
Eating Disorder Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Her childhood wasn't all roses, as she would develop an eating disorder that became life-threatening at one point."
"I needed something that was fitting the needs of my eating disorder."
"Borderline PD: Emotional instability, impulsivity, history of deliberate self-harm."
"It's a very sensitive account of an eating disorder and it doesn't go into little detail about the actual eating disorder, it's more about her mental state and the pressure which she finds herself under."
"You are eating because you want your life back."
"There is so much more life out there than an eating disorder."
"A life with an eating disorder is not a life at all, it's an existence, it's torturous, and you deserve so much more than that."
"You were battling a full-blown bulimia and a variety of disordered eating."
"The eating disorder affects everything I'm about to say, everything I do, I should say, everything I don't do."
"Binge eating is a very common modern dilemma that people find themselves stuck in."
"The secretive nature of bulimia often leads to feelings of shame and isolation"
"Yes, I believe we can overcome our eating disorder. We'll still have a propensity to use food to cope, but we can manage."
"I want a life where I don't look at food and see calories, where I can go and eat pizza with my friends, and that sounds much better than being anorexic."
"I felt like I was in control at that point. I felt like no one could control my weight. And when I was stressed out, I would go throw up."
"I want to beat my eating disorder."
"I no longer want to have binge eating disorder."
"I haven't been treating my body right for years. My eating disorder has been bad for years."
"I was wondering, was I struggling with a form of eating disorder?"
"The binge eating is the symptom of what exactly? It's usually many, many little things that all add together."
"We develop disordered eating practices because, although in a very detrimental way, it is helpful to us in some way."
"The average bodybuilder is less happy than the persons who don't. I've coached thousands of people... 50% of people who bodybuild have an eating disorder, legit wow, unbelievable."
"But to someone with an eating disorder, hunger feels like the enemy."
"Food is an essential. Don't let your eating disorder use this as an excuse to restrict you from what you truly want."
"Do you really want to spend the rest of your life chronically hungry and obsessing over food?"
"Facing up to the realities of an eating disorder is a really important step on the road to recovery."
"It's so nice just to sit down and eat what I feel like when I feel like because it's got me thinking more about the eating disorder, what to do about it. It's perhaps giving me a bit more determination and optimism for the future."
"Am I the jerk for shutting down her attempts to diagnose me with an eating disorder? Absolutely not."
"I would overcome my eating disorder bro like I'm fat as [__] my wife is overweight as well like we are still functioning human beings can work [__] imagine that."
"It's well documented that I've talked about myself having an eating disorder that I've had to really fight to overcome over the years."
"If you're choosing to not eat when you're hungry or do things like purge or get rid of food in a way that's obviously indicative of not being kind to your body."
"There is a very strong school of thought that any way of eating other than intuitive eating is eating disordered and it's harmful."
"The purpose and the goal is not to take bulimia away but to respect the bulimic self, understand its function and purpose, and help the person find a way to have connection without using bulimia."
"There's a strong link between trauma and binge eating disorder."
"I just wanted to make this video because a lot of you guys I know follow me because of my ed and my journey and recovery and things like that."
"Recovery full recovery from an eating disorder is possible it does take a long time though."
"You don't have to live with an eating disorder for the rest of your life."
"Recovery from binge eating disorder is actually possible."
"It's kind of fun to fight your eating disorder."
"Your eating disorder tries to trick you into thinking you'll never feel satisfied again, but that's simply untrue."
"I enjoy talking about my experience with an eating disorder because I wish that I would have had someone that I could have related to or looked up to."
"I truly believed in that time frame of my life that I would never live my life without bulimia."
"If your thoughts about food, exercise, or any kind of eating disorder type thoughts take up most of your brain space every day, you have an eating disorder."
"Managing an eating disorder, especially binge eating disorder can be a lonely journey."
"Every person with an eating disorder is worthy of recovering, end of story."
"I feel so separated from my eating disorder, which is a really good thing."
"I'm in a really good place with healing from my eating disorder."
"Binge eating disorder is a serious mental health condition."
"You feel like ashamed, that's why you do it in secret."
"It's a really bad psychological issue too."
"I've actually been enjoying the lack of pressure for like, I feel like I've kind of been freeing myself from the confines of my eating disorder."
"If you know anyone who is dealing with an eating disorder, there's always help. It gets better."
"I'm trying to conquer my eating disorder."
"The only person who is losing control when you honor extreme hunger is your eating disorder."
"She looked like the perfect daughter until they realized she was starving herself."
"The thing that she was most terrified of was eating, and I couldn't protect her from that."
"It's not just about losing weight, and that a diet cannot fix this."
"I talked to my librarian about my eating disorder; they weren't certified but helped me as much as they could."
"Every single day that Molly woke up, she had to make a conscious decision to make sure that this eating disorder did not control her life."
"Recovering from an eating disorder... was the best decision I ever made."
"It is Eating Disorder Awareness Week."
"So what do you think doctor, from what I've told you, do you think Mia has anorexia?"
"I am still working on recovering from my binge eating disorder."
"Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder involving a psychological loss or denial of appetite followed by self-starvation related in part to a distorted body image and to vary social pressure."
"These are the warning signs of anorexia nervosa."
"The number one complication of anorexia nervosa is death."