
Doctor Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Doctor looking at my X-rays: 'This is exactly what I was afraid of.' Me: 'What?' Doctor: 'Skeletons.'"
"Read metabolical and if you think that what's in metabolical is worthwhile gift it to your doctor it all starts with education."
"There's no better person to do that than a doctor, so I'm gonna stick around 'cause I'm a doctor and I'm gonna help people heal."
"If you are having symptoms then you have to see a doctor, don't put it off."
"A guy goes to the doctor. He says, 'Doctor, I can't pee.' The doctor says, 'How old are you?' The guy says, 'I'm 90.' The doctor says, 'You peed enough.'"
"Chad said she had been feeling sick with something like a cold lately and that she would have gone to the doctor today."
"You're a doctor, the healer who can fix up anyone no matter how bad it may seem."
"Consult with your doctor before you begin any exercise program."
"Doctor, the word for 'healer' and 'wise man' throughout the universe."
"Are you a doctor? Well, I'm more like a vet."
"This fragrance is one that gets compliments... even at the doctor's."
"Find and book a top-rated doctor today."
"Patients do like a doctor to be cheerful."
"The doctor's personality lends itself very well to hoarding trinkets, so yeah, a big double thumbs up to this one."
"... it's a beautiful piece of commentary on the magic and wonder of the doctor as a character showing how incredible and mythical this figure is."
"Nobody ever said at any point... and by the way, what doctor would be like, 'You do not have Lupus?' No rheumatologist would even say that. Like, what, is it worth all the lie? Definitely not. In this case, it was not worth it."
"The doctor seemed unbound by physical law."
"If your doctor said, 'Hey, you know, 46% of the time I give pretty good advice,' you would be like, 'I think I might get another doctor.'"
"Yeah, I'm not a doctor what the doctor says is happening."
"This is the age of miracles, Doctor. I've seen them before."
"The doctor went really well. Flynn is totally healthy and great."
"She's the best doctor, I would trust her with my life."
"The one doctor actually told me that she wasn't going to live past 3 months old."
"The doctor left London in 1963 and returned to it 3 years later."
"It's all thanks to you, doctor. You really outdid yourself."
"I've always known I'm a doctor, my mom's never hidden it from me."
"One of the most interesting parts of this story is the Doctor revealing what the Trickster is."
"Dr. P strikes again, saving hearts."
"Jenna Coleman is hands down one of the best doctor actors of all time. She brings such a bright and bubbly energy to Clara, making her one of the lightest and most optimistic companions ever."
"I think by having a doctor talk about it and encouraging people using delicious, culturally diverse meals to look after your health, it's a very attractive proposition."
"Clearly you'd want your doctor to ask you some questions, figure out why you were there, and figure out what the objective of surgery or whatever it is you're going to see your doctor for, right?"
"People are supposed to go to the doctor and trust that they'll be taken care of."
"he is the best doctor i've ever seen"
"I'm a doctor. We make terrible patients because we tend to minimize or rationalize every warning sign. Going for a doctor's appointment basically reminds us that we can also get sick."
"...one of the greatest antidotes to depression is to do service, simple thing because sometimes people with depression, they just go to the doctor."
"Being a DO is absolutely respectable and professional."
"I am a doctor. my job is to save lives. And just now I have killed a man. I don't want to take anyone's life."
"He's the only doctor I know that wears cologne, so he's gotta be cool."
"If your doctor's the quarterback of your health, just know this: he doesn't care about you or love you more than you do."
"As a doctor, you have to separate yourself from that and give everyone the best chance of being reintegrated into society."
"Simple Health is not a replacement for routine checkups at your doctor."
"Literally, my doctor is telling me when you get pregnant, endometriosis takes a 10-month vacation."
"When you spot someone you're like that's going to be a damn good doctor."
"If you're a doctor and you're on a plane and something happens, even though you're on holiday, you might have to save someone's life just because you can."
"The coolest man in the goddamn world was here and he is divorced, has two kids, and is a doctor."
"He catches sight of the doctor throwing something into the kitchen stove... they're definitely reasons to be a little suspicious of the good doctor."
"If you're dealing with issues and just not feeling right, go in and see a doctor."
"Nobody shoots a doctor, Paul. Sure timing."
"...the flexibility that life in the United Kingdom affords you as a doctor is something one should consider."
"One of the skills a doctor has to have is judging when to use antibiotics, when not to, which one to use, for how long, and how many courses you can give before further investigations are done."
"If you're really struggling with sleep then reach out to your doctor for help."
"And then another account from a doctor is from Sean George. Sean George has all the medical records."
"So what's the future? The honest truth is as a doctor if I had an ability to put myself out of business I'd love it."
"Like every doctor, I've taken the Hippocratic oath to save a life, wherever and whenever I can."
"But if you find that it's getting worse for any reason at all please go see a doctor."
"I went to the doctor today, and she said, 'Your blood pressure, Miss, has never been better than ever.'"
"A doctor has to be a guidance system. He is not an Oracle that knows answers."
"Dr Gabai was glad that most of his patients seemed to be doing better."
"I will leave you with a prescription and devices to make you feel better," the doctor said.
"A perfect first impression of the doctor to come."
"If you were a doctor, you'd surely become an outstanding one."
"The highest ideal being the doctor that sacrifices themselves for others and still has love and hope."
"Should you watch it? Yep, make an appointment with this doctor."
"It's important for everybody to have a good doctor."
"I went to a doctor. All he did was suck blood from my neck. Do not go see Dr. Acula."
"Speak to your medical doctor; they are truly your best friends that help you get rid of your problem."
"The role of a doctor is the compassion that a person can convey."
"The most important part is really seeing your doctor."
"Be proactive with your health, get blood work done, see your doctor."
"Do not hesitate to call your doctor... it is literally their job to answer your questions, alleviate your fears."
"The doctor's role in the community was to make sure everyone was living harmoniously and healthily."
"If you became unwell, then it was his role to make them better."
"What this country really needs, right now, is a Doctor."
"One common theme on the show, his Achilles heel, is that he's a doctor and can't leave someone when they're in pain or sick and need help."
"Doctor makes a lot of noise, and he loves to make an entrance."
"Working two days a week as a doctor is fun, and I can do three days a week as a YouTuber, that's pretty cool, why not?"
"Hi everyone, my name is Katherine, and I am a junior doctor based in London."
"I can help these people more as more as like a coach more than even a doctor."
"You've been here so long, Doctor."
"After having seen so many angles to the healthcare system, that's really when I felt like being a doctor is what I wanted to do."
"We're so happy with the doctor we have now."
"Damilola's dream for when he was older was to become a doctor, that was his career goal because he wanted to help people."
"She was a really wonderful debut as a doctor."
"Having a doctor around when you're facing international and intergalactic threats is nothing to sniff at."