
Individual Expression Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Almost nobody could speak the truth, nobody even think aloud, apart from the small number of people who don't have a wobbly hierarchy above us."
"I think it's very important for people to have creative freedom to do what they want to do."
"We have to enable people to express their uniqueness and simultaneously acknowledge our own limitations."
"Wow, that is some breathtaking levels of bullcrap right there. Screw school systems that don't allow fun hair colors."
"Each individual has beauty within them to express and share."
"It's liberating not caring about what people think about fashion and music."
"Let me do what I wanted to, let my big swing."
"No man can speak for another man. Jay gotta say that. Jay gotta be like, 'Yo, whatever record you wanna do, we could do.' And I'm, look, I'm well aware."
"Are you always going to dress differently from now on? Because we like to be different."
"We need more people being themselves, not less people."
"In what world is wearing something like a metal bird skull satanic? Man, it's just a necklace. It's nice and I liked it so I bought it."
"We must respect the diversity of unique expressions."
"He wants to have like his little monologues and stuff too."
"Seeing everyone look the same is tiring and annoying."
"Just wear what you want to get creative and be free."
"We've found a way to do something that's actually really personal and small."
"A bixie haircut really speaks about your personality without you saying a word. It's fun, versatile, and customizable for your facial features."
"The best rooms are rooms that are mixed, that are collected, and that are collections of you, your life, the things that you love."
"Individual expression and liberty is highly valued among the residents."
"I have always wanted to wear a suit for my wedding, even if it's just for a day."
"Freedom of speech is very important. You use it, I use it, he has a right to say whatever he'd like to say."
"Fashion is your decision. You thrift things the way you want to. Love this jacket."
"I encourage all of you every single person viewing this video to create something fresh and brand new."
"One of the weirdest things I've seen was a guy protesting in a Santa hat and a barrel."
"Nobody is so cool they can tell everybody else how to interpret a record."
"I don't give a [__], you can do whatever I want."
"The energy of the universe expresses itself through you as an individual."
"To incentivize style, one must first define what it is to be stylish."
"Do what you want in the dining room and go with what you love always."
"Sing your own song, let your spirit shine, show up for the world."
"We're customizing it boys, we're customizing, gotta make it 100% you know!"
"Be who you are, do your thing the way you do it."
"Expressions of individuality, expressions of taste, refinement, technology, sentimental - they mean something true."
"It's gonna be a lot of swag, a lot of style."
"He turned this place into his own private French Quarter."
"I think if he's allowed to be that way or if there's a group of people allowed to be that way I am allowed to be the same way about my sexuality."
"Style can't be dictated; pick your own and own it."
"Everybody's got a voice... everybody's got a platform."
"We don't have to wear the same uniform like we got options."
"Boho done right is very personal, reflecting the individual who lives there closely."
"You can do whatever you want, as long as it's real authentic [__] sold."
"You have a song on your heart that you're meant to sing."
"If you've got something that means something to you or you just think is cool for some reason, that can make a great accessory."
"A car that's ready for you to implement your own vision with it."
"Every one of these models that's built is going to look a little bit different because everybody's gonna have their own thoughts and ideas, and that's what's really fun about the hobby."
"Girls should be able to wear what they want, what they're comfortable with, period. End of story."
"My wish is for everyone to have a fragrance that makes them feel exactly like that."
"The perfect way is the way you say, it's your project."
"You did a great job, and I love that ours look different."
"Liberation, awakeness, realization expresses differently through different people."
"Everybody's tattoo is like their own journey. Just because it's something that I'm not into doesn't mean that it's not perfect for them."
"The individual had the power of expression, which really does a good job at brokering truth."
"Art is the most intense form of individualization."
"I love when people make it their own."
"There's no brush that makes a painting."