
Core Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"Somewhere in this general section running out to here, somewhere in the core that was shot out of Kylo Ren, there was probably something pretty important."
"At the heart of any application is the data that drives it."
"That's one of the best ways to strengthen your core."
"Pokemon evolution is a core tenet of the overall experience."
"At its heart, Tesla is a hardcore technology company."
"Beneath the robes, we find a warlock, and beneath the warlock, we find his nucleus."
"You're the nucleus, the straw that stirs the drink."
"The ability to see radically different perspectives than your own is core to my work."
"Solving problems is the heart of any business."
"Heat is the core of this game, the beating heart of the game's engine, if you will."
"He doesn't change who he is at his core, and that's what I love about him."
"The core of any great drama is the relationships between the characters."
"Individualism at its core is a philosophy that places the individual at the center of its universe."
"This is a really great exercise because we are not only working our core but we are working the full body here."
"I think at the core of everything of how I really connected was seeing a family."
"This is where the main magic happens."
"When I talk about the core, where it ends up is increasingly looking like there isn't certainty, no."
"Love is the motivation and the core of it."
"The fundamental kind of the core part of both of those approaches is the same: you're studying the literature, you're trying to understand the literature."
"The engine, the heart of this beast."
"Design has always been core to what we do."
"Forget all of the YouTube videos, forget this YouTube video, forget everything. Is there a functioning moral core? Yes or no."
"If you up the engine, you might as well go home because it's the heart of the car."
"What we want to try and do is build up to doing maybe 10 to 12 repetitions of each exercise. All right, so that's kind of how it works with regards to exercise. No different for your core."
"I think when you simplify an idea, you then never get lost because you can always come back to that simple idea at the core."
"The fundamental core of leadership is decision making."
"Love is at the core of everything."
"There is a mystery at the core of experience itself that is so weird."
"I think at its core is like talent."
"The truth is it is the core of your path."
"Shaken to the core if you know what I mean."
"It's amazing to think that we can actually use our core to assist lifting our legs why it's so important to keep them activated."
"Master data management is the core of good data."
"This would be a perfect core to do so."
"At its core, yeah, it's definitely about what it does with it."
"That's core to me, being able to use the cloud."
"Every technical profile has the same core concept."
"At the core of it is communication and even."
"Our core beliefs drive how we interpret everything happening."
"Those are the core memories of life."
"He's the heart and soul of that team."
"I think that's really what it's all about at the end."
"We had a lot of folks show up, a lot of folks got baptized, the gospel was kind of I would say the Central core."
"The heart of Disneyland is Fantasyland."
"Building off the previous few points, the logical extension of everything we just talked about: everything that's not in core is an implementation detail."
"The Val Salva maneuver correctly has been shown to create a balloon effect within the core, creating stabilization of the spine."
"We have to look at the core of voting rights."
"We got closer to the essence of what the idea is."
"This really was the heart of the ship."
"I think at its core this entire album is really just about The Human Experience."
"Core subjectivity inheres in the field of Consciousness."
"You get right down to it. That's what it's about."
"...that's the key to the whole project really."
"For building that awareness of the core."
"This one is working your upper back but also your core, lower back, abs."
"The side plank is such a great exercise because it doesn't require any equipment you can do it anywhere and it's working a whole host of muscles."
"The side plank variation number two is actually going to have us bending from our knee and our hip in a motion like this like you were gonna sit down because of that this exercise also works your core muscles and your glute Max which is amazing."
"If you think you can't win with the core, is there a better time to restart?"
"Confidence is really the core of everything you're doing and not doing, and I cannot possibly agree more with that."
"There is always an etiquette at its core."
"We have physical fitness for the physical core. We need spiritual fitness for the spiritual core."
"The engineers are the heart and soul of the organization."
"Fundamental core of the love that's portrayed."
"At the root of the spinal column lies a powerhouse."
"The LM is the engine; it's the core of that ecosystem."
"We're all alike; we're each unique. We all have those same core ingredients."
"Humans will always gravitate back to the core of the emotional structure."
"Problem statements and research questions are the heart of the research study."
"They're called the core six for a reason."
"That's going to be one of my core memories."
"That's effectively the brain of the system."
"The heart of this show is so strong."
"A tragedy that would shake their worlds to the core."
"Plank is really good for building that core strength."
"It's cool to see someone like that core and like right, you know?"
"Empathy is at the core of everything we do."
"Two channel is the heart of what we do."
"At its core, it's always something very simple."
"That's what it comes down to, that's all that I'm saying."
"I could really feel like my core and my legs working in that session."
"Before being a football player, you're simply just a person at your core."
"We inhale at the bottom. Now as you exhale, press your feet down to the floor as you lift that lower abdominal up."
"Believe it or not, this nasty dirty rusty old core is actually a fantastic front pump to use in a Powerglide drag racing transmission."
"Breathing is so important in our deep core exercises."
"Many people have been looking forward to the absolute most in this core perhaps more than anything else."
"Remember your diaphragm muscle your breathing muscle is part of your core."
"It was the pulsating heart of the pyramid."
"They are the heart of the show for me."
"Our gut is at the core of who we are."
"It's all that crazy stuff is only cool if there's a really relatable human emotional core at the heart of it."
"We are human beings at our core, we need human connection."
"It's something that I felt deep in my core, that this was supernatural, because I've never experienced anything like it."
"The meat of your proposal is in the project plan which is also called the approach or the design."
"Aaron Paul's performance as Jesse is the biggest emotional core of the entire Breaking Bad Better Call Saul universe."
"It's kind of like the core of your character."
"At the core of what you are is pure bliss."
"This is the heart of the lecture series right here."
"So as you can see our legs are our weights and they're moving around, so we need a nice strong foundation to anchor that movement and that all comes from your centre."
"The emotional core is very strong with this."
"At the very center of the planet, we can observe a large and massive core of iron, sulfur, and nickel."
"...innovation is the lifeblood of our company."
"A hydraulic pump is the heart of a hydraulic system."
"It goes to the core of Zuko's story and journey."
"The battery pack in an electric car is like the heart of the vehicle."
"For all of the wonderful narratives that we love so well, the Torah is at its core a law book."
"It burns me straight down to my core."
"Believe me, you're going to feel this in your core."
"Make sure that you're staying nice and steady in your core."
"We would actually strengthen our core business."
"Brace through your core and keep your back long and straight."
"The Bible that come to stand at the heart of the new Christian civilization."
"It's basically an educational program in its heart."
"Relationships are at the core and foundation of who we are."
"Medical affairs is a core for doctors."
"Great exercise for strengthening our abdominal muscles, hip flexors, quadriceps."
"The loop is the meat and potatoes of the program."
"That's really going to be the meat of your beats."
"The core part of the device tree bindings is actually documentation."
"Transformers have at least one primary and one secondary winding that are wound on a common core."
"The heart of humanities is a human."
"Now, finally, the core began to listen to the silence."
"I have a theory that aliens live in the core center of the Earth."
"Design is something that constitutes the core of architecture as architecture is to be taught and to be practiced."
"At the core of our company's success is innovation."
"As you're moving slow to the outside and slow to the inside, it's just a really great exercise to warm up your core and also help to open up your spine."
"The torch.tensor object is the meat and potatoes of everything you're going to be doing in PyTorch."
"Is reality, at the core, indeterminate?"
"Sales is the heart of every business."
"Yoga is extremely focused on core, so you want to have this feeling of engagement through your stomach as you're going through these workouts."
"Wrestling is in my soul, it's in my core."
"At the core of the universe, there's something that gives us all our information."
"Data is at the core of every company's strategy."
"The kyber crystal is the heart of every single lightsaber."
"At your core, you are eternally free."
"I like planks because they're an effective way to work the core muscles without having to move."
"Our core is working to stabilize ourselves here, keeping that balance."
"The heart of the Milky Way, the mysterious core of our galaxy."
"At the very core of your humanity, there is your divinity."
"Cyborg is the heart and soul of the Justice League in this movie."
"It's such a core part of the season and it's executed fantastically."
"Again, working on that side body here, little abdominal work, warming up the core."
"Balance boards... so kids can stand on it and practice balancing, it's so good just to build up their core and their sense of balance."
"Pilates is just all about the core, but there's so much more to it than that."
"Let's get on our mats and activate that core."
"The more efficient we are through our core, the better."
"Integrated circuits, more commonly called computer chips, are at the heart of everything electronic."
"The best exercises for fat burning are the ones that activate your lower body and your core together."
"Document control systems are really at the heart of most quality systems."
"Joseph Pilates referred to our center as the powerhouse, which is the middle band of muscles extending from the base of the ribcage down to just below the buttocks and inner and outer thighs."
"After all that extension and back work, let's just round the back a little bit and focus on abs."
"Core stuff's super important too... everything that you do, you're gonna naturally start using your core more."
"Exhale to squeeze through those inner thighs, take a lift up from your pelvic floor, connect those ribs together."
"Your core is your powerhouse; all your energy and your strength emanates from your core."
"Do the work and lift your body with your abdominal muscles."
"The motion of molten metal in the outer core is what's responsible for generating Earth's magnetic field."
"The Earth has an iron core, the outer part of it is liquid."
"A gentle lift of the pelvic floor, a gentle drawing down of the abdominals down towards the spine but keep the spine in a neutral position."
"Community is at the core of everything we do."
"Medicine is really at the core of what we do at Littleton fire."
"Our friendship, our love for one another, that's the true heart of the jaguar."
"Remember guys, that your core is much more than just your abdominals."
"That's the heart of the island, that's where the light is, and that's what you have to protect."
"Struggles are not the heart of the spiritual life, God's love is."
"All the action should come from here, your abs, your core."
"Everything at the heart of it has to have warmth."
"It's like my parents and my brother are all I have because they're my core, and we've just been through so much together."
"The iron core of Mars seems to be liquid and approximately 1800 kilometers in radius."
"The core is very likely much less dense or it very likely contains a lot of lighter elements on the inside."
"Magma, the heat from this core, it's roughly around 14,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
"If something is deep down, it is at heart."
"One of the biggest things that helped my deadlift and squat strength go up was learning to really create that tension in my core."
"Nothing interrupts that pristine silence at the core of it all."
"What the owner told me shook me to my core."
"It's the heart of every good home."
"Feeling what it feels like to initiate the movement from the powerhouse of our body, from the center, the core of our body."
"Feeling that powerhouse, feeling that core activation."
"You have to be strong through your core to keep that from happening."
"I found that to be really like the heart of the book."
"The Core is known by its bioluminescent capabilities, displaying various colors."
"It was a violent crime and it touched the very core of this community."
"Reactor is the core of a chemical plant."
"You have to have Nagash, is a core Warhammer character."
"...the consciousness really is the core of reality."
"We want stability, we want core engagement, and flexibility through those hips and hip flexors."
"You guys are the core of this community."
"The heart of the algorithm was QR."
"The core of the Earth is the hot center of our planet."
"The core of everything is friendship."
"It's a collaborative group honestly at its core."
"It's definitely not the component here that gets the most use, but it really is the heart and soul of the whole thing."
"In the core there is the space that is peace."
"Mental health is so important, it actually is your core."
"This is the heart of this system."
"The disease of addiction is not the drugs, not our behavior, but our disease."
"In Pilates, it all generates back to the core."
"We do love stories, stories are at the core of the human existence."
"It's got a program that I made... this is the heart of the whole thing."
"The core to reach temperatures I've seen range from 100 to 500 billion Kelvin."
"As usual, you penetrate straight to the heart of the matter."
"The heart of crisis management is actually crisis communication."