
Sports Metaphor Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"Manchester United are a cow and they're milking us dry."
"The famous Rocky thing: I just want to fight my fight. You say Paul's expression: I want to run my course."
"Politics has become sports where it's like you're blindly rooting for your party."
"Life's not fair, football's not fair. It's how you react to that."
"Meth is a full season it's not a pickup game."
"They dug their heels in and said hell no. Hell no, we are not allowing this to happen to us on our field."
"We're literally about to go to the Super Bowl."
"This is kind of like going from the water being the being just the the water person on the team to being now the star player."
"So if you're not paying attention, you will be invested in a game where when you walk off the court, no one cares what the score was."
"I see the book as a caution sign. Let's look at the first half and let's look at what happened, because we have to play a whole second half."
"Right here, right now, you will see the greatest comeback of all time."
"The theater of Dreams has suddenly become the theater of nightmares."
"Go ahead and beat the living hell out of each other for 60 minutes."
"Feels like I'm ready to dunk on fools through this show."
"Quality coffee is even more confident after seeing that Real Madrid team."
"If you ain't never did shit to me, I ain't got no problem with you, ballin' like Kobe."
"This will give us the ability to ball out of control. The game giveth and the game taketh, and sometimes it taketh more than it giveth."
"Every time I pick a lane, I can have 12 teammates next to me and somehow that weighted knife finds my face."
"As they say, 'Feed the goat and he will score.'"
"Get in the game, baby! Be part of it, don't just hide there and watch it. Get in the game!"
"Blacklist international is a very big wall for the hurdle."
"It was like a home run strike out whatever you want to call it grand slam everything all up in one slam-dunk championship."
"This weird nobody team named rock-solid comes out of nowhere."
"He's like fucking Jesus out there resurrecting motherfuckers."
"Every once in a while you gotta go for the home run to be a game-changer."
"An organized offense is gonna beat a disorganized defense every single day of the year."
"Brexit championship balling like I'm Wayne Gretzky."
"You can't roam, can't be built in a day. We've seen that at Manchester United."
"You've put in the work, you've learned how to hit the ball, and now you're hitting home runs."
"We've been knocking it out of the park, knocking it way out of the park."
"This is about going to war. This is what football's all about."
"He swung for the fence and knocked it out of the park."
"Team humanity needs a unified locker room, and that can't happen if we're getting called for technical fouls on social media."
"This is quite literally the fight of our lives, but if everybody goes out there and plays the type of game we're capable of, there's no doubt in my mind we're gonna take home the championship."
"That was a shot of the day, shot of the day, you absolutely rocked my world with that."
"If you don't shoot your shot, you'll never score."
"It's just gonna be like a really, really nice defense."
"The cream has risen to the top and there's still a Cinderella going when it comes to Morocco."
"Dunking has never been more satisfying than literally dunking your opponent."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video, I truly hope you enjoyed it. Comment down below if you did, subscribe if you haven't already and be sure to smash that like button."
"Somebody's getting knocked down, but he's got to get back up."
"There's no launching you have to follow you [ __ ] dunk on LeBron right."
"I love the Uganda Shilling I just don't know if it's gonna make the first basket or not if it doesn't I'm going in big."
"I'm going to bust him in the soft spot of his head like a coconut cream pie."
"Players having their cake and eating it too."
"The Bears are going to be vicious at this point."
"We got the game in the headlock, we got the game in the chokehold if we hold strong."
"It was a miraculous win in true David versus Goliath fashion."
"If you ain't driving the bus, don't walk around and talk about you a champion." - Charles Barkley
"I look forward to continuing to write my little story inside the book of football."
"Aerodynamics, I'm breaking through the atmosphere when I slam it."
"We're playing a political game of football and don't know the difference between a first down and a touchdown."
"It's not three strikes and you're out, it's when you stop swinging you're out."
"We are literally a fallen giant so the only thing we have to sell is that we want to get back to the top."
"Absolutely NADA, NADA, NADA... And now, for us, they're like a Brentford fragrance."
"If we win this, we're in the top four blood."
"It's like old school wrestling. You're on the bracket, you gotta finish it."
"Absolute insanity! DDT's like literally just walk right through my defense right now. It's absolutely insanity!"
"Bloody football squid game up in there and it's all about being selfish egotistical Grady [ __ ] teamwork [ __ ] friendship."
"I think it's like rocky and Apollo and I think it's like right after rocky to you know maybe each one their battles now they're like yeah you know we could be friends."
"Wait till next week, as they say in baseball."
"The second half of this season is going to be Carnage."
"When you come from a tough background and then you get involved in the toughest sport on planet Earth, you get all the way to the top of the mountain..."
"A whole new ball game, a whole new goddamn ball game."
"Bruno, he's like a dog in a cage, you let him out and he just runs off."
"Go big or go home, and we going big. Let's go for the pin!"
"We're not just going to ride the wave, we're going to go on offense."
"I told you guys one day I'm gonna come in here with my belt."
"You better pack a lunch, Michael. He's in for a long night."
"Leo will put it away - oh, I get a little driven again. That honestly is three very, very good opportunities that I've done nothing with, that is not good at all."
