
Family Gathering Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The absolute pure joy on Chelsea's face as she's like, oh my God, those are my flowers and this is my dress and all my family's here."
"Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, to get together with your family and friends. It was great to see so many families can gather this Thanksgiving, after being apart last year. And we have much to be grateful for as a nation."
"It's got amazing feats! Granny Pig's garden party guests are here."
"It is in this mirror gallery that the prince and princess gather with their children and close family."
"Music is a big part of our Thanksgiving tradition."
"It did really bring together so many aspects—the wild family, everyone being together."
"We're gonna do like a full story time I think because today's Christmas by the way, he proposed on Christmas Eve with both of our families there."
"Her family arrived at the hospital and celebrations ensued."
"Tonight, the Serenata family came together for the first time in a long time."
"Thanksgiving is coming up. Dr. Fauci has warned people should not gather from all over the country with their families inside, fearing for the further spread of the virus."
"All you need is an American flag, football, turkey, a loose waistband, and each other."
"We are to enjoy this time together with families; we are to celebrate Thanksgiving because we're thankful."
"If you have a big family dinner for Thanksgiving, can you expect a small funeral for Christmas?" - Ed Young
"Thanksgiving is more or less a secular holiday in which families the country over give thanks for what they have and share a big fat meal."
"I'm so happy my grandbabies came over to hang out with grandma i'm gonna make you guys something to eat okay"
"We are so happy you all joined us tonight for a family dinner."
"My uncle invited us inside to have a glass of apple cider, a piece of pie, and a gossip about the things that had been happening at my school."
"We're down here at Granny's house we're going to have a big meal we're going to have a big spread of food but we're going to start by cooking off the fish and we're just going to be doing a southern fried style."
"We've got a birthday banner, we've got balloons, and mom unbeknownst to you, we've got gifts, we've got guests."
"That's going to be fun and you'll get to meet some of our family."
"I love Christmas. It's an opportunity for people from different generations to gather together, confide, share about life."
"Jesus is gathering us as God's family."
"The whole family's here for Christmas."
"I waited until after Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving, that turkey roasting and pies baking warmed the kitchen and that's where all the action was that day."
"No better way to bring the family together on Thanksgiving."
"This is like family get-together Fried Chicken, hot sauce, liquor, and a drunk uncle talking crazy."
"I think I might actually request to host Thanksgiving this year."
"We're here for three nights though, and like I say, first time in a long time we've all been together in one place, and I'm very excited."
"What's a better place to have a good conversation but around lots of good dishes and around the table with all the family?"
"For my 16th birthday, every family member and close family friend was there, even Grandma flew into town for the special day. Too bad no one remembered it was my birthday."
"We're actually spending Christmas with both our sets of parents for the first time ever."
"We saw all of my extended family on Chinese New Year's Day. We all come together, which is really lovely."
"We're all going to be under one roof this time, which is going to be a lot of fun."
"Getting ready for Christmas dinner, everybody's coming over."
"Everybody's here, cousins' weekend, it's about to be lit."
"Man, the flavors really came together like a family. It is absolutely delicious, that's what I'm talking about."
"I imagined this was what heaven was like, one big living room on Christmas morning."
"The best thing that happened this year was having everyone underneath one roof for my birthday."
"Imagine a Thanksgiving dinner on that massive island; you get a bajillion island chairs."
"Family time Gathering Place are loved here."
"Thanksgiving dinner tastes different when you owe someone money."
"Hope you had a great Mother's Day. We did. Most of the kids got together with us, and we went to a state park and did some hiking and had some lunch together."
"We'll just make room for them at the table."
"It was such a great time, uncles, aunts, cousins, you name it, it was a beautiful time."
"Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it's everyone under one roof."
"It's like a family reunion right now."
"All the food turned out great, everybody loved the low country boil that I cooked."
"Happiness on the kitchen table, my friends."
"Each person at the table had to say something they were grateful for."
"Because it's Christmas and such a special time, I feel like it's when you're really sitting at the table talking, and everybody is together."
"Sit down and enjoy a beautiful Easter lunch, knowing that dessert is ready and waiting in the fridge."
"I can't wait to have our family fly out here and enjoy a meal here."