
Global Communication Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Being able to communicate with someone worlds away would no doubt bring people closer together, encourage healthy debate between communities, and bridge so many of the gaps that lie between them."
"Lady Yoon appears randomly, she's making a news broadcast to everyone on Earth that this needs to be the last fight between humans after this everyone on the planet should strive for peace."
"The emergence of communication satellites allowed audiences to enjoy broadcasts from all over the globe."
"It's not about perfection but 80 of the world does not speak English while the majority of video content online is in English."
"I want to see nations, yeah! GT IC talking online, it happening no more son!"
"Imagine if every English-speaking person and every Russian speaking person and every German speaking person, if literally everyone on the entire planet could communicate with each other in real time."
"This ability to connect us all is amazing and provides us with the ability to communicate, share information, and stories with almost anyone instantly."
"When wireless is perfectly applied to the whole earth we shall be able to communicate with one another instantly irrespective of distance."
"Russia's people are sending messages all across the world to cease this war."
"I love talking to somebody all the way over in Africa. That's awesome."
"Technology has helped me communicate with my friends and family across the world."
"Many researchers throughout history have concluded that there was once an advanced race of humans which were in worldwide communication with one another."
"Social media Bridges gaps between people from all over the world and gives us instant access and the opportunity to communicate with people we would likely never have otherwise met."
"We have a responsibility and obligation to try to keep open the Freedom of Information flowing between countries between individuals and if you don't."
"Communications has made the world a global village, and yet we're somehow more distant from each other than ever."
"If they ever wanted to talk to us, I suspect it would be something like every person on Earth would get an email in their own language."
"So that is the promise that these internet companies have made - to connect the rest of the world to the internet. And this is the societal good."
"Satellites orbiting Earth serve vital roles in modern society, facilitating global communication and scientific research."
"English forms the connective tissue of global society as its lingua franca."
"English is the most spoken language in the world."
"Improving English helps with international communication, media, and the internet."
"Starlink can carry data at the speed of light in a vacuum all around the earth."
"This is the first time in human history that common people have been able to talk directly to one another in significant numbers."
"We live in a world where one person can send a tweet and can ricochet around the world - wonderful what a wonderful democratization of use."
"The internet ain't nothing but the barber shop of the world."
"Even though we live in a global world where communication happens in an instant, things are often wrong or miscommunicated or there are various sides to stories."
"Starlink would be able to serve that role of launch vehicle communications over the oceans as well."
"This is a renaissance that far surpasses the one we all talk about that happened in the middle ages. But this is a new renaissance now where our thoughts can actually bounce off of satellites in the air."
"The internet is the Tower of Babel; it's all connected, it's all one language."
"The world's economy only operates now because we can talk to each other across continents at virtually the speed of light."
"Britain dominated the global Telegraph Network, and we were able to maintain a dominance because we had dominant sea power."
"Most communications here on the surface of the planet are actually conducted by these massive undersea cables that span from continent to continent."
"It's really great to talk to people around the world who find this stuff fascinating."
"You can listen to signals from all over the world on just this box here without any connections to anything else."
"The fact that we're able to talk to people from around the world on these devices, that is a beautiful thing that we don't appreciate enough."
"The kinescope was an essential tool that started connecting the world together through the medium of television."
"If you want the truth to go around the world, you must hire an express train to pull it; but if you want a lie to go around the world, it will fly."
"I've always wanted to communicate my messages to the audience all over the world through my movies."
"Through the use of a digital network we can connect and communicate with people globally like never before."
"In the global organizations of today and of tomorrow, look at all of the powerful ways that we can communicate and keep that cycle going across the time zones, across the world, across languages."
"Satellites are a critical part of our worldwide communication."
"We're moving into a world where the cultures are mixing, communicating, and transforming each other in remarkably creative ways."
"Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have made it easier to connect with friends and family all over the world."
"It's programmed to automatically receive time information from any of six atomic time transmitters in different parts of the world."
"APRS information all over the world, really neat stuff, really a lot of fun, inexpensive."
"Being able to communicate instantaneously globally is great, we need to leverage that."
"Twitter is like a global cocktail party."
"Should there be some kind of major disaster in the United States, would you be able to hear the news from outside of the world? Well, with a shortwave radio you can."
"A single individual will gain the ability to transmit something seen by the entire world."
"You and a wire talking to continents unknown, interesting lands."
"Good morning everyone, or good afternoon, good night, wherever you at."
"English is going to be the method of communication and it's already become the global language."
"If we have great machine translation, we can help people find answers and find information no matter what language it's in, wherever it is in the world."
"When propagation is good, you can talk around the world on five watts."
"It also means we can talk to people around the world without having to worry about what the time zone is."
"This is a major milestone, if you can hit the repeater through the parrot, you've opened the gateway to the rest of the world."