
Discord Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"This challenge is intended to sow discord and chaos, it's supposed to reveal where your loyalties lie."
"The purpose of the Discord server is to have legitimate academic conversations on cultural issues, policy, and things that are impacting our world."
"Discord bots are server-sided applications, so we need to make sure we're using a server-sided environment to actually run the application."
"The next thing that I want to do is I want to show you guys how to get started with setting up some simple commands for our Discord text channels."
"So, now that we've parsed our commands correctly, we can go ahead and actually check to see what the command the user executed."
"There are some super awesome people that are on the discord that are really just there to help."
"Our Discord community is growing fast and it's, I'm trying very much so to keep it moderated correctly but boy, is it getting difficult."
"Join my discord server, give me a game to play, and whenever I play that game recommendation, I'll give you that shout out."
"I want to start by saying I like Discord. Seriously, it's a great platform that I've used for years now."
"To top it all off, my favorite community of ours is our Discord community."
"I've met the most amazing people through your discord."
"Honestly, my favorite thing to bet on, I'm not gonna lie, it's UFC."
"If something is discordant, that's a call to action."
"Discord is in exclusive talks with Microsoft."
"Discord is something special, it's the wave of the future, it's kind of like Skype mixed with a steam page, a steam group but so much more."
"One of the first signs of the demonic is discord, the level of discord in this country is through the roof."
"Last month a 21-year-old National Guardsman named Jack Douglas Tierra posted around 100 classified documents to a Discord server where he was known only by the moniker OG."
"The new house will be a party of Republicans who want to wreak havoc."
"The problem is that people aren't all getting together on this, there's disconformity."
"Immerse yourself into it, jump in the Discord, say hello to people."
"Before the tournament started, I talked to the players in Discord."
"Join the community Discord, you can put in questions and we might use them."
"Eris, the goddess of discord, symbolizes the rise of feminine energy and empowerment."
"If you want to have live interactions chats then Discord is the place to do it."
"Thanks everybody on the discord for sharing your ideas with me and getting the feedback that I needed."
"There's a clear dissonance in what it is that you bring to the table and what it is that you are looking for."
"Discord is just like on a whole other level."
"What started out as a little-known secret on Discord is now the Smoking Gun."
"The idyllic facade of our peaceful life began to crumble when the first hints of discord arose."
"Can we all be friends and like make a Discord together or something?"
"you should join us on the club twit Discord every Saturday afternoon for news analysis and tips to sharpen your Linux skills and then make sure you subscribe to the club twit exclusive Untitled Linux show"
"We're out of kilter as never before."
"That's what we do in our Discord community."
"This is exactly what we do in our Discord community."
"Join the Discord communities if you really want to learn or be in the hot seat next time."
"This level of controversy and discord plays directly into the hands of Russia."
"I don't know what it is that's happened, but something did. Something that's tearing us all apart."
"You can find us at our chat room, our Discord is here, go to professormesser.com Discord to join."
"A cool little way to get it working with Discord."
"It is pride that causes error and discord among men."
"Join the Discord server for the Q&A sessions, they are really fun and if you want to get your questions answered instead of waiting for the lecture to come out, please join the Discord server and leave it in the Q&A questions channel."
"If anybody would like to join the Discord, you can click on that link right there."
"...and I can't wait to meet you personally in our private Discord server."
"It's nearly over for both of you. Do you hear that, Gelin? Unity is finished."
"That horrifying event was now just a memory, until one night we were on Discord... it was on that night that Derek received another message."
"Personal information and Discord do not mix. If you're on Discord and you're discussing a meetup, don't do it. Take it from me and my experience here."
"It does feel disjointed sometimes."
"Oh, after the announcement that Discord was engaged to Fluttershy, Rarity immediately volunteered for the position of wedding planner."
"It's just like two friends in a room just having a chat. It's like two friends staring at their own empty rooms and waveforms trying to figure out how to work Discord without a delay."
