
Celebrity Encounter Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"I got to meet Emma Bunton once... She told me my boots had girl power, and I said, 'Work, bitch.' It was like, remember the Titan speech. I was like crying."
"I felt like when Billy met Justin Bieber, oh my God."
"Even just the privilege of being able to fly to London with my friends to be in club Renaissance I fought hard for them to eat and then to be there and then to like have those moments where I was rapping Diva straight to Beyonce's face."
"I casually just told Katy Perry I was like, 'Oh we are also filming something for my channel, nice to see you.'"
"Dave Chappelle's there, and I tell him the story, and he's like, 'Oh, that's pretty cool.'"
"But listen I was there on the carpet and I and bumped into him with his bum leg."
"I walked outside and Tom Hanks was a guest on the last show and Tom looks at me and he stared right through me."
"Dream walks right by me, I'm like, I was too nervous to say hi. I was too nervous to say hi, you know? He fist bumps Carl, you know, Dream walks by."
"I met Dream, that was insane, absolutely crazy."
"I met Beyoncé and she was everything that I ever thought she would be."
"I just wanted to get there, I think that's what it was. It was like, you did the kind of wave where you just do to a person in a parking lot like, hey, I see you, I'm not going to hit you and then I think mid that you realized it was Dave Grohl."
"And that's my story of when I met Sonic and his friends, entangled in their lives for a fleeting moment."
"Meeting Beyoncé was one of the most amazing things I've ever done in my life."
"Guess what today is? Happy birthday! And you partied with Beyoncé."
"We're sisters. So anyways, Khloe Kardashian, she took her little pictures and then she got up, she walked past me and then she smiled and I smiled back and then in my brain I was like yes, I am your black long lost sister."
"I met David Blaine in a bar in LA, and it was sick."
"Last night I was at the Tarjay and I ran into Lindsay Lohan."
"Paul McCartney was sitting next to Tamel at a screening and when she asked him if there was anything he didn't like he said 'What's not to like'."
"I got to interview Steve Vai, and he very awesomely was like, 'Hey, I know you.'"
"It's crazy though because even with J Cole you met him, of course, as a fan, and now you're also a peer."
"Imagine your first words to Beyonce is [__]."
"Rock ain't nothing but a white version of rhythm and blues mf'er you know I met Paul McCartney when he was 21."
"I feel like I'm next to a wax figure. This is literally Tyra Banks in the flesh, you guys. Dreams do come true. I'm literally with a supermodel, a friend, a mother to us all, an extraordinaire."
"That's a hell of a story for me, just from start to finish, from meeting Kanye West, even at that time."
"I just casually walked by Hank Green, and he smiled at me."
"Imagine just randomly seeing Mr. Beast on the street. Can you get a PlayStation 5?"
"I met all these people, but Jay-Z, I was like damn."
"Most inspiring most awesome moment like top 10 moments in my life was spending a night in hotel with Mariah Carey for sure."
"I got to meet Amy Garcia back in 2019. She was just as stunning in person."
"We're not born free-floating atoms. We're born with responsibilities and duty."
"It's not every day you get a ride with Bob Gurr."
"Pete Davidson was really nice when I met him, took a picture with me and everything."
"Will Smith's first words when he saw my dad 10+ years later: 'The Philly crew is back.'"
"I got a chance to talk to him, it was pretty cool."
"I never thought in my life I would see Jeff Bezos in person."
"I can't believe that I fought Floyd Mayweather, that's insane. You can tell that, you, yeah, that was very uh genuine."
"The first thing that Madonna ever said to me was, 'I hear you're funny, make me laugh.'"
"Adam Sandler was there and he just came for no [ __ ] reason at all, just walked over to me and my group of friends and was like, 'Hi, I'm Adam, it's so good to meet you.'"
"If I met 50 Cent, I'd be like, 'Yo sup bro, hi mister 50.'"
"Malik actually met Freddie Mercury sister Kashmira cook during the film's production."
"Some people might be like, 'Holy, I'm playing Magnus Carlsen.'"
"I said 'Bill, can I have a photo?' and he goes 'yeah'... he just jumped off the stage and landed right next to me."
"I mean nothing that he was doing was funny it was just hilarious like I can't believe I'm in a room with Keith David so yeah and he's really cool super awesome guy."
"You're doing okay? Oh there we go, voice sounds very familiar. This is dope, Snoop in the house!"
"Any story where you meet Kanye West like needs to be told in like several chapters I feel like. Yeah, this one has a bit of an epic fortuitous quality to it."
"I just did a fight scene with Van Damme... this is such an amazing moment right now in my life, in my career."
"All your stars that you want to get close to we'll get you as close as we possibly can throughout the course of the week."
"I just met Deena Kaster at the Hard Rock Cafe, she's an Olympic athlete with a medal and all."
