
Homosexuality Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"My attitude toward homosexuality has changed. I came to the conclusion that I was wrong."
"Pope Francis is making waves, reversing the Church's stance on criminality of homosexuality."
"Islam's attitude to homosexuality has always been to present it as a trans issue."
"Our Hindu scriptures openly talk about it. Hindus are tolerant towards homosexuality."
"You can almost think of homosexuality as an affliction and not just a sinful choice."
"Homosexuality is a part of the fabulous diversity of human beings."
"I think the percentage of people who are homosexual is fairly static."
"Homosexuality is natural and normal - agreement vs. disagreement shows diversity."
"Respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior."
"I remember when I was in seminary I got involved in homosexuality."
"Homosexuality is not a sex thing, it's just a people thing."
"Homosexuality is a very difficult issue in most cultures but it gets easier the more secular that culture becomes."
"If we choose to criminalize homosexuality we have thrown a huge portion of our constitution in the garbage."
"Homosexuality isn't an issue and there's even several hypotheses about why it's actually a benefit."
"So what happens is you have to really do, and this is crazy, are you saying that the Muslims accept homosexuality as a norm? No, I'm not saying that. They make evil accept homosexuality as a norm."
"A religious person, including the Pope, can believe that homosexual orientation could be implanted within you and also believe that homosexual acts could be a sin and still love you for who you are."
"Homosexuality has always existed. It's in the Bible, it's sexual immorality, it's homosexuality. And the fact that you guys can't accept that is... you keep... so are you saying the Bible's inaccurate?"
"Homosexuals again as old as mankind is Michelangelo was Socrates was Tchaikovsky was and they all lived without AIDS."
"Hudson maintained a double life, hiding his homosexuality despite his reputation as the ideal leading man."
"You do enough drugs, you end up gay, man."
"True love must never treat homosexuality with anything less than utter contempt and loathing."
"Homosexuality is not a lifestyle, it's a death style."
"If we don't get homosexuality right, it'll create such havoc in our church."
"Homosexuality among adults is not a social crime. It does no harm to anybody."
"What is it about white supremacist society where y'all find a black icon and you guys always try to make them gay?"
"homosexual relationships whether implied or not are no longer seen as an inherent character flaw like they used to be in the past"
"In removing homosexuality per se from the nominal culture, we are only recognizing that by itself homosexuality does not meet the criteria for being considered a psychiatric disorder."
"The problem is not the homosexual, the problem is Christianity."
"The normalization of homosexuality to use Peg's phrase has led to it being much more okay to express emotion and be vulnerable as a man who's heterosexual."
"He realized that his secret life, his gay life, gave him power in a way, that it was something that nobody else knew about."
"The question of homosexuality goes to the nature of human beings and the nature of human beings reflects who God is and who he created us to be."
"Being gay is not bad. It's funny."
"When you stand before God the question won't be did you stop practicing homosexuality okay what did you do with Jesus all right? So we want to engage the battle on this front because it gives us a gospel opportunity I'll explain that."
"Homosexuality isn't a list of sins equal with gossip."
"The church teaches that people with a homosexual inclination are not evil, they are beloved and made in the image of God... But these acts... are dangerous and they do hurt souls."
"Homosexuality was invented at the end of the 19th century as a thing. I am a homosexual. People say it was never seen that way before. It was seen as tendencies, as a orientation that was off, but not as a substance."
"Homosexuality occurs throughout nature. Scientifically, we know that homosexuality is a naturally occurring phenomena in many species and in humanity."
"God doesn't just randomly ban homosexuality. There's a reason for that that is reflected in the world around us."
"Fasting, if fasting was to suppress the urge of azina, then most definitely it's also a cure for those who have these homosexual urges."
"I'm all for people loving who they want to love, but that's pretty homoerotic."
"The battle about homosexuality in the life of the church is finally a battle between the love of God and human prejudice."
"The most high created homosexuality. He created evil."
"Having a society where being gay is the norm raises a lot of questions about how such a society would function or how this change would influence human behavior, almost none of which is explored."
"Being homosexual is disrespecting your body."
"I don't hate homosexuals, you said that. I didn't say that."
"Homosexuality is not just a form of sex, it's a form of love."
"So when we talk about homosexuality, we're talking about the notion that someone can be oriented towards attraction sexual attraction to members of their same sex."
"I think everyone's a little gay, would you agree with that?"
"Homosexuality has been observed in over 1500 species. Couple of gay penguins will raise eggs abandoned by the original."
"Homosexuality is the ultimate perversion of manhood and signifies the end of society."
"...sodomy and homosexuality there is not even one percent among the Muslims because in Islam we don't say that people are born with this characteristic..."
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination."
"So anyway, that's on Wednesday. Synod will decide on the more controversial recommendation related to the report to affirm that homosexual sex is unchaste by the definition of the Heidelberg Catechism."
"...this represents progress having got from believing homosexuality to be evil and then to be disordered to it being morally neutral variation of humanity is progress."
"It's banned in Kuwait, Lebanon, and Algeria for promoting homosexuality."
"God forbids the act of homosexuality because it is unnatural it is perverse God declares the act of homosexuality as detestable disgusting repugnant repulsive and Abomination it is a perversion and an unnatural act."
"God does not agree with the sin of homosexuality and I think it's time that we Christians grow backbone not of hatred but we grow a backbone and we say enough is enough quit shoving this sin down our throats."
"Homosexuality being forbidden in the Bible bears no resemblance to the loving, monogamous, spirit-filled same-sex relationships."
"The idea that God is against gay people is a total distortion of the biblical message."
"Would you say that a homosexual person could be a Christian? Absolutely, absolutely."
"I think the church's teachings on homosexuality are not inspired by God."
"The real question we should be asking ourselves is when will religion accept homosexuality?"
"The concept of gay being a big no-no is overwhelmingly a Western concept."
"Homosexuality existed in Africa way before colonial masters."
"I think walking through life believing that homosexuality is wrong and that everyone who is gay is an abomination... I think that's so harmful."
"It is as foolish to condemn those who have homosexual proclivities as it is to condemn them for having red hair."
"Homosexuals are not interested in making other people homosexual. Homophobics are interested in making other people homophobic."
"Like just totally twisted the way they thought about homosexual men."
"Increasingly, homosexuality isn't admitted as if it were a problem but openly declared, and it's accepted."
"Why has every culture on Earth always had homosexual members?"
"Homosexuality has been observed in over 1500 species."
"American Muslims are significantly more accepting of homosexuality than white evangelicals."
"The more you learn about homosexuality, you realize that it's not a choice."
"Do you know if there are any evolutionary reasons for homosexuality?"
"Homosexuality... It is not by choice. It is by birth."
"Homosexuality has existed throughout history."
"Homosexuality could have been developed in humans as an evolutionary advantage."
"We have observed homosexuality in over 1,500 animal species."
"Homosexuality and civilization... begins with the ancient Greeks and touches on a dozen cultures up to the time of the French Revolution."