
Semiconductor Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Semiconductor become the foundation of the world economy. So if semiconductor plant being destroyed, then that will be a disaster."
"Semiconductor lithography was invented in a U.S. military lab."
"This market is so huge that even with giant players like Intel, Micron, Nvidia, AMD, and Qualcomm, there still isn't enough supply to cater to the skyrocketing demand."
"The VLSI project succeeded in kicking off Japan's indigenous semiconductor industry."
"The concentration of the semiconductor sector in Taiwan is not a risk but is the key to the reorganization of the global semiconductor industry." - President Tai England
"All of the new Ryzen 3000 CPUs announced today are 7 nanometer."
"The overall Singaporean semiconductor sector continues to do alright."
"But today, only two manufacturers remain that can make the most advanced five-nanometer chips: TSMC and Samsung."
"Rdna3 is on track to an estimated 50 Improvement performance per watt better than rdna2."
"Techniques like computational lithography have a direct impact on our ability to print ever smaller features."
"You can't have autonomy without the semiconductor space."
"This is the story of the metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor, or MOSFET, and how it changed the world."
"The most prominent piece of news about this company's future pipeline is that they have an argon fluoride immersion system capable of the 28 nanometer process node."
"Qualcomm and broadcom were the second and third largest chip designers by Revenue only behind Nvidia which has been taking market share from everyone over the last year"
"The largest merger of semiconductor companies in history"
"Taiwan is a significant contributor to the global semiconductor industry."
"CMOS image sensors became the fastest ramping product category in semiconductor history up until then."
"You start putting a voltage on the gate and what happens is it'll generate this electric field around the gate. It basically pinches off the conduction path."
"A semiconductor can act as both an insulator and a conductor."
"A winning semiconductor strategy can also promote a stronger Taiwan and deter Xi Jinping from the use of force or economic coercion."
"The world's supply of semiconductors is bound up inside a complex relationship between the United States, Taiwan, and China."
"We're not going to regain leadership in semiconductor manufacturing by repeating what's already been done in Asia; we have to think differently over here."
"A memristor is a semiconductor device."
"In case of a field effect transistor, the path through which the charge carrier flows is known as the channel."
"High gain, low excess noise, magnetic immunity, and ease of use are some of the highly desirable characteristics of Si p.m."
"You're telling me that something that is 1/1,000, the thickness of my hair, is deposited on the surface of this wafer and is absorbing all this light? That's pretty cool."
"I run a consulting business that specializes in being kind of a fixer for weird semiconductor problems."
"The late 1950s and early 1960s was an extraordinary period in the development of semiconductor electronics."
"The planar transistor... characterized by its flat surface layer of silicon oxide covered the emitter, base, and collector region of the transistor."
"...noise pulling together three ideas: the planar process, Junction isolation, and metal interconnections to build a monolithic circuit..."
"A bigger wafer makes advanced semiconductor manufacturing more economically viable."
"A 300 millimeter wafer can hold 2.25 times as many dies as a 200 millimeter wafer."
"The 300 millimeter wafer transition occurred at the same time as the semiconductor industry was starting to move on to the 180 and 130 nanometer process node."
"At the turn of the century, the $200 billion semiconductor manufacturing industry across the globe joined hands and underwent a massive transition, maybe the last of its kind."
"He created the world's first pure-play foundry."
"Europe first fell behind in semiconductor manufacturing as well as how Japan successfully caught up to the Leading Edge."
"TSMC is building a twelve billion dollar fabrication facility in Arizona."
"Gallium nitride semiconductors... it has arguably become the second most important semiconductor material after silicon itself."
"GaN's band gap is 3.49 electron volts, which is higher than silicon carbide's 3.25 electron volts and far higher than silicon's 1.1."
"Semiconductor manufacturing is an immensely profitable and high-value activity that governments value and protect."
"It's using the latest TSMC 4-nanometer process."
"So at a high temperature, a material with a small gap—it's basically a conductor. And at low temperatures, it's basically an insulator. This is called a semiconductor."
"In the lithography and semiconductor world today, there is no aha moment; instead, it is a long slow trudge, but that is what makes the final achievement so special."
"You don't need to be in Taiwan to build the world's most advanced semiconductors."
"The new four-nanometer chip has now 16 billion transistors, just something I can't even visualize."
"Securing the future of the semiconductor industry is vital to renewing American innovation."
"One of the most interesting things about germanium is that it's a semiconductor."
"Diodes are typically made by doping semiconductors that form a PN junction."
"One of the best things in the semiconductor industry this decade is the depth and breadth of chip startups and innovation."
"The dojo D1 is a 645 square millimeter silicon die built on TSMC's seven nanometer process."
"They're using gallium nitride transistors which are smaller, lighter, and more efficient than silicon transistors."
"The trend still lives on and now it has really started to make waves in the chip design world."
"The semiconductor market is projected to grow from $573 billion in 2022 to $1.3 trillion per year in 2029."
"Silicone chips are everywhere and they're not going anywhere."
"The cost for one of these fabs: 12 billion dollars. This is exactly the reason most United States semiconductor companies are fab-less."
"If the semiconductor has all the properties of a semiconductor in addition to that if it is also flexible, then it will be very very useful for making any kind of devices."
"It's expensive in low volumes because you need all of these very high tech masks, but because we make everything so small, you can fit millions of them on a single wafer."
"This transistor is 7% faster than a 32 nanometer planar technology."
"For 3 dimensional bulk semiconductors with parabolic bands, it's worth remembering that the density of states is proportional to the three-halves power of effective mass and to the square root of the energy above the bottom of the conduction band."
"We developed semiconductor technology that replaced vacuum tubes."
"Life runs on semiconductor; semiconductor truly has become the foundation for the modern economy."
"Anything we do relies on semiconductor... from high-performance computing, AI, machine learning to communication, from transportation to healthcare."
"The introduction of the Pure Play Foundry model... has fundamentally changed the landscape of the semiconductor industry."
"There is never a better time to be in the semiconductor industry; our best days still ahead of us."
"Nvidia is the world's leading semiconductor company."
"The way that we design chips has completely changed."
"This we would call a semiconductor."
"What I'd like to do in this special lecture is to quickly go through some highlights of semiconductor physics."
"CVD is used to deposit most of the dielectrics that we use in semiconductor manufacturing."
"So what I decided to use was a computer chip, a silicone wafer."
"These are called Integrated Circuits, or ICs."
"Iron implantation is one of the most important process steps we have in semiconductor manufacturing."
"The density of holes is the same as the density of electrons for pure silicon."
"Doping means we take this piece of silicon and then introduce some non-silicon atoms in here, for example, phosphorus."
"An N-type silicon has more free electrons than pure silicon and is called extrinsic silicon."
"As we begin to push the feature size smaller and smaller, the size of a defect that would kill our device also shrinks."
"Holes move in the opposite direction of electrons, electrons travel negative to positive, holes travel positive to negative."
"That's called band gap engineering."
"When the behavior of the semiconductor is dominated by the impurity atoms, we term that behavior extrinsic."
"Supervalent doping gives us n-type."
"We have of course been continuously trying to improve our resolution in lithography for essentially the whole history of the semiconductor industry."
"They're potentially just a really nice semiconductor that you can make from solution."
"This laser annealing is something that's commonly done in semiconductors."
"Silicon is a semiconductor because it has a bandgap of about 1.1 electron volts."
"Germany spins big to win an 11 billion dollar TSMC chip plant."