
Employee Retention Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Good quality employers find ways to add the most value through their benefits package because they know that's what retains employees."
"so the only Surefire solution the article presents is actually a pretty practical one that will almost certainly work at least on a portion of the workforce free on-site Child Care"
"If companies don't invest in their employees, they're not going to have employees."
"If you don't invest in your employees, you know what they do? They leave."
"The Diablo team has been losing talent for over a year as employees look for more competitive wages and better work conditions elsewhere."
"My biggest worry is losing somebody who's good because they're confused on what's going on. But that's on me, not on them."
"What's the talent base or skill base that I'm acquiring and how do I make sure that that talent and skill base stays with the new acquired company versus leaves?"
"Employees who are engaged and thriving are 59 percent less likely to look for a job with a different organization in the next twelve months."
"Pay is not the most important thing. You keep people because you treat them well, with respect and dignity."
"Retention on the employee level is imperative, happiness is imperative, 'cause it leads to speed, and speed is the competitive advantage that you have against your competitors in your product and service."
"There are advantages of retention, yes there are advantages."
"This person will likely never leave your team."
"Employees leave managers, they do not usually leave companies."
"The more you excise your own employees... the more you are giving them away to your own competition."
"Forcing people to work from the office leads to higher staff turnover, which in this case is exactly what they want."
"Paying folks a livable wage is how you get people to want to stay. Not being greedy."
"That shows great retention. Those guys have been with Tesla for so dang long."
"HR's function: attract, develop, and retain talent."
"There's that saying that people don't quit bad jobs, they quit bad managers."
"About 33% of our survey respondents said that the reason they think their companies provide them with these fun perks was to keep them at their desks for longer hours."
"Employers don't want to let go of employees because they're hard to find."
"Recognition affects turnover, culture, profitability..."
"Slow down on the greed, be resilient, take care of the people, don't lose the institutional knowledge that's been built up in the people you lose every single time."
"Many hospital staff members are threatening to quit their jobs in the coming months."
"If you over index both on giving a [ __ ] about your employees and focus on culture, retention of your employees always grows your business."
"People are understanding that they're not respected and taken care of in their corporate positions, and that makes them want to leave."
"When your employees won't stick around that's the only thing that keeps you honest."
"You need to make it a wonderful workplace to attract good people that they want to stay and do their best."
"I don't think people leave a job when they like it."
"A happy workplace is the key to attracting and keeping great employees."
"Bara being the shitty boss that he is, he's not going to be able to maintain these people even if he can attract them in the first place."
"I always wanted to have a company to where people don't want to leave."
"What makes the difference between a place that people genuinely love working and a place that they cannot wait to leave?"
"It's easier to retain somebody than it is to start from scratch and build somebody from the ground up."
"If companies can effectively tell that story, they can attract tough talent, they can keep their employees."
"Hiring budgets are higher than raise and retention budgets."
"Train them so well that they can leave, treat them so well that they don't want to."
"It's much more costly to lose employees than it is customers."
"People quit bosses, they don't quit companies."
"I've had great employee retention and the goal is to be the polar opposite of a chain store."
"The real reason most people leave an organization has nothing to do with pay; it has to do with their feeling of belonging."
"Stability of tenure is important to get employees accustomed to new work and succeed in doing well."
"Organizations that focus on improving the value of the office and giving people a reason to come in not only see a huge jump in employee retention but in the number of people willingly coming to the office."
"Smart employers use the office environment not as a cost center, but as a retention tool."
"If you can't figure out how to make an environment that's engaging to them, they'll leave and start competitors."
"How do you retain an employee that is a crypto billionaire? You wait a month."
"Goal setting and then progress against those goals can be really important and valuable for employee retention."
"I'm going to show you today a way that you can get an advance payment for the credit related to the employee retention credit."
"People leave managers, never the organization."