
Geopolitical Threat Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The Chinese Communist Party is an existentially dangerous threat to freedom in the world right now."
"A happy, democratic Ukraine without lifting a finger...is a mortal threat to Putin's power and vision at home."
"The Russian regime is a clear and present danger to the rules-based international order."
"the director of the FBI plus the CIA and the National Intelligence Agency have warned that China poses the greatest threat to the U.S"
"The CCP poses one of the greatest threats to American security and prosperity."
"Kaliningrad is a real threat, it would be one of the ways in which the Russians would be able to pose a threat to the Baltic states and Poland."
"If we just sit back as China takes what they want from Southeast Asia, from Taiwan, eventually they will control everything and we'll be facing an even greater threat. Therein lies the big challenge."
"President Putin has inferred that he's prepared to use any means necessary which means essentially he's issuing a nuclear threat to anybody that's supporting Ukraine in this war."
"At the end of the day we must protect the American people from the threat that China poses."
"China poses a greater threat to US interests than the Sandinistas and other communist-backed groups ever did."
"President Putin any attempt he said to interfere would lead to consequences as you've never seen them before."
"The biggest national security threats today come from China and Russia." - Pentagon
"The U.S. intelligence community listed the Chinese regime as the top threat to the United States."
"If we allow it, Putin will threaten not just the security of Ukrainians but the security of all of us."
"The West should stick together and recognize that Putin is a threat to all of us."
"Putin is absolutely reckless and a direct threat to world peace."
"It's fancy geopolitical speak for bro, I can [ __ ] you up anywhere on this earth."
"There's a real threat here, a dangerous oppressive regime with powerful weapons. But the threat presents very differently for the people here, much differently than the fear that we feel an ocean away."
"The single biggest threat to the way of life for the American people is the Chinese Communist Party. Period. Full stop."
"The Chinese Communist Party is the greatest threat to the United States' economic and national security."
"China is probably the greatest threat we've ever faced."
"The biggest threat that I have seen is the is Iran."
"The international community is getting more clear on the threat posed by China."
"Imagine how it would feel if a hostile power in Canada decided that Alaska would no longer be part of the United States."
"If they will do this to Ukraine... then they are definitely going to do this to nations say here in ASEAN in Southeast Asia where I'm based."
"President Trump ordering new ones. North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile development is a grave threat to peace and security in our world."
"The Chinese Communist Party is the greatest long-term threat to the interest of the United States of America." - Congressman Michael McCaul
"The biggest external threat by far is the Chinese Communist Party. It is the only entity today with both the capacity and the intention of undermining our way of life."
"The CCP is an existential threat to the United States."
"the Taliban has said openly that if you stay Beyond August 31st then bleep gets real here's a Taliban spokesperson saying this yesterday to Sky News."
"This is serious business...probably not since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis have we been under this kind of a threat."
"If Ukraine falls, their countries will be next. It will not start with Russian bombers or tanks crossing borders, it will start on the streets, in YouTube channels, on TV screens."
"Pretending that China's not a threat is a mistake."
"Putin isn't a threat to our legitimacy, he's a threat to us."
"The biggest threat to individual freedom in the world today is not a bunch of woke poseurs in the United States, it's the Communist Party of China."
"It would be the end of Iran and Tehran would be obliterated." - President Trump
"As long as Putin is there, as long as he is in charge of Russia then Ukraine is under threat of annihilation."
"What is more dangerous than nuclear expansion is the Chinese Communist Authority's view of nuclear war."
"The greatest threat facing the United States is the CCP."
"If Putin were to use chemical weapons, there would be severe consequences from the global community."
"The Chinese Communist Party is a real and urgent threat not just to our democracy, but to your businesses because they don't want to just compete, they want to put you out of business, and they don't play by the rules."
"Europe is the biggest threat to Russia, geographically and economically integrated."
"The threat of nuclear war is growing both in Europe and in Asia." - Noam Chomsky
"I came to United States with a simple warning: Look what they are doing to me. If you will not rise up and come to our help, you're next."
"However it's got to be serious and it's got to be immediate because the threat of a war with China and by the way of potential war with North Korea is in this decade or maybe even sooner."
"China is the greatest long-term strategic threat."
"The ccp's dangerous actions, China's multi-pronged assault on our national and Economic Security make it the defining threat of Our Generation."
"The threat has never been sort of larger from a state-on-state threat from a nuclear threat from the Russians in particular since the end of the Cold War."
"The Andaman and Nicobar Islands... remain more of a threat to China's future than Taiwan and the Spratlys combined."
"China is the most comprehensive threat facing the United States."
"The Saudis see the Houthis as a threat for two basic reasons: one, they see the Houthis as a substitute for Iran; and secondly, because the Houthis are actually threatening their borders."