
Storybook Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"It just felt like it was a moment that was really out of a storybook."
"Friends and relatives described it as a storybook marriage."
"It's opening like a kind of storybook, cute."
"Living in the Dordogne is like stepping into a storybook."
"Wow, it looks like a storybook. I love that."
"Storybook essentially provides you with a runtime environment to bring your component to life with change detection and provides you with a nice user interface to display your components along with variations of them."
"... we're going to use Storybook to show you how to do that and all the awesome features Storybook has to offer, hopefully."
"This is like an English cottage from a fairy tale."
"A fairytale ending to a fairy tale grand final."
"This is just such a magical, mystical looking flower; it just belongs in like a storybook."
"It almost looks like something out of Sleeping Beauty or The Sword in the Stone."
"It's really, really pretty, really quaint, fairy tale-esque."
"They feel like chapters in a storybook in a way."
"It looked amazing, it was like a fairy tale."
"It's really like a storybook postcard come to life."
"This place does feel like it's straight out of a storybook."
"Once components are isolated, you can use Storybook's built-in testing workflows like accessibility, interaction, and visual testing."
"Storybook also offers a really nice documentation feature where it can take those stories that you've written to auto-generate documentation pages for each component."
"As we all know, storybook excels at capturing or freezing UI components in various states."
"As we move into the last part of this talk, um, I'm now gonna tell you a little bit about how we use storybook in practice at the organization."
"I hope you've had a really good time taking a look at this project and have gotten inspiration for how you might use storybook in your own personal projects."
"You are what makes Storybook great."
"This initializer actually creates some default stories for you to get a sense of Storybook."
"The Little Mermaid... a very familiar cover."
"I dream as if I'm in a storybook."
"It has the makings of a Hollywood storybook ending."
"For one last time, he became the storybook hero that Bill said he was."
"A storybook ending to a storybook career."
"It felt like we were in a fairy tale."
"It was right out of a story; you'd follow the winding path and arrive at this magical kingdom of music."
"It is quite literally like something out of a fairy tale, it really is."
"I feel like I'm more drawn to classic storybook illustrations rather than super modern ones."
"I feel like I'm in a storybook, any chance this is like an enchanted forest?"
"Storybook is already used by all giants like GitHub, Dropbox, Airbnb, Lyft, Mozilla."
"You got to give props to the Storybook team; it's really awesome all the stuff they're constantly pumping out."
"It looks like a storybook, I love it."
"It's a lovely storybook ride that will make your heart and soul warm."
"He does look like he's just jumped out of the pages of an Alice storybook, doesn't he?"
"What a way to finish an international career; this is fairy tale business."
"It's pretty storybook, you think about it."
"It's like you step into a storybook."
"The way this is played out has just been storybook."
"It's the storybook ending, it literally is a storybook ending."
"She was just like a heroine out of a storybook."
"Oak Bay is picturesque; the neighborhood aesthetics come right out of a storybook."
"Truly they were a storybook couple with a charming future."
"Looks like a storybook house right here, that is awesome."
"France often feels like a storybook, and here was another beautifully illustrated page."
"It was magical, man, something out of a storybook."
"It literally looks like it came straight out of a storybook."