abuse... beseech the public and the media to demand an accounting and identification immediately."
"Still appealing for forgiveness from everybody."
"I'm in a very privileged position that I can design things that I like myself, and people happen to like them too."