
Design Criticism Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Alola's biggest and most unanimous flaw is the overbearing hand holding."
"I absolutely cannot wrap my head around whose idea it was to completely change the entire art direction of a game so famous and so iconic."
"This just shape of this just looks really confusing. It's not intuitive at all."
"The core game is so strong this shoehorned side mode simply wasn't necessary."
"For some reason, video games meant for kids just love to throw in these arbitrary, cryptic bullcrap things."
"It's weird that they wouldn't put world versus world group queue in from launch, that just kind of boggles my mind."
"Design and very, very strange. It's likely sort of forced that bit out at the last minute and that time to fix it anyway."
"Making the guns suck is one thing, but making ammo for each one take up its own unique inventory slot gets maddening."
"Quick time events are like just reviled by people. They've been mostly excised in modern gaming. But there are levels to the ones that exist."
"This is correct, but it's not the best design."
"I dislike these challenges so much... they're like the complete antithesis of what makes banjo-kazooie nuts-and-bolts such an interesting and unique video game."
"IGN phrased it like this: 'Pokemon fans are coming for power world, the Pokemon with guns game that is taking steam by storm because they claim the designs are stolen and lazy.' Some folks are on the other side and just want to start blasting away."
"I can't imagine wanting anything more than that although that one does look like it's more Hawking and less mech warrior which is a little bit bothersome."
"This game follows kind of a similar thing where it tries to be a platformer RPG but it does feel more like a platformer where the RPG elements sort of feel like an afterthought."
"That is how bad the specialist system is. The thing about all of these things: the UI, the HUD, the AI bots, the specialist, the sound design, all of these are really complex systems."
"It was a big mistake to not allow players to reject phone calls."
"Waiting isn't fun. Any mechanic that makes a player play less of your game is a bad mechanic."
"Screen Machine became infamous for its awkward transitions."
"Lion King for Genesis and says who designed this stupidly difficult game."
"I don't really like pattern systems where you have to invest a lot into one personality's stuff in order to be able to make clothes because I just don't think that's how it needs to be done."
"As if the window placement and helmet weren't doing enough to make the pilots virtually blind, adding insult to injury are the giant wings on these things."
"There are some mechanics in the game that are blatantly unfun."
"The front-facing speakers do not justify this design."
"Oh, that wasn't hard to spot at all. Yeah, it's infuriating, but this is beautiful otherwise."
"Please, please change this color scheme. It's horrible."
"It's just a big I win button. It's so incredibly troll. There's no skill required whatsoever when you're driving this machine and firing this ammunition."
"Apple as a company is very good at design and honestly I don't understand why they don't take responsibility for their design flaws."
"Excessively booby breastplates are indeed quite silly but breastplates that are so flat they look like backplates are an over correction."
"It's just wrong to have like that one cup like that, that's just not a good."
"X6 continues x5's stupid design choice of needing all four armor upgrades collected to use them."
"People see through this kind of [__] these days. They want quality gameplay, not just a fashion show where you grind out pretty patterns."
"Games need a foundation of fun gameplay, but equally, the more tried and tested design tricks they use, the more compromised the illusion of an indifferent world becomes."
"I think LFD overall was a good thing for the game, but Blizzard should have thought more about the social upshots and just the social elements and aspects at the time and then also moving forward with some of their designs."
"It's more efficient than a light year zero why not because they've spent any time at all designing an aerodynamic shape."
"You can have a narratively justified design decision that's still a bad design decision as it pertains to a video game."
"despite there being some cool stuff here that I'm sure more than a few people are gonna like I was constantly distracted by all of these baffling counter-intuitive unnecessary and unfun design decisions"
"I'm not the biggest fan of how this square looks on the side I think that's a little bit awkward for me."
"This just doesn't feel all new. In some measures, the driving experience is improved, but other than that, the styling is too similar."
"Competing solutions on the market don't have a dedicated row for numbers."
"Apple is not only failing to lead in terms of design trends, they're becoming a follower."
"Why is it not okay to fail in any way other than the way that the game wants you to? So ridiculous."
"Bad design is normally just simply unclear, complicated, or duplicated."
"It's misfortunate when cars look too similar to competitors, lacking their own design language."
"2K is definitely in a tough like little space in terms of people's opinions because there's people that definitely want it in the game because they think that it really stops the Left Right cheese."
"Tesla Model Y's lack of physical controls and limited interface options is a downside."
"The worst Shiny Pokémon is still Galarian Wheezing. Why? Because not only does it look awful, Wheezing had a perfectly good shiny that it decided to ignore. What a disappointment."
"Rolling for movement and/or actions should be banned. You should be reportedly removed from your designing office if you try to put a game on the market now that has that mechanism."
"As long as those new things aren't old things and what I mean by that is when a company releases a new watch and that new watch just looks like a Royal Oak or patek philippe nautilus that's a bad thing."
"It removes so much of that flair and identity that to me made Shin Megami intensely stand out to begin with."
"It's kind of a mediocre design but I mean that in a good way."
"This character is great, but this is just a worse version of the seventh anniversary LR's... This is a slot two character that they want to get hit seven times. Ridiculous. It is horrible design."
"If they knew how to make dungeons that people liked, they wouldn't have all these problems."
"Anybody could have told you that the Sonic design looked terrible."
"It's also not a list saying that you're a bad person if you play any of these games... they're designed to rope you in and keep you there."
"I don't love the way it looks if that makes any sense."
"That is the worst design. Why would they do that?"
"Some people have a huge problem with it; it's super annoying."
"I want to find the designer at Apple who is like, 'I've seen a taco before, it has cilantro and apparently onions'."
"I can now understand people's complaints about this being a little bit boring looking."
"You don't see architecture like this because everything's poured out of a bottle by these architects, and none of them want to take the time to do intricate stuff like that."