"If I saw David Chase, I would call and say, 'Who do you think you are coming through on there?'"
"And I literally met Ryan flipping Reynolds I can't believe it that was unbelievable."
"Life is gonna suck, I come back, and just so happened that someone named Kobe Bryant came to my high school."
"Conor McGregor, amazing man, I felt thrilled to be there last night to watch that."
"We both look like we saw ghosts because we didn't expect to see Pac bandaged up."
"I don't know, man. Will Smith slapped me in the face, I'd hold on to that forever. That sounds amazing."
"And there's a chance I'm going to be meeting Dolly Parton tomorrow, and yeah, that's exciting."
"I just got to say this, I saw Meek Mills passing in front of me at boot shot too."
"Seriously, yeah. I played with Kobe. Are you being serious? Um, yeah."
"Just met Kofi Kingston, took a pic today with him in Deep Ellum. He's a real cool guy."
"Yo, I met Kanye! He played the whole 'Donda' album for me. It was me, Kanye, two Chance, Dave Chappelle, and Fabio in a room in tobacco. That's fire!"
"I remember the first time meeting Beyoncé; that was like, oh my god."
"There's no way that our stories are so simple. I've still got some conspiracy theories. I was at a party, and someone behind me just tapped me on the shoulder, on the shoulder, and were just like, 'Yo, Black Jedi.' I turned around, it was Samuel Jackson."
"All I know is when I met Chris Brown he knew who I was and he was excited to see me and we were both completely [ __ ] up but it was good, my life exactly like Chris Brown this was crazy."
"I wonder if he knows he just rented his car to the ex-world's fastest guy in the United States from coast to coast."
"Robin Williams came in one night and he got up on stage with you and you guys did like a half an hour it was amazing."
"This street musician couldn't imagine in his wildest dreams that he'd get to duet with Stephen Tyler."
"Being in a bar with Roberta and Rosie O'Donnell... I felt like I was the luckiest person on earth."
"I saw Brian Cranston at baggage claim."
"Meeting Ronaldo was amazing. When I first saw him, yeah, at least, I just fell on the floor."
"Here's what I'll say about Simon Cowell: met him a couple times, super nice."
"Oh, my God, that's Frank Lampard. Frank, can I get a picture?"
"It was all fun and games until Craig David walked away, big man!"
"I'm riding my bike, and I see Quentin Tarantino at a movie premiere."
"I didn't blow it in front of Roger Waters either. Good in the beginning, but it's always been a running joke between me and tall."
"Wow what a moment is screaming out meeting my icon Bret 'The Hitman' Hart is here in Liverpool."
"I've been kidnapped and hugged by the three-time boxing heavyweight champion in the world, a man who became a very cool friend, Muhammad Ali."
"I geeked out pretty hard meeting Jordan and Jeter."
"I had dinner alongside Stacy Lewis last evening."
"I had a whole conversation with Kelly Rowland without knowing who she was."
"She was the sweetest person I've ever met she was really my very first day on set I went in for some fittings and I was sitting in the trailer and I heard a knock on the door and I opened the door it's Jennifer Aniston."
"You know, little story I've got, Denzel Washington once got me in a headlock and walked me down the corridor of the Savoy Hotel. I did a rap to him."
"here this is cool this is an accessory to Hot Toys Carnage that I just haven't put up but here is my signed uh baby Yoda Funko Pop from John Carlo Esposito uh he came to my university New Mexico State University."
"Aaron was so nice after the show as well. It was exciting for my wife and I to get to meet him and chat for a bit."
"It's hard to have a bad day when you get to hang out with the Undertaker."
"I remember being like, 'Calm down for a second,' and I turned around, and I didn't even realize that Scott Snyder was in the room with us the whole time."
"I can't wait. I'm so nervous if I ever meet him, like how do you go about being like, 'Hello, I am Lady Efron, it's nice to meet you?'"
"She knows who I am and I'm like I know who you are you're Rees freaking Witherspoon."
"Taylor gets to meet up with Robert and Bindi Irwin."
"We were in the sort of bar area down by the pool and Nate Diaz and his whole like team just randomly came in."
"I saw Britney Spears at the gym, which is literally insane."
"So, you got to go up, wait your turn. Finally get up to the guy with the clipboard. He does a 'What's your name?' You go in. Behind me, true story. In the car behind me is a Prius driving it: Larry David."
"Last time I drew my machine out, Tony Blair started phoning my mom. I told mom to hang up."
"It's like I just met the president and the vice president like how insane is that?"
"This is the closest I've ever been to Chris Hemsworth."
"Dude, I got to tell you, I lifted with The Rock yesterday, dude. How was that? That guy's awesome."
"But you got to go to New Mexico, I mean, I'm driving Brian Cranston to the Burbank Airport to Southwest flight to New Mexico, that's 13 years ago."
