
Art Fundamentals Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Good gesture, good drawing. If you have a weak gesture, you won't get a good drawing."
"Color is overrated and underrated a lot of people think that's all you need to know with art...but it'll help you stop making huge errors that could otherwise ruin a scene."
"It's all about proportions. Yellow and blue? Green. But what level of green are you talking about?"
"To be successful as an animal drawing, you have to understand the basic structure of the animal."
"Drawing is the first of all the arts, the cradle of all the arts."
"The value scale is your best friend as you learn about values."
"Foundational drawing is foundational drawing, no matter what the style is."
"Fundamentals of drawing: shape, contour, form, shading."
"All we're working with here are cylinders for the entire body."
"Learn how to create modular parts, how to add more life to our scene by blending objects, and apply art fundamentals like color theory and composition until you have a really nice environment for your game."
"He gets you straight to what matters: edges, perspective, lighting, color, atmosphere, camera angles, composition."
"Knowing your fundamentals and actually knowing how to draw is more important than being popular anyways."
"Absolutely nothing that I've discussed changes just because the figure is male or very round or very muscular or extremely short. Angles and proportion, okay? Always."
"Style has always been something that evolves from a good understanding of the fundamentals of art."
"Learn how to break down complex shapes into simple primitives."
"Composition is as important as exposure and colors."
"All I'm doing is drawing ellipses, teardrop shapes, egg shapes, and circles. These are just lines."
"The trick is just getting your values right."
"Just because it's cartoon or anime, you still gotta have anatomy."
"These are your three best friends in drawing: the cube, the sphere, and the cylinder."
"I wish I would have paid more attention to the fundamentals... things like value, color, seeing the big shapes, simplifying."
"Faces are the most important thing that you'll draw..."
"Fence posts are one of those things that you need to use perspective on because you have to have three of everything."
"Painting is just drawing with color."
"Proportions aren't a technique, trick, or gimmick; they're a fundamental drawing principle."
"Just pay attention to even the little things when dealing with perspective."
"It's not that important what brush you use. What's most important is following all the fundamentals of art that you already know about."
"The core concept of form is really about dimension."
"You really want to understand the shape of what you're coloring because that's going to make it easier to understand where you should be placing your shadows."
"It's all about how to draw fur, it goes into a lot of the fundamentals."
"This part of removing the logic that you have in your brain and replacing it by using art fundamentals is extremely important to create nice environments."
"Mark making is to me kind of like the bones of art."
"It doesn't matter what you're sketching, all that matters is that you recognize the lines and the shapes that you see."
"Now that you have some basic ideas of how to use the fundamental drawing instruments, you'll be ready to start drawing."
"If you can draw a shape, you can draw. Everything is just made up of shapes and lines and colors, that's it."
"Using the primaries will serve as basic color theory and basic color mixing practice."
"Digital drawing to me is no different than traditional as far as the fundamentals go."
"It's very important to strip it all back to the simplistic truth, the reality that we are drawing and painting on a flat two-dimensional surface."
"The local color or the object color is the color that a thing is, regardless of whether it's in light or shadow."
"It's value, not color, that creates the illusion of space, light, and form."
"The first thing to look for is its overall shape. What's the shape that you're looking for? What the major large shapes you're looking at?"
"Values do all the work, and color gets all the credit."
"With everything in sculpture, you want to start from as simple as you can go."
"It's all about shapes and colors."
"When you're freehand drawing, you're learning your proportions, hand-eye coordination, and another thing that painting is actually just drawing with color."
"The only colors that cannot be created when mixing any other two colors together are yellow, blue, and red."
"Good posing has a lot to do with readability, and readability has a lot to do with clear silhouettes."
"Painting starts and ends with drawing."
"I've come to learn that painting has four overall fundamentals to it, and shapes, that's arguably the most important one."
"The importance of drawing the cylinder can't be understated; it's such an important part of drawing."
"I would highly recommend this course to whoever is serious about learning the fundamentals of art."
"This is just the fundamentals and building blocks of how I sketch out and draw kids, children, and babies."
"The key to drawing mountains is drawing these sharp contrasts between the shadow areas and lighter areas."
"The fundamentals and principles of picture making are the same whether you want to be an illustrator or a concept artist."
"If you really think about the basic shapes, generally you can draw anything you want."
"The most important thing is value. You know, getting the value right."
"The big shapes are what's more important."
"If you can start to block these things out, a few lines, you are way ahead of the curve."
"This is like the first step, so if you can't do this well, practice this for a while and everything else will feel a lot easier once you've got this."
"Always respect value, value is how dark something is, how light something is when compared to everything else that's surrounding it."
"Don't forget that mantra: simple but accurate shapes. It will take you a long, long way with every medium and every single subject."
"Value is the underlying structure of painting, and to master value is really the foundation of everything that you do with color."
"It's all about composition at the beginning."
"This practice of drawing the shape, focusing on the outer shape when you begin the drawing, is a big part of realistic drawing."
"Shapes is a very important part of art style."
"Head construction is the art of using simple geometric forms to represent and define complex and organic forms."
"Behind every great penciller, inker, colorist is a solid art foundation."
"Ultimately, everything is 3D forms sitting in 3D perspective or space."
"Understanding drawing, understanding form and shape and proportion can only benefit you."
"A shade is created by adding black to any color... a tint is having white added to any color... a tone is adding gray to any hue."
"Don't let the background be the same value as your character."