
Thesis Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"About how media influences societal views and societal views influence media. It's kind of the main thesis of this channel."
"Writing a thesis was definitely the most meaningful part of my university experience."
"Once you've submitted a thesis and you've seen the complexity of the whole project on your own... you kind of have the confidence... it gives you a huge amount of confidence."
"I'm not just trying to stick to a thesis, I'm trying to make sure I get it right."
"We think this is a published thesis."
"It's an investment. It either pays out in a big way and I get my thesis work rolling or it doesn't and I still get further experience with previously unexamined sites."
"I was one of the first to generate my thesis on a computer."
"The elimination of metaphysics is if you like not only the title of the first chapter but it's the underlying thesis that runs through the entirety of the book."
"Part of the whole thesis for understanding this is that actually, in fact, there are ways to fail at being a 450-person company that are."
"A very compelling thesis to own the metal."
"As a musician myself, I did an album of music as my thesis."
"It's unclear then exactly how the thesis of indeterminate reference is to be articulated."
"The core thesis of this event is a fantastic celebration of not just the Batman character, but also everything that superheroes should be."
"This is her master's thesis before she started working with Mike Eddy."
"The introduction... you set up the purpose, why is this chapter important in your thesis."
"I don't have a precise thesis as maybe a scientist could have or should have."
"Congratulations on submitting that thesis. I am proud of you. The university is proud of you. Really, well done."
"The easiest way to pass a PhD, the easiest way to calm your examiners, is to have the second sentence in your abstract reading, 'My original contribution to knowledge is.'"
"So if it's harder to believe right it needs significant proof, sometimes for that one claim you were making like in your thesis statement you might need 10 sources just to back that up."
"So essentially what my thesis was about was how the shape, the supermassive black hole, and the environment of a galaxy could somehow stop it from forming stars."
"The first sentence of the entire thesis is understanding the physical processes which have shaped our universe is the fundamental goal of astrophysics."
"Have your thesis, your summary of key points very clearly in your introduction."
"If you are working on your multi-year project or on your diploma thesis and you need some nice class diagrams for your solution, you can easily use this class diagram feature from Visual Studio."
"I'm working on my thesis for my Master's Degree."
"So remember, thesis statement, evidence, and commentary - that is where it's at."
"You can earn complexity by successfully using all seven documents to support your thesis."
"My entire doctoral thesis ended up being about data science."
"I have successfully submitted my thesis."
"PhD students realizing that they're going to spend four years of their lives writing a 100,000-word thesis that will only ever be read by four people."
"Writing a thesis or completing a Capstone is kind of like a boss battle."
"And that sums up my master thesis on why British roads do be different though."
"A thesis statement is a very important part of the paper because it basically tells the reader what your paper is going to be about."
"Make your thesis statement obvious."
"What I want to hold here is a non-reductive thesis that upholds the idea of supervenience."
"My final thesis was 120 pages of what we are today: collectible with a high level of finishing and quality."
"I learned Law Tech in the space of about a week... I remade my entire thesis in Law Tech."
"Your thesis... will be your position on or your response to the question being asked."
"Because of UNLV, I am now excited to continue on my honors thesis defense."
"The literature review is the spine of your thesis."
"I've shown you my master thesis project and I'm going to be talking about this project a lot more in depth."
"Every good thesis is worth subverting and flipping around and questioning."
"A thesis is your response to the question and the way you formulate an argument which will enable you to answer that question."
"A good thesis directly and explicitly engages with the question."
"The central thesis of this book is basically that disease has primarily emotional, mental, and energetic causes."
"Your thesis should be in one or two sentences that contains your stand and the three main points."
"It's proving the thesis on why decentralization is the most important gift to humanity, because it pushes the power to individuals rather than centralizing power."
"My fundamental thesis is agency and coercion coexist."
"Make sure you have a clear thesis statement."
"When you write a conclusion, do not just restate your thesis; make your conclusion about ideas."
"The most important sentence in the whole essay is the thesis statement because it gives the essay its structure."
"The thesis statement is the most important sentence of your entire essay."
"Insight Guide is a project of our bachelor thesis, and we received very good feedback on the YouTube channel so far."
"This is printed out thesis from Julian Kelly on fault-tolerant superconducting qubits."