
Orders Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I don't kill only bad people. I kill anyone on my orders list. It doesn't matter who the person is."
"We're soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. We follow codes, orders."
"Troopers, I've received new orders, our superiors say the war is cancelled."
"The mixture of rumors and official orders had an impact."
"It was NE organized and then it suddenly was not once it was very overwhelming with a lot of orders."
"Tyson cites his frustration unhappy that he is being ordered around by everyone."
"I want your plans for the attack within the hour. Don't fail me, Wong."
"If you gave an order, then why would Santiago be in danger? Why would it be necessary to transfer him off the base?"
"Never do anything you can order a recruit to do for you."
"I had thousands of orders to pack."
"Two dozen pre-production aircraft were ordered by the US Navy."
"I'm fixed to pull in the parking lot, we've got tons of orders."
"General white orders his elimination leading the soldiers to open fire."
"Using stop-loss and take-profit orders is how we adhere to risk management."
"Gakaganji orders meiwa to prepare tea."
"Just replace him. Brigade headquarters wants him."
"If it does not go against the orders of His Highness."
"Orlando condemns the cruelty and pointlessness of killing those who, like himself, are just following orders."
"I got a bunch of return mail from like whatnot orders where people had the wrong address and stuff. So great job guys you did it."
"...orders had come that he was to relieve Sergeant McGregor at nothing, a crafting town in the center of southernland."
"You are like a captain navigating a ship. You must give the right orders (thoughts and images) to your subconscious mind, which controls and governs all your experiences."
"When did Longstreet receive the definitive order to move his corps into attack position? Was it before or after Lee went to see Ewell at 9:00 that morning?"
"Always set a stop-loss order below the pullback to limit your potential losses."
"With everything, all the moves that take place in the marketplace start from a measure of consolidation because that's where the markets are building orders."
"There is no other fast food chain, none, not Popeyes, not McDonald's, not Burger King, where I haven't had an issue with messing up my order."
"The Sororus are divided into a number of different orders, with orders militant being the actual fighting force of the organization."
"Our orders ended when the Captain General sent a shot to the back of his head."
"There are three things young gentlemen which you are constantly to bear in mind: first, you must always implicitly obey orders without attempting to form any opinion of your own respecting their propriety."
"The guard didn’t question these orders, after all, he’d been selected precisely because of his loyalty to the Foundation."
"He talked quite calmly and gave curt orders."
"If you want a quick order entry tool and want to avoid any type of delays when sending an order, you can disable confirmations."
"He tells him to take good care of his grandson; he orders the butler to take the carriage but to bring Sharon's family to the mansion instead."
"Binding is the process... this receiver knows that it is supposed to be taking orders."
"We've just had an order from cherries now."
"He demands that the soldiers exterminate the rest of the Ishbalans here, regardless of their surrender."
"Mathematically if you're just placing orders in these places."
"Every man is to use his bayonet as much as he can those are our orders."
"Instead of giving myself an aneurysm and packing 200 orders at once, I have been chipping away at packing 50 orders at a time until the shop update."
"About as fast as you ship them out, the orders keep coming in."
"We managed to get two standard package orders which made us $10 each and then we got one basic design package which made us $5."
"Orders must be short, accompanied by a sketch. Tells what to do, not how. It's really a Memorandum and assumption of responsibility by the issuing commander."
"What is liquidity? Liquidity is where the orders are resting."
"You take the brat, I'll deal with my old friends," Zaz orders.
"Execute Order 66 on the reaction."
"We are now taking orders from both end user and the dealer Network and we offer free showroom support to light our dealer Partners to better demonstrate the house and provide local service."
"...the lower the number, the higher priority. So if I'm somebody that ordered the exact same time as somebody else and their priority was 19 and I was 10, my order would be built first."
"We have this real time order tracking."
"Just put through each ticket as a separate order."
"I stopped filming on Tuesday night after I packed a whole bunch of orders on Tuesday and then I've just been really just punch needling and packing and gluing punch needling packing and gluing trying to get as many orders out as possible."
"His only orders are the ones that dad this Dennis typed on his typewriter."
"It's overwhelming because I already have a lot of orders via Instagram."
"I feel like Amazon orders are a peek into who someone is as a person."
"I'll bring you guys back when we get our next order."
"I feel like recently it's been a bit of a theme in my short orders we've got a lot of tips I mean the more orders you do the more likely you are to get tips it's just simple math"
"Thousands left King's Landing afterward until the Dowager Queen ordered the city gates closed and barred."
"Kill them!" Naruto and Dosu ordered at the same time.
"All personnel are to unlock and decode emergency order Patmos Omega and follow all orders within."
"We are really ripping through orders now, I think last week we did probably close to 3,000 orders."
"Critics alleged that he exceeded his orders but Jackson claimed he was charged with ending the conflict."
"What moves market prices always is unfilled orders."
"Catherine the Great is shown as the Empress of all Russia, wearing two orders, one of them is St. Andrew's order and the other is St. George's order."
"I'm just excited to learn more about these orders that we know so little about."
"A day order is an order that can be executed throughout the day."
"I'm happy to get these orders processed and mailed out to you guys."
"We don't steal or kill for the sake of stealing or killing; we only do what the queen orders."
"Circular signs with a red border are traffic signs that give orders."
"Thank you once again for all your orders; it means the world to me and the rest of the team."
"Every Japanese soldier was prepared for death, but as an intelligence officer, I was ordered to conduct guerrilla warfare and not to die."
"What do we do when we get exact and specific orders from Captain Binghampton? We ignore them, that's what we do."
"Solid U.S. factory orders point to enduring manufacturing strength."
"For this reason we should welcome our orders with energy and vigour, nor should we cease to follow the natural course of this most beautiful universe."
"Yeah, captain's orders, place that make everybody happy."
"Stop-loss orders are automatic orders that sell your holding if the price reaches a certain level."
"It's an incredible story, that's one of my best orders ever heard."
"If you want to store all the orders in an e-commerce platform."
"Understanding limit and stop orders for your entry is crucial."
"Circle signs are orders, and red circle signs tell you what you must not do."
"Is it lawful to follow orders from your commander to do terrible things? In some sense, yes; in some sense, not yes."
"I received orders that I was going to Vietnam. I didn't even know where Vietnam was."
"We were not supposed to go to the Falkland Islands... we had a very aggressive commanding officer... and he invited us to what was potentially a naval war."
"I'm so excited for you guys to get your orders."
"If you like what you saw and you want to get your orders in before anybody else, you have that advantage."
"Ground once captured must under no circumstances be given up in the absence of direct, positive, and formal orders to do so emanating from these headquarters."
"Amidst the chaos, Hitler indulged in erratic military orders."
"They were here under orders, it seems."
"It's definitely been improving; we're into like April orders now."
"Alive as captured, no spoiling. That's my orders."
"We told the Public Prosecutor that we had been given criminal orders."
"The simpler the orders are, the less questions we're going to get."
"Why don't we see where the child's at and then see what orders are appropriate?"
"The only person who can give me orders is my father, Low Poia Trumai."
"That I obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me."
"It was sick to see so many orders coming fast."
"Sorry about your yard, Jeff, boss's orders."