
Prayer Importance Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Your prayer is more important than some other things. There are other aspects of our Islam that make your Islam more beautiful."
"Requests are very important in prayer, bring before him your requests because he answers prayers."
"In every family, there is that pillar, that person who is holding it in prayer."
"God needs conversation, God needs Jesus, Sid. God needs your prayers."
"You cannot be a true believer and neglect prayer."
"It's going to take a lot of prayer to do that. Just want to encourage your listeners to keep on plugging away. There are more with us than there are with them."
"The most important thing is the prayer. The second most important thing is you have to stand up - you have to be courageous."
"Lest we come to trials that we're not equipped to handle because of our lack of prayer."
"Prayer is never our last line of defense, it's always our first line of offense."
"Your battle, your warfare must match the victory of Jesus in order to win. This is why you can't afford to be casual about your prayer life, dear saint."
"Let prayer be our lifestyle. May prayer become a habitual practice for us."
"Children, why do you still not understand? Protect yourselves, pray, pray much, baptize children, and pray for them." - Our Lady to Decel Cardia
"Prayer is so valuable, it's the most important thing we can do."
"If you're going to go all the way, you must cling to Him. You must hold fast to the Lord in times of prayer and the Word. And please, don't compromise that for anything."
"Your alpha and your omega... your prayer life is going to be your most critical tool."
"I now view prayer as essential. It's what we need and that's how I think it works."
"Prayer becomes our lifeline, connecting us to the source of our strength and peace amidst busy times."
"We stand tallest and strongest on our knees."
"What the church needs today is not more machinery or better wine, not new organizations and more novel methods but men and women whom the Holy Ghost can use, men of Prayer, mighty men in prayer."
"If you are really a follower of Jesus, prayer is a major part of your life."
"Pray like the miracle depends on it but trust God with the results."
"Let us pray for unshakeable faith, secured and anchored in Jesus Christ."
"Pray, pray, pray... if you do this you are messing with demons."
"Behind every front man is obviously people behind them with either money, power, or resources."
"Maintain a vibrant prayer life and intimacy with God to discern prophetic messages." - John 15:5.
"Jesus said, 'However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.'"
"Upgrade your prayers... pray like the one who spoke and everything came to be... is on the other end of your intercession."
"The decisions we make at this time, the prayers we pray, and the actions we take, they're essential to securing God's dream for the United States of America."
"God hears, God hears, God hears people asking."
"You gotta get down on your knees, believe, hold your hands and beg and plead, you gotta keep praying."
"All of us would be praying people is my prayer."
"Lex orandi, Lex credendi: the law of prayer is the law of faith."
"God is a good God, and if we pray, we can call down His mercy."
"Please pray about it, continue to seek the Lord, because it's going to get tough in the next couple of months."
"We need prayer, we need intercession as we go forth."
"Life is very spiritual... Christians should not be afraid of praying."
"Prayer stands as a powerful tool for overcoming life's challenges."
"The essence of dua is more precious than the actual fulfillment of the dua. When the dua is fulfilled, you may lose the intimacy with Allah that the delay brought."
"Prayer is not about just us talking and saying things to God, it's communication, it's not transactional, it's communal."
"When you put a prayer into your life, it's really powerful. The Holy Spirit. I don't think there's anything weird about it at all."
"We need to be praying and asking the Spirit of Truth to guide us into all truth."
"Prayer is the key to unlocking divine blessings."
"Everything you need to know about being a Christian is in this prayer."
"Encourages you to continue leaning into prayer more."
"Pushing back the doors right now, heavens resources are backing you up right now because you learned how to open your mouth and say, 'God I need you like never before.'"
"Prayer activates the decree and the will of God. It doesn't make it happen, it just grabs it because it has already been decreed to happen."
"Prayer is amazing, but there's a spiritual connection that takes place."
"If we don't know what's going on, how do we know what to pray for?"
"Prayer mixed with faith is the answer to absolutely everything."
"Every morning, I pray on my knees with my wife. It focuses me."
"It's never too late to pray not until Jesus says that it's over he said then if you won't pray with me then I'll pray."
"God is unravelling the works of the enemy through our prayers and understanding."
"Prayer is not just a religious ritual. It is a Divine legal transaction."
"I remember PBD being deployed to combat tours and I always told myself, 'Listen Lord, I must pray, God, if you just bring me back home away from this, away from this, I promise I'm gonna do something.'"
"Tell him thank you, thank you. This is part of a fruitful prayer. You don't round up a prayer with amen, you round up a prayer with genuine thanksgiving."
"You want to walk on God's mountain? You're going to need to know God in the secret place of prayer."
"Prayer is a massive part of our lives. It changed our lives. We pray as if our lives depend on it because it does."
"We have access to the God of the universe, pray like you believe it."
"Remember do not pray for an easy life pray for the strength to endure a difficult one."
"Be anxious for nothing but pray about everything."
"Pray as if the survival of our culture and this great nation depended on your prayers."
"If ever there is a time when one needs to pray, it is when he does not feel like praying." - Charles Finney.
"The most important way you can stand against the enemy is to pray."
"Your life is built on your prayer life... the fullest human experience requires a good prayer life."
"Serious prayer is what historically has gotten God's attention."
"We are the ones that need to be praying and helping fight this spiritual battle."
"A good prayer life sustains what you have spiritually. But it only maintains the level you've reached. Increasing your prayer life is good, but it's not everything."
"A major turning point in my life was when I was spending time praying in the spirit... prayer is a dialogue where in that time of fellowship, I call it the spirit, is shut up, be quiet and hear from the Lord."
"I guarantee you, pray over your dad and pray for the almighty to help you with that. It will get better."
"Forgiveness is a major part of prayer, unforgiveness stops the flow of Prayer."
"But I always pray, and I always felt like my president; that was always very important to me."
"If you don't have a prayer life, you're saying God, I don't depend on you."
"The best prayer is that prayer that is read at the beginning time of that particular prayer."
"Hope during the end times, you know my prayers increase end times because there's going to be a lot nobody's going to be able to deny what's coming upon the Earth."
"In prayer we understand the meaning of action; an action without prayer is destined to fail."
"Revival and harvest will be walking hand in hand. Hearts are going to be turning to God for prayer."
"We need your prayers... the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom."
"Prayer is relational, pay attention to our relationality."
"The Our Father, every single word of it superlatively important."
"Prayer does not prepare us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."
"In America, we need more prayer, not less."
"You can't be a strong church with no prayer; you can't be a strong people with no prayer."
"God holds the future in his hands, so it's important to include him in our plans through prayer."
"The greatest enemy of your prayers is the one who is most endangered by them."
"Prayer is an absolute necessity, and you must know the word."
"Prayer is the first step because it acknowledges the truth about each situation."
"Prayer is God's chosen vehicle of grace."
"It seems God is limited by our prayer life, that He can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks Him."
"Pray without ceasing; men ought to pray and not faint."
"Nobody should pray more than a married Christian man or woman."
"If anyone is not feeling like praying at all, prayer seems to be so boring for you, then you need to pray in for the rekindling of the Holy Spirit."
"The greatest tragedy in life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer."