
Forewarning Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"As they say in the hit series Game of Thrones, 'Winter is coming.'"
"Welcome Oh to the last day of the rest of your lives."
"We are entering into the end of the age. Times are dark and they're gonna get darker."
"This feeling was the first warning that would escalate to something worse."
"Prepare because what's coming this fall and what's coming this summer could be brutal."
"People actually do believe that Charles had a premonition and predicted his own death."
"The peace doves were attacked when they call for peace and safety because something is coming."
"I felt that I had something to tell him, something to warn him about, and mourning would be too late."
"She was literally saying these things like she knew her death was right around the corner."
"Be wary, I sense a disturbance in the Force."
"Death awaits the mortal who claims these weapons. Beware."
"I will continue to speak out and reject it. So when the war expands and the nuclear bombs head your way, I can just say, 'Told you so.' But you know what? I won't."
"By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes."
"We're headed towards a very dark night, and the church is not ready."
"God loves us so much he warns us in advance, not to scare us but to inform us."
"We've been warning you guys on this show, it's coming."
"The world is going dark and going dark quickly."
"The tower will fall, everyone who walks with you."
"Enjoy the friendly atmosphere while you can, because there's few friends where we're going as we delve deeper into the backrooms."
"Now you know, when we snow, so whatever I'm about to do to you, you had it coming."
"Don't be afraid, there is one thing that will come before the end."
"The blood moon signifies the Red Wave is coming."
"You're an omen, a warning. The darkness is already here."
"I have been trying to warn people for two and a half years that this was coming."
"It's called being the first on the bus and they're gonna tell on you."
"Hell is coming to us." - A chilling reminder that sometimes darkness comes knocking at our own doorsteps.
"Peace, peace, it's wonderful peace... there's a storm coming."
"There's a storm coming... we're living in the end times."
"Welcome to the end of the world as we know it."
"Prophecy is not fortune telling; it's a forewarning, an admonition of sorts."
"Suhyun calls Juho who is hospitalized and asks for a favor, Suhyun informs Juho that on Christmas Eve December 24th there will be a massive outbreak of monsters in Anyong city."
"Hell is coming, a tsunami's coming, and you can feel it in the air."
"If you invade Iraq, the fall of Baghdad will not be the beginning of the end, merely the end of the beginning."
"Grinning and telling us of the doom that waits for us all."
"I said, 'Lex, you just made the biggest mistake of what's left of your life.'"
"We humans are about to be put into the grinder."
"Seer Adele is about to descend into another Great War."
"This is not the apocalypse, this is the garden party before the apocalypse."
"Allan knows that Zane lied to him, Scratch will return, and he knew it."
"There is nobody that is going to stop what is coming, it is going to be ruthless"
"He leaves her with one final warning before leaving."
"It's time to pay the piper, boys. Dress up all you want because you're going to your own funeral, so wear black."
"But if you think this is bad, believe me, it only gets worse from here."
"If you thought it was bad while I was here, wait till you see the chaos and darkness that ensues when I'm gone. Survivors, gather here Monday."
"The Cosmic Owl is a cosmic entity that looks similar to an owl often appearing in the dreams of people who were about to die."
"They also realized that this year had told them his schedule in the letter they sent in November 1989 before the attack started."
"So in about a month's time... trouble is a bruin."
"That's nice before it's all about to go to [__] you know."
"Pain is coming, and as pain starts to wake people up, the government is going to be in deep and serious trouble."
"No one is being held accountable for this, and they're being marketed as lower sugar. This is actually a really, really important finding—something that you should not ignore."
"The warning signs have been there for years."
"Darkness is descending over the world, and it is only going to get darker."
"Soon the scenes of trouble spoken of in the prophecies will take place."
"The trouble that's coming is not going to be a celebration."
"Hold on tight, Californians. Hold on tight because this has only just begun."
"I just don't see anything good coming because they've been telling us nothing good coming."
"Darkness shall cover the capital like never before. Time is up, saith the Lord."
"If I die, it might not be an accident, even if it looks like one."
"There's a storm coming oh it's not good this not good man."
"All I can say is this: buckle up. It is about to get very, very bumpy."
"If this is what we're coming to, it seems like we're cruisin' for a bruisin' as a country."
"The dark winter is coming, this time it's real."
"The Lord then said that Darkness will spread across the sky."
"The signs are pointing to an upcoming onslaught."
"Murder is an insidious thing, Watson. Once a man has dipped his fingers in blood, sooner or later he'll feel the urge to kill again."
"We've been told in some pretty clear language what is ahead of us. And as it begins to happen, it's disconcerting and we almost lose our balance."
"Not one stone here will be left upon another which will not be torn down."
"It's dangerous Harry, recently if I've been thinking, we'll have to go there."
"Christ said in Mark 13:23, 'Behold, I have foretold you all things.'"
"This is just the calm before the storm you guys."
"This is the first overt communication between them referencing the pending deaths of JJ and Tyler."
"All hell is about to break loose."
"You just signed all of our death warrants."
"That's a hell of a warning right there."
"You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world."
"Jesus predicts his death and Resurrection repeatedly in the gospel of Mark."
"Dear friends, I fear that we may be heading for a red wedding type of scenario."
"I am aware that I would be killed on March 15th, which is why I am trying my best to find a killer."
"I saw danger, terrible danger from a distant land."
"There's no calm before the storm; there's just a storm announcing the larger deluge upcoming."
"Listen to your ancestors, something bad is coming, run."
"Something is coming at the door, that something is war."
"Most prophecies might be lies, but not all of them. The long night is coming."
"Oh, honey, you've got a big storm coming."
"I want you to know what it's like to love someone, before I take her from you."
"Forewarned is forearmed," he said.
"There's a war coming, few people know about it, and even fewer still believe it," she said.
"It was a good time, a golden autumn, a time of peace and plenty... but winter was coming."
"Sonny sure is a ship alright, the Titanic, and he's headed straight for an iceberg."
"If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die."
"Winter is coming," John said at last, breaking the awkward silence, "and with it the White Walkers."
"This one is gonna get dark, friends, so buckle up."
"This could have grave implications about the kingdom."
"Before me things create were none, save things eternal, and eternal I endure. All hope abandon, ye who enter here."
"When karma comes knocking at your door, don't say that I didn't warn you."
"The writing's been on the wall here for a long time."
"This is simply the calm before the storm."
"Extinction's in the air," Tetlan said politely.
"I love you. It's gonna get bad, okay?"
"The day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth."
"We have fought one another for centuries, but you won't be able to outrun what's coming."
"There is a storm coming. A black and terrible storm."
"Death is coming, and I don't mean the dead."
"The drums of war are getting louder, a sound you never heard before, going to come to your town, going to find your corner, and soon be knocking on your door."
"Percy, something's about to happen, a trick that ends in death," she flinched like she'd gotten an electric shock.
"There is a storm on the horizon. This presence is its herald and our mistress is at its heart."
"We knew it was coming. We knew it was going to get bad."
"Danger, terrible fate," she hissed in a dry voice.
"Winter is certainly coming, regardless of the season."
"When the apocalypse comes, you will thank me."
"Winter is coming, the hard cruel times are coming."
"You're a long way from home, and winter is coming."
"It's always bright and sunny before a really bad storm comes."
"We're in the calm before the storm."
"The dire portents he gave, the proof of ruination he laid bare to us, was beyond comparison."
"You have already been forewarned so you are ready."