
Public Speech Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Well, it doesn't matter that the pronouncements of Greta Thunberg are historically illiterate; when the Swedish teen speaks, we are meant to listen as if her words are holy writ."
"Trump says off-the-wall shit don't get me wrong he says like good stuff and he makes weird quips but I don't ever look at Trump and think like his brain is not functioning correctly."
"The essence of self-government: Speech concerning public affairs is more than self-expression. It is the essence of self-government." - Garrison v. Louisiana
"Bernie is giving a response to the State of the Union which is great because he of course will focus on policy substance."
"Love you Prince Harry but you need to shut up."
"We need that response... because the issues that he speaks of are not just issues that resonate with us... they resonate with the vast majority of Americans."
"It's never ever okay to be a racist, um, it's in the, you know, look I think you always have to be careful, you know if you're in the public, you know how you, how you say things."
"That was Maga Republican Paul Gosar spewing COVID and vaccine conspiracies on the House floor."
"There's some Congressmen in this room right now, there's some Congress women in this room right now."
"But here is the president going after Christine Blasey Ford in his typically entertaining fashion."
"We are the United States of America, a singular place of possibilities. I'm not going to go sign the Chips in the Science Act and once again I promise you we're leading the world again for the next decades. Thank you so much."
"Big tech must not censor the voices of the American people."
"Justice Scalia, he can barely talk tonight. It's bizarre, powerful reminder that we can disagree on fundamental issues while treating each other with decency, dignity, and respect."
"Spread the word, say it louder to those people in back!"
"That speech has gained widespread praise. It's been viewed over four million times on Twitter."
"Occupy Wall Street used language that PBS will not air; the Tea Party used language that you could use in church."
"People will be cancelled but it makes it easier for others to speak out."
"He's on the highest high wire because he's saying the crazy [__] with no censorship, no post-editing, nothing."
"People were so eager to hear from America's Mayor."
"Trump's speech last night had MSM in the comment section pulling their hair out."
"Ignorance about Christianity and Islam doesn't stop him from constantly talking about Christianity and Islam."
"Marjorie Taylor Green dumbass gonna call her out left and right and so because they got to be called out because of these people okay it's dumb and stupid and clueless it's dangerous when you hold one of 100 votes in the u.s senate."
"Some things are just better left not said in public."
"The cultural importance for me was not just that it was probably the best speech she's ever made, but the fact that so many people watched it."
"Probably Trump just because DeSantis is doing things and Trump just opens his stupid ass mouth."
"Oh the humanity, that line entered into the public lexicon."
"You got to be careful what you say about people and calling them these a name that they're not."
"Anybody who has said any word or done any action against universal legality and health coverage should take a vow of silence."
"Autism Speaks treats autism as an epidemic and even say so in their speeches which many critics say are downright offensive."
"Chadwick Boseman's speech at the United Nations was powerful."
"People do need to watch what they said on social media."
"It was a very, very moving moment and inspirational to me."
"Not guilty, walked into the court, walked out, flew home and gave a very, very good speech."
"You know, I could just point to the president literally saying out loud, with vibrations from his throat and tongue, that he's not going to shoot immigrants, but shooting immigrants would be 'very effective.' End of quote."
"You want to make a four-letter word 'wall' when the president said you can call it whatever you want."
"He completed the 90-minute talk with the bullet still lodged in his chest — and even more remarkably, the wounded candidate urged the police not to harm the shooter, a deranged religious zealot/saloonkeeper named John Flammang Schrank."
"I welcome it. I think the more they speak, the better for the world because it's easier for us to realize what they are. So yeah, it's a badge of honor really."
"A man does something in a passionate spur-of-the-moment bit of rage, he says a word that you don't like. Once mental lucidity returns to him, he apologizes, even makes another."
"Eminem took on Donald Trump in a rather infamous bit he did a 4-minute freestyle rap on BET's and had most of it focused on Donald Trump."
"Big things certainly seem to be happening around the world folks, big things." - Maskull Egan
"We're never going to shy away and be bashful about speaking up for those rights and for individuals to live as they deem fit, as they want to live."
"When Justin Trudeau takes to the stupid Zoom meetings and says, 'Hey Mom, I'd like to talk to your kids,' that's stranger danger."
"I believe that it is our duty and our high privilege to act and speak on all questions touching this great Commonwealth." - Elijah Parish Lovejoy
"Last time I checked, the First Amendment is at least as important as the Second Amendment." - Jimmy Kimmel
"It's the right thing to do, it's the right thing to do thank you all very much."
"America has found somebody who speaks the truth."
"They don't actually believe what they're saying, they just want you to believe that they believe what they're saying."
"I am the right leader with the right policies at the right time... We are a good people... We are going to need somebody to lead with courage, compassion, and common sense." - Dr. Lewis
"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy, Trump said bloodbath, Trump said blood."
"With the help of everyone here today, the American dream is back, bigger, better, and stronger than ever before."
"I hope Catherine and William do influence the Queen to turn around and say, 'Don't let them air the Christmas Day speech.'"
"Former President Trump in Green Bay: 'When you have open borders, think of it. That's all right, all right.'"
"We need to hear them speaking the truth so that people can't get to their words."
"When you can put your knee on a man's neck and hold it there eight minutes and 46 seconds, that's not even normal to a civilian, let alone to a police officer." - Al Sharpton
"We're going to have to learn to live with the virus before we learn to live with injustice." - David Freiheit
"We have to remember what he did tonight was speak to his nation."
"If he gets out of prison and pardoned, do you think Trump is going to shut up?"
"It's crazy. I won't jibber-jabber on too long, but this is a momentous occasion for me."
"Everyone told me to play Devil May Cry 5. I'm aware that I need to choose my words very carefully."
"We need this back, we must stop the terror. I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you." - [Laughter]
"Ingram's words echo through the chambers of power, confronting the left's hidden agenda with unyielding resolve as she lays bare their nefarious plot to reshape our nation in their own image."
"It's just absolutely crazy that these guys are out there and they talk. I mean, Bill Gates has literally talked about it as well before that the population needs to go down."
"God bless freedom, God bless you Dallas, and God bless the USA."
"We dare not be silent... we must not be silent."
"When you have a voice and you have millions of people who follow you, you have to be really careful what you say."
"The most important thing that was said during this time is that Donald Trump did in fact say President Harris, and he did it on purpose as a jab at Biden."
"This situation was real and then of course we're gonna get to the oscar acceptance speech."
"Donald Trump has the right to remain silent but not the ability to shut up." - "I agree, I agree with that. Well said."
"I guarantee you if he speaks, CNN's not going to say, 'Don't cover them,' because already they're scared out of their mind."
"Watch what you say on Twitter. Anything you say can and will be used against you."
"It's a case about how devastating words can be when they are false and uttered publicly."