
Rule Following Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Honestly, I just saw religion as something that was just a bunch of rules that I didn't want to follow."
"People have a greater desire to be given rules to abide by, rather than seeking freedom."
"For people to be able to quietly wait in line and wait their place as opposed to trying to get to the top and just muscle everybody else out, break the rules, whatever, to get ahead."
"I didn't break the rules not because I am more self-righteous than anybody else but because I just didn't really have the opportunity to."
"The Chinese room objection: Does following rules mean understanding? A philosophical challenge to the Turing test."
"Part of leadership is really this following the rules in the right places and breaking the rules in the right places."
"Can you be a rule follower, be fair in your critiques, and still be successful?"
"The worst thing you can have happen is make money not following your rules."
"You have to have rules, you have to follow the rules."
"Being successful is about following rules and having discipline."
"Following rules with a high success rate can be a good idea, even if it's not good for you personally."
"You can't cheat. Exactly, you can't cheat. Oh my God, we can't cheat. It's very simple, why? Why?"
"The challenge of our time is a struggle between those who follow the rules and those who recognize no rules at all."
"If you're doing anything other than following your rules I can promise you one thing it's costing you money."
"If you want to play Seraphine, you have to be able to hit her note, otherwise you have to play another champ. I don't make the rules, okay?"
"If you follow all of these rules to the letter, then I can guarantee at least an A-minus in any physics class that you take."
"The resistance to following a simple set of rules melts away after 10 to 15 trades."
"When the prison doors slam shut, following the rules is the key to doing your time."
"You had a better trade earlier and you gave it up because I followed my rules."
"Your title doesn't change your destiny, following the rules does."
"Life is truly a game and we should all be aware of that and like every game it has rules to follow."
"Christianity works best when we follow the rules."
"You have to follow the rules, it's that simple."
"Just be careful of that diagonal check and try to follow those rules."
"Be nice to people and don't break the rules. It's not rocket science, is it?"
"Hitchcock went so far out of his way to follow the rule, like the difficulty wasn't when to break the rule, it was the discipline, the lengths you are willing to go to to follow the rule."
"I dive deep into the rules. I love the rules. I love crunch."
"The new rule is you cannot deviate in your slide."
"We were smarter than average and found workarounds by obeying the letter of the rules but not their spirit."
"Follow your rules. So one, build your rules, but then once you build them, follow them."
"I'm brilliant at following rules."
"I've come up here from London. I play by the rules, alright? I bought an off-peak ticket."
"We got to be really careful that we follow the rules because if we don't follow the same rules, the message is not going to get to where it's destined to get."
"It's important to have rules; it's important to have a system that you follow."
"The right answer is to follow the rules."
"I never break the rules or anything."
"This legion performs excellently; their rules are clear, concise, well written."
"Follow the rules, that's it. If you follow those rules, the rules will work for you."
"Saka is the most rebellious good kid I've ever seen in my life; he does it his way but he also likes rules."
"Hermione Granger is my inspiration, and she is a rule follower, so I tend to follow the rules."
"I think for all of Giles' doing things by the book... there is an aspect in Giles' behavior that's a little bit rebellious like Buffy."
"Religion... that's filled with rules, and they're good rules."
"Getting psyched up... is really just getting excited about the idea that we can do things the ethical way and show them that we don't need to break their rules."
"Trying to follow the rules, which I always try to do, is follow the rules."
"We have to follow the rules, not get in trouble, and live peaceably."
"Conventional confirms rules and follows pleasing others."