
Optimal Timing Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"If you had to be born at any moment in human history, and you didn't know ahead of time whether you were gonna be black, white, Asian, Latino, that you didn't know whether you were gonna be, what country you were from or you're male or female or gay or straight, and you just said, well, you're blind. You're behind a veil. When do you wanna be born? You'd choose now."
"Truth be told, there's never been a better time to jump into Raid Shadow Legends."
"The best time to patch your roof is when the sun is shining."
"This person will come when you feel your best, when you have felt the best you've ever felt."
"Everybody needs to feel like it's a good time, it's right."
"You could not be in a better place at a better time than you are right now."
"This looks fantastic. If now is a great time to buy a Model 3, absolutely."
"It's a good time to manifest the actualization of that idea or vision."
"For players interested in obtaining achievements, this is the best possible time to obtain the first to anbu empire achievement."
"Now it's the best time to start your ClickBank and affiliate marketing journey. You will not find a better time to do that."
"When it comes to the best time to actually be uploading on YouTube, there are two best times right now: 11 a.m. and 3 p.m."
"Whenever you're at your strongest, that's when you should make plays."
"Universe would actually prefer to bring you somebody when you are at your optimal level."
"It's actually a pretty good time to jump into it."
"It's never been a better time to be a PC gamer."
"If there was ever a time to play World of Warcraft, now seems like the best time in years."
"If you are a true pro user I don't think there's ever been a better time to buy a new MacBook Pro."
"The timing of this event could not be more optimal for a pool repair company like Leslie's."
"There has never been a better time to try Harry's."
"There's arguably not been a better time to build a gaming PC in the last two years."
"There has never been a better time to become a part of the movement."
"Uploading Monday Tuesday or Wednesday I think is really good."
"There's never been a better time than to get serious about your joy."
"This is the perfect time of year and the perfect day to be here."
"The best time to sell puts is at the bottom."
"This might be the best time in history to deliver that message."
"With the Wii, they hit it right place, right time, right system, right software."
"There has never been a better time to get a remote job."
"Right now is a great time to do it. Right now is a great time to do it."
"There has never been a better time to create independent projects."
"This really is the best time to be making your first website."
"If you have any interest in getting into the Kingdom Hearts series, now is actually the best time."
"Now again is one of the best times to be an investor."
"I knew that it had to be good and you know what you bitches were right because this book Evelyn Hugo is just very nuanced and real and just has set a high caliber of how characters should be written."
"I'm gonna break it down the best time, the safest time, the time where you have the most reward for the least amount of risk."
"One of the most important things you need to know when you're harvesting your herbs is you want to do it in the cool of the morning before the sun has begun to hit them and just as the dew is beginning to dry off of them."
"The right medicine for the right person at the right time."
"Perhaps this really was the best possible time to revisit this film."
"Herbs have to be picked at the right time. The pores of the plant will open up in the mornings, and then in the evening, as the sun is going down, it goes down at the sun as well."
"Selling in 2021, 100% fully doable. Better now than anywhere else."
"Now is the absolute time that you should be buying a card."
"If you're waiting for the right time to buy a gpu it is quite literally right now this very second."
"Now's the time as the game is in the best state it's been since launch."
"Go earlier in the week to find all the best things."
"As soon as it opens, the thrift store is less busy and cleaner."
"When is the best time to go to bed? Ideally between 10 and 11 o'clock p.m."
"If you guys are actually looking to purchase a hot hatch now may be the very best time to do so."
"I think if bars are ever going to sell the young it has to be this summer."
"This is the best time to get out your channel, to start getting content."
"There's never been a better time to start exploring virtual reality."
"As an introduction to a FromSoftware style world, there's never really been a better time to jump in."
"If you have the right strategy and the right information, it's like there's never been a better time to act."
"Now's a good time to get a monitor in general."
"The great thing about shooting in burst mode is I can get it right at that peak."
"Bucks could be hot at the right time man I mean Tom Brady's been dishing it."
"If you want to start your own business... go for it February 13th to March the 23rd."
"Q2 and Q3 are kill zones... those are the best times to trade."
"The best images almost always happen around sunrise and sunset."
"It's the perfect time to start something like this."
"I think right now is the number one best time to buy silver in the past 170 years."
"This is the best time to start an e-commerce business right now."
"There's no better time to get Mario Maker than now because the community is booming with designs."
"The timing is completely right. There's no other way."
"A black man born in America today is born at the best possible time in the history of this country to be black."
"The best time to form a union is when you have no complaints. The second best time is now."
"The best time to start your own business is when you have a job." - Gary Collins
"Scout the location for the optimum time of day."
"If you've ever wanted to do something, now is your time... now is an amazing time to do it."
"I think it'd be better if you do Saturday, it's gonna be a bigger crowd, you'll have a lot more freedom."
"Rise and grind, it's better that we're out and about now rather than when the Sun is up and we're all lethargic."
"I'm waiting until this afternoon when it's nice and hot to pull some of these ripe Tomatoes."
"It's a great time to load up destiny 2 again."
"If you're gonna ever get into collecting now is the time."
"Never been a better time to get back in shape."
"We are more sensitive to insulin and more receptive to nutrients and more responsive to glucose in the early hours of the day versus the later hours of the day."
"The best time to come is around half past 10, you'll be surprised how quiet it is."
"Now is the right time to make another crossover game."
"Seriously, the mega burning event, perfect time to play."
"Act confidently and go all in this month, because you're gonna notice that the right moment happens."
"When buying a test of a structure, the first test or fresh test is typically the best test."
"Everything in your life right now is aligning."
"Doing the right thing at the right time with the right people is strategic and guarantees your success."
"During the eight to nine week range, human socialization is optimal."
"My favorite months to come to Disneyland are January and February and August and September."
"We chose the best day to do it because it is so nice out."
"Avoiding heat distortion is crucial; don't go out at noon when heat in the air can ruin the focus of your images."
"I feel like going to Disneyland California next year is the best time to go."
"It's big carp fishing all about patience and all about waiting until the right time of the day when the fish want to feed."
"You talk about a team peaking at the right time."
"The best time to come is for sure September, October, right after monsoon season because it's very green."
"It's the perfect time to get in shape."
"That full moon can be some of the best fishing of the year."
"Sunset and sunrise is the best time for it."
"It's that time of day when better fish feed."
"September is an ideal time to start a new lawn or replace an old one."
"There's never really been a better time to dive into Critical Role, you should just start watching Campaign 3 right now."
"I think it's the perfect time to do this, and it's so satisfying."
"Now is about the best time in the life of the universe in which to study it."
"Traveling to Poland in September and October, and also April and May, are probably the best times."
"The best time to see birds in this part of the world is between November and April."
"First thing in the morning that new moon bite is going to be really good for you."
"The best time to post on Facebook is in the evening and mid to late afternoon, specifically between 12 to 3 PM and 6 to 9 PM."
"It's a great time for skincare, it's a great time for Dermatology."
"The time period from November the 11th until the end of the month is the best time energetically to start something new."