"We are a little bit like beach ball FC, always bouncing back."
"It was a burden but it was a blessing as well in football."
"Life has tossed you some tough curveballs but you keep swinging."
"Mission complete, I told you guys, I shoot 100 from the field."
"Chef Steph Curry cooking up the meal tonight."
"You need to go into every single month like Tom Brady with a game plan."
"This is like Little League in the big leagues as far as strength."
"I think Aaron Rodgers goes on one of those discount double suck it tours this year."
"I wrestled with my potential till the intercontinental belt is mine, like Yoda, champ is here."
"I think it's going to just be a complete smackdown."
"That's the game of football ladies and gentlemen."
"Ryan Day has assembled the Death Star and all cannons are pointed at in Arbor."
"As soon as you hear the b of the bang, you've just got to go."
"Just because you're striking out right now doesn't mean you should stop."
"Having an aim or a goal because without a goal, you can't score."
"He caught it like he had a catcher's mitt on. I gotta lie, a whole queue to block. I don't believe in blocking for people whose offense isn't strong enough."
"It looks inevitable, like they're a glacier, this Brazilian glacier that's just rolling over the Swedes."
"Before his run with the WWE championship, Kofi’s long-time finisher could be seen as a pretty decent metaphor for his career."
"I'm gonna try and work my way through the balls but it is like super deep."
"Now, that's what I call a managerial free-for-all!"
"One thing's for sure, this is a Hail Mary pass that better find the end zone."
"This was a lot of defeats to see one victory."
"You can't hit a homer if you don't swing, can't win if you don't play."
"Somebody's hitting a home run here for sure."
"The universe is dictating that. That's not even what the basketball got."
"This one man, he stands by himself on an island. He's a GOAT."
"...the American snowball is rolling down the hill, it's gathering steam and size."
"You can't be there halfway, you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first."
"The Wooden Spoon is a kitchen utensil in the kitchen but in rugby league it's the prize that every team tries to avoid."
"Sometimes you gotta commit, you can't just kind of steal second base with your foot on first."
"If you get a hit three out of every ten times, you go to the Hall of Fame."
"Big boys are eating right now, running downhill, eating, that's the right word."
"I'll tell you what man, we gotta leave all the bullets on the table."
"We're like two heavyweight fighters toeing off, slugging it out of the middle of the ring, throwing everything they got at each other."
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, y'all saw you show y'all."
"We're just covering all the bases here so your repair can be a home run."
"It was a team expected to stay with the flock, but these Mavericks broke free and took wing."
"Keep your stick on the ice, stay positive."
"Sometimes you beat the one seed and you have nothing left, sometimes you just keep rolling through the draw."
"You gave it your best shot, you stood up to the line and you said, 'I'm going to take a swing,' and you struck out, but guess what, you did it."
"That's football, that is football, that's life."
"It's kind of like getting called up from single A team to play with the Yankees in the World Series."
"You are my touchdown, my winning play."
"That's a home run, a slam dunk, a hat trick, and a Hail Mary pass all rolled into one."
"No sooner had Liverpool left the Cherry Pie of opportunity cooling gently on the window sill, had Arsenal managed to slam the neck in the thing."
"It's my court, this is Wimbledon."
"He just hits defenders inside with so much power, it basically just looks like they got shot."
"Sports have always been a metaphor for social change."
"Points on the board is a big deal."
"I thought that was a home run right there."
"The way you live your life off the court is the way you live your life on the court."
"Life throws you curveballs sometimes, and the only thing you can do is sit back on that right leg, wait for that pitch to come in, and swing."
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, man."
"It's just the rumble in the jungle, this has been terrific."
"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? In the end zone, bam!"
"We're talking about super bowling, okay? Gotta do what you gotta do."
"It seems like they've got another homerun hit here."
"The result is a spiral of karma delivered for four touchdowns against your battered defense."
"Two-thirds of the Earth is covered by water, the other one-third by Willie Mays."
"You're only as good as your next at-bat, and you can't let your failures define you."
"Every day is game day, every day is Saturday, every night is Saturday night."
"She's an exciting player, she said like a wrecking ball, she's going to come through the middle and come back no matter what you're doing."
"You win some, you lose some, and some are rained out, but this is a different game."
"For me, Gerber has gotten it over the plate, and it's a home run for me."
"Sometimes you pitch, sometimes you run, and that my friend is life."
"Avoid the Blitz and take your beard to the promised land this year."
"Heavy is the head that's going to wear the San Francisco crown."
"Football is a game of inches, but sometimes it feels like miles."
"You're clearly knocking it out of the park."
"North America was on the mat and staggered, but they were saved by the bell."
"He's got a bazooka for a right arm, not a laser."
"Overall, it's maybe not a grand slam, but it's pretty much a home run."
"It's a changing of the guard right there, like a young lion coming and taking the pride from the older lion."
"Ball security isn't job security, it's life security."
"That's not even a home run; that's a grand slam."
"You want to grip the golf club as if you're holding a bird in your hands, not too hard to where you kill it, but not too soft where you let it fly away."