"Let's reach our chubby fingers into the Discord, man, we're locking in with y'all."
"Discord was first made for gamers but it has developed into a diverse platform for business content creators and pretty much anyone wanting to build an online community."
"Discord is the go-to place to share news, updates, and opinions on very Niche topics."
"One of the best perks is that you can directly link your storefront to your Discord."
"Join our Discord, we could talk about this, we could talk about the other shows we'll be covering."
"Shout out to the Discord family! Boy, has the Discord family grown. It is a beautiful place in there."
"What I love most about the club is that we have time every single month to meet collectively as a community but there's always that opportunity to connect individually in our Discord group chat."
"Join the Discord, and for the people that really want to level up as a software engineer, I also have a Patreon page where I'm dropping content, courses, videos that are basically not being found on the whole internet. I'm legit the only one."
"What's cool about the Discord is that it offers a real opportunity for community connection, friendship, that type of thing. And it's on Discord so if you're not a Facebook person it's for you."
"If God hates when someone sows discord, then I'm going to distance myself from what God hates because I need God's blessings."
"Diversity for diversity sake has never worked. It always ends in Discord. It always ends in Bloodshed. It always ends in tribalism."
"You'll get exclusive content, access to our Discord group, and you'll also get live streams every month."
"Join us over on Discord for the Ham Radio Crash Course, you join us on the live stream SLA chats, voice chat, set that PTT button, then you can come on in with your voice, ask your questions live."
"Discord, how could you do this to Twilight and us?"
"If you guys are on Discord and you enjoy Discord communities we got a motorcycle Discord that you can check out."
"It's not like a threat you know why because it is join my Discord server or else."
"Discord wasn't a villain who imposes division, he amplifies what's already present."
"I come not to bring peace with the sword."
"Gambling and alcohol ruin lives, create enmity between people."
"This isn't right. Yeah, it's not. None of this is right."
"Where once there had seemed to have been unity, now it was impossible to ignore the presence of division."
"...Discord is a terrible place for kids."
"Discord can be a powerful tool for building a community."
"These were tools of the rich elite to sow discord among us."
"It's very possible to be in one place and not be on one Accord."
"Delave, the interior rot, is a goddess of madness, secrets, and discord."
"Wickedness is discord and sickness of the soul."
"Join my Discord where I just speak randomly like an unemployed person."
"The time is right, Discord is near."
"I'm inclined to think that Brandon is setting this up to make us think Discord is a bad thing but it's actually going to be a good thing."
"This is the first time that I feel like the Discord has really taken on a life of its own beyond us."
"Thoughts of disharmony may arise from past beliefs."
"Most of the content happens on Discord. We're always hanging out, talking, having events."
"Join the Discord for free Nitro, true."
"So like this video, please do jump in our Discord as well guys because we have over 1200 pilots in there now talking about FPV 24/7."
"Join my Discord server; I'd love to talk to any of you guys."
"...Discord released a new feature called onboarding which lets users be able to select roles when they join the server and it's way more aesthetically pleasing and efficient than the traditional method with Bots..."
"...reaction roles these are roles that are set up in the server that are selectable by the user so they can customize their experience inside the server..."
"Labor problems, internal feuding, and political discord may arise in certain years."
"If you're on Discord and you're not in our server, you are [ __ ] up."
"Our Discord is my favorite social media platform it's way better than Facebook way better than Twitter you should join it."
"Looking forward to that and pop into the Discord, man, and pull up to the Twitch streams."
"...have access to me all the time I think I'm going to be setting up a paid Discord server."
"Join us on the Discord Community, there you can submit your videos once a week for free."
"Thank you for all the work you do on the Discord too, you're awesome."
"Next week on June 8th we are launching our Discord server."
"Eris proves that sometimes you can bring the most powerful people to their knees simply by sowing the seeds of discord."
"Racism is a fundamental building block of fascism and a primary means of sowing discord on the left."
"Hundreds of folks said that they're willing to help you and they're gonna be on Discord to help you."