"Jerry West? I went to meet him. Los Angeles Lakers."
"This was all a hoax. I got in this situation where I just went and took a picture with Ruby Rose, right, okay."
"Scariest thing I've ever done... Try to introduce myself to Kristin Wiig."
"I remember even a couple of years afterwards, I was going for a run and I suddenly, like, the thought crossed my mind: Gosh, I was in a film with Leonardo."
"We met Beyonce's mother we met Beyonce's mother like the most valuable [ __ ] of the whole world like are you kidding me she birthed Beyonce"
"Like the first time Seinfeld walked in front of me to do stand-up in New York, you're like, 'Well, that's what that person looks like in the flesh.'"
"One of my first memories was Adam Sandler at a game."
"My first favorite television character of all time, Dylan McKay, who I met yesterday and I didn't have the guts to be like, 'Hey, Luke, may the bridges I burn light my way.'"
"what's great is sometimes Legends come through there and one night I had the pleasure of getting to bring Chris Rock On Stage yeah it was very cool one of the highlights of my career he was working out his stuff for the Oscars"
"I'm just starstruck right now. I can't believe this. I want to talk on the phone with you for hours."
"I'm a little bit nervous to meet Sh Ramsey. I heard the guy's like 6'2 and like he's a monster."
"If I can sit in a group of people with like six people and one of them's Larry David, I'm going."
"I can't believe George Harrison is sitting next to me."
"I did actually meet Sasha Baron once in person and he was like disarmingly nice."
"Matt Smith could not have been nicer. He was very excited and amusing about it."
"John Lennon invited him in, bought him a drink, and presented him to the band."
"Keith Urban is so talented, and it was so cool to be so close to seeing him in person."
"I feel like that teenage girl that's meeting Justin Bieber."
"David Bowie came in while we were working on that."
"This is great, oh look, I'm here with Mr. Stan, hey, how are you sir?"
"We get a chance not just to interview or maybe see a legend or a hero, we get a chance to actually have them here."
"I thought it was super cool because, you know, 11-year-old Eric, he's like, 'That's a guy from Bon Jovi.'"
"Meeting Oprah, that's like number two because, first of all, she's like royalty."
"It's not every day you get to run into Elton John at a restaurant and have him tell you exactly what you were just thinking."
"Most people know the Cotswolds as the place where you may run into a certain Jude Law in a cozy little pub."
"Seeing the people that you used to have on your wall in posters in the lane beside you, it was a bit of a humbling experience."
"It's been an extraordinary year not just getting a studio and a set but also doing things like Journey Across Japan, Wacky Weekend, even meeting Ken Watanabe."
"I came face to face with Melissa Auf der Maur, Eric Erlandson, and Courtney Love in Montreal."
"Mr. Ronaldo made a personal visit to my residence."
"It's always kind of funny when I'm out traveling or doing something and somebody comes up to me and says, 'Oh man, I saw you on Sesame Street with James Taylor when I was a little kid.'"
"Next time you meet Richard Gere, you can entertain him in style."
"Growing up on Long Island, I never thought I would meet Dice."
"Drake was actually the first person to let me even sit inside of a cyber truck."
"We met Elvis in his big house in Los Angeles. It was very exciting."
"We got to meet Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman, that was pretty sweet."
"I'm just sitting there and Marissa Meyer comes and sits down next to me and I'm like Hello."
"I'm flying from Frankfurt to Montreal, and I just happened to be next to friend and celebrity Wanda Sykes."
"I would say for me, as most starstruck I ever probably was, was meeting Jimmy Page."
"You met Miles Davis? Yeah, that was a trip."
"In 10 years, will I more regret embarrassing myself by talking to this person, or will I say, 'Yeah, I met Donald Faison, I talked to him, and we ended up hanging out'?"
"I had to serve Robert Duvall his brunch once."
"I met Bon Jovi once, which you think might be weird, but it turns out, total sweetheart."
"Beyonce was so nice at this place."
"I wore this to meet Selena Gomez and it'll forever remind me of that day."
"We also met Tina Lawson who used to be known as Tina Knowles, Beyoncé's mom, and she was really really nice."
"I got to talk to him about hitting, and it was funny too because he sort of tested us to see if we were just a couple of jerk-offs who wanted to talk to him."
"We met BTS before they went big, it was crazy."
"I remember I worked at a gas station, my dad at a gas station, and he came in to get gas and I was like, holy [__] dude, like I pump my idol's [__] gas."
"I remember hugging Caitlyn and I'm like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm hugging Caitlyn, like wow.'"
"We got to meet the rapper like kids today, y'all, and it was super, super cool."
"So that was the worst standup gig ever, but Cory Feldman told me I was funny, so win-win."
"I had dinner with Prince once, and he was just sipping tea very daintily."
"Meeting and working with Stan Lee."