
Nuclear Risk Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The prospect of our blundering into a nuclear war, either by accident or political miscalculation, is probably the greatest risk we face."
"In a world in which there's plenty of nuclear firepower to drive humanity extinct...nobody can say with precision but is it dangerous? I think we all know that it is."
"We have to stop it before it goes nuclear, which is what will happen if there is no resistance."
"We are one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear Armageddon."
"Can the US win the new cold war with China? We've escalated, and no, we can't not without risking a nuclear war."
"The threat of a use of a nuclear device by Russia is real."
"There's a non-trivial chance that nuclear weapons will be used here."
"The chances of nuclear war have never been higher."
"We could end up in nuclear Armageddon with seemingly intelligent and rational steps along the way."
"The fact of the matter is never before in history in the last 24 hours we have been closer to nuclear Armageddon than we've ever been before."
"What happened next took the cake. It was almost a full-blown National nuclear security incident."
"The individual Western official was really downplaying the nuclear risk at the moment"
"Never before in all of our past times with nuclear weapons are we going to come closer, far closer than the Cuban Missile Crisis to an accidental or a sudden unexpected unleashing of nuclear weapons in our time."
"The risk of nuclear Armageddon is at the highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis."
"If there's a tiny risk of nuclear war, we're literally talking about the extermination of human civilization."
"We are at a greater risk of nuclear war today than ever before in history."
"An atomic strike by either side, in this alternate timeline, is a dangerous prospect."
"This may be the closest the world ever came to nuclear war occurred not at the height of the Cold War but in 1995."
"The chances of nuclear use are not super high, but the worry is that they're not zero either."
"This is the most concerned I've ever been about the potential for nuclear escalation."
"We are definitely at a higher risk of nuclear war than we were yesterday."
"If it did go nuclear, that's basically the end of the world right there."
"Everybody is sleepwalking when it comes to the potential for a nuclear crisis of apocalyptic proportions."
"But given the stakes, the risks are still unnervingly high: nuclear war and dangerous pandemics threatened the amazing global civilization we have built."
"The visitors are continuously warning us about the danger of nuclear proliferation and environmental catastrophe."
"The danger of nuclear Armageddon is the highest since the Cuban Missile Crisis."
"The President is right to raise the risk of nuclear conflict. Putin is increasingly getting pushed into a corner."
"A no-fly zone is escalatory and could prompt a war with Russia, a major nuclear power."
"The leaders of our world are essentially angry, fearful, 5-year olds with Nuclear Weapons!"
"Nuclear terrorism has been a significant concern for decades, but things really heated up with the collapse of the Soviet Union."
"There's the possibility of nuclear war of course for the whole world."
"These two countries are coming together in a moment where the United States' imperial hegemony is threatening nuclear annihilation."
"Yeltsin's ability to communicate with his nuclear forces however would have been eliminated well before that."
"The Cold War held always the possibility that through miscalculation or a series of miscalculations that you could end up in nuclear confrontation."
"We've gotten spoiled. The past 30 years or so has been a period of relatively low nuclear risk."
"...a group called The Council on strategic risks which is looking at some of the most dangerous nuclear systems that are in development."
"The war has serious implications for us all; nuclear threats put us all at risk."
"What can we do as a nation, as a world, and as individuals to minimize the risk of a nuclear civilization-ending exchange?"