"We've got a very lively and creative community on Discord where we can share our work and give each other feedback."
"It's really awesome; we hang out on Discord, talk about the hobby, share ideas, and help each other out."
"I got on Discord and played with my friends."
"We've got an exciting Discord going on; we've got some future things planned."
"Discord isn't all about organizing your servers and making cute little server lists; it's about chatting."
"Discord definitely adds a bit more, well, chaos considering that's what he's all about."
"It shows that a character like Discord can have some implied depth."
"Discord has this new notifications beta which is genuinely awesome."
"Discord letting us use a beta feature and making it have a backup system is honestly awesome."
"Please do join our Discord server, we have fun discussions like this all the time."
"We have a Discord server that is growing every single day."
"Our Discord community is awesome."
"Every rebellion forms around a leader, that little note of discord."
"You can send anybody in Discord a tip to thank them for their contributions."
"Join our Discord and come chat with us."
"Alternatively, if you want a faster response, then you can head over to our Discord."
"Being able to talk to the members of my channel on Discord... it's just put me in contact with an entire community of people who care about the same things as I do."
"Discord is a platform where people can come together in small communities, chat with each other, have video conversations, and share files."
"Thank you, everybody, for joining. Please join the Discord. I look forward to the fan art every freaking week, man. It's so cool what people do."
"Every week we're inviting people to come and speak in our Discord."
"The more we experience the other as separate, that's where it causes a lot of discord in relationship."
"The steam group now has more than 100,000 followers in its own Discord."
"To everyone in our Discord who's contributing to our great community, we really thank you as well."
"We got a nice little community in the Discord."
"I made five people join the Discord. Thank you, I appreciate it."
"Happy Valentine's Day, ladies and gentlemen," Discord announced.
"They're so irrational, they don't want to patch it up, they want to mash it up."
"Join the Discord, say hello to all my friends over there; we have a very tight-knit but strong community."
"We're using Discord to communicate with each other."
"Nothing more beautiful than women that can get along. Nothing more ugly than women that can't."
"Humanity is discord, it is rage and fury and chaos."
"It is free to be on our Discord, of course, I have nothing to sell you other than a good time."
"Thank you, Discord, and this community in general, for being awesome."
"If you've ever wanted to create a Discord bot, then this is the crash course for you."
"I'm going to show you how to do everything you need to create your own Discord bot."
"The cordiality and mutual respect that marked the build up to their first encounter had now been replaced by bitter discord."
"I go into a discord channel and talk to my friends and that's what home is."
"If you are not on the MBU Discord, join it; it's the easiest way to get the notifications."
"So in this video, I'll be showing you how to make a simple Discord bot using Maven, the Discord API, and a simple Java project."
"I've literally generated an entire goddamn community of over 300 people on Discord dedicated to talking about this."
"Create our Discord bot in Discord developer panel."
"Let's add a title to our embed, so I'm just gonna call this 'Info', it's nice info."
"Television bot information, that's gonna make the top of the embed have a thing that says television bot information."
"Let's add another step of personalization and add the user's icon and name at the bottom as a footer."
"It's two Discord moments that in my heart are the best moments of the year."
"As always if you need help with anything or want to ask any questions the link to our community Discord is in the description."
"Error is never harmless and never sanctifies but always brings confusion and dissension."
"Please, for the sake of my own sanity, please add two-factor authentication to your Discord account."
"Word to Discord 'cause I'm the freestyle server."
"So now if it gives out a response and you can see that your bot has replied, well done, congratulations, you've just set up a Discord bot on your server."
"That is the basics on how to make a Discord bot on the Raspberry Pi."
"Would you please not sow discord."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video on how to make a Discord bot in Discord.js version 14."
"If you're ready to write a Discord bot in Node.js, you're in exactly the right place."
"If you like coding Discord bots and you need help or want to help others, make sure to join this server."
"We're going to install Discord.js, which is going to be our framework we're going to be using to communicate with the Discord servers."