
Buffalo Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"It's great work, Buffalo fans are the greatest."
"This is Buffalo New York, 1901, just stunning architecture."
"So this is Jim White Buffalo Hunter, he had shot and killed 16,000 Buffalo."
"I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a better collection of architecture in a small area than exists in downtown Buffalo."
"This is Buffalo. This is America. This is our team."
"There's a little bit of sour tangy spiciness from the buffalo, this is awesome."
"Buffalo is located on the western edge of New York state on the shores of Lake Erie."
"Buffalo has a lively nightlife scene with a few main areas where bars and clubs are clustered, making for easy bar hopping."
"Buffalo really embodies that word 'grit'."
"In terms of numbers and Grandeur no animal ever matched the buffalo."
"Sure wouldn't mind seeing a buffalo head come out of the water instead of them little weasels."
"The buffalo is a symbol of self-sacrifice. It gives until there is nothing left."
"The quarantine program has successfully protected hundreds of Buffalo from slaughter."
"Having those Buffalo come back has reinforced to us that dreams do come true, things are possible, things can happen."
"We have prophecies that talk about the Buffalo returning and coming back."
"Chasing those opportunities, leaving Cincinnati and going to Buffalo, you know, it was just a lot of those and so it's awesome."
"He really resembles a buffalo really well."
"What did the Buffalo dad say to his kid when he went out to pasture? Bye son!"
"Buffalo is known for having a huge Irish population."
"I was in Buffalo a couple of days ago."
"Buffalo is a place that like I said I went there for a couple of days and I really I really liked it like I really thought Buffalo was like a Vibe."
"Buffalo New York is known for its snowy winters."
"The fierce mother buffalo took revenge fiercely, and it used its horns to knock the lion into the air."
"If you can make it in Buffalo, you can make it anywhere."
"Buffalo will lock their horns with the opponent and then rapidly twist their necks to the side."
"Buffalo wings originated in Buffalo, New York."
"The buffalo is so strong and manages to pull the crocodile out of the water."
"Do Buffalo have hooves or paws? They have hooves."
"The way the Buffalo don't eat grass down to the stubs, they make it so that it renews itself."
"Their hooves turn the soil and help recycle nutrients."
"My message to all people: if you really want to make a difference in this world, find a way to bring Buffalo back."
"There's nobody that I'm more heartbroken for than Buffalo."
"The buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."
"No part of the buffalo was wasted."
"The buffalo were not simply their physical salvation; the buffalo were relatives."
"We are going to take a little trip back in time when downtown Buffalo was the destination for great entertainment, fine dining, and wonderful shopping."
"Buffalo, New York, is known as the city of trees due to the vast amount of parks and green spaces."
"The buffalo have a great part of American history."
"If you're coming to Buffalo, come to the Banshee, it has character."
"The Buffalo is a very sacred animal to our people and they're actually the staff of life for our people."
"The Buffalo is the only animal in the animal kingdom that charges the storm."
"I'm just getting a much better view at the Buffalo as we originally were."
"Buffalo do have a terrible reputation, but they seem friendly."
"Sometimes you drive past the Buffalo and you don't pay them too much attention, but actually, they are worth spending time with."
"The African Buffalo is a force to be reckoned with."
"The Buffalo have stood their ground this morning and told the Lions you will not be taking one of us."
"We do have some buffalo, and a different setting, not sitting in the mud but just standing in Treehouse Dam."
"At night it can be quite awe-inspiring to be surrounded by a herd of buffalo and to just have them doing their thing around you."
"We use every part of that Buffalo."
"It's one of the most amazing feelings to be in such a large herd of buffalo."
"That is for me the ultimate buffalo sighting, when you get the entire herd coming into the water to drink."
"They're very very cool to spend time with because lions love to follow buffalo around."
"It's a beautiful afternoon, we have spent some time with our buffaloes."
"Buffalo can be very, very aggressive and also very, very courageous."
"Oh many of you are agreeing that the Buffalo are cute."
"So it wasn't a case of lions having their next meal, but the tables turned and the buffalo managed to chase the lions."
"The Buffalo, a force not to be reckoned with."
"It's just like an endless line of Buffalo heading all the way down towards the dam."
"Lovely to see how there's no real rush for these buffalo; they're doing their thing at their own pace."