
Female Characters Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The non-Mary Sue is a dynamic, complicated female character whose flaws are intrinsically connected to her story."
"Characters like Black Widow or Gamora are... badass, empowering, and very loved by fans because those female characters actually have flaws and stories that resonate with audiences."
"She's good, powerful, stands up for herself, but I sort of like Widow more."
"Thor Ragnarok included some fantastic leading female characters."
"His partner is an example of a courageous and strong female character. She's not there for romance but to complete a challenging journey of her own."
"Since Madoka Magica's success, a lot of series being produced have been more or less a jaunty exercise in misery and suffering for their female characters."
"For all of the breathtaking heights that Naruto reached, it had its fair share of low points, but the way Naruto failed its female characters to me is the series's lowest point."
"Princess Peach has been in more video games than any other female character in history."
"Arcane is a master class in how to write amazing women."
"People are upset about the female Thor they shouldn't be, there's no reason to be upset about that."
"Women escaping the madhouse together is such a good premise. I want it all the time."
"Surely there are other ways to write good strong female characters."
"The series is an homage to sisterhood, with female characters fiercely supporting each other through thick and thin."
"All these answers are rooted in a sea of wronged women topped off by two female characters making very aggressively out of character choices."
"I really believe in strong women but I also believe in women being complicated characters and not just strong."
"I would really love it if young girls out there could look up to a character like her."
"I could see Ribbon Girl getting in as well, and just more female representation and stuff like that."
"Marvel has a long, luxurious history of female characters at their disposal."
"The women of the Legend of Korra aren’t great because they’re all perfect -- they’re great because they’re allowed to be flawed and complex."
"The female Autobots led by Elita 1 - they were thought dead... until this moment."
"Entertainment Weekly named Buffy as one of the 100 greatest female characters in the history of television."
"The general tendency to use the grisly death of female characters to motivate a hero is strangely ubiquitous in comics."
"The dynamic between these two women is just off the charts."
"What Denis does very well is take the female characters more deeply into consideration in a way that was rarely the case for science fiction in the '60s."
"The aspect of what a good and bad female character is, is not always up to whether or not the character is actually well written."
"A strong female character is less about the strength of their will or body and more about the strength and potency of their personality."
"A well-written female character... is a well-written character, plain and simple."
"A poorly written female character is a symptom of a greater underlying issue with your story and your life experience."
"You can't depict these female characters in a sexy way without ending up on bleeding cool."
"This is how you make a strong female character lead hell even a team of strong female characters without being cringy predictable or was a great job to be completely incompetent you Netflix Resident Evil."
"There are so many more enriched, complex female characters that are allowed to disagree with their partner and still be fascinating, interesting, and you want to follow them."
"Strong female characters have always been embraced... they just need the freedom to be treated as quality characters."
"It was amazing to see three badass chicks fight monsters and save the day and, at the bare minimum, sometimes they give a damn."
"Oda writes great female characters, but one piece is not one for very strong female characters at the end of the day, in terms of power-wise strong."
"Fairy Tail just would not be as fun or engaging without its women."
"The strong female character has become less of a good way to write female characters and more of just a cliche."
"Why does the MCU Show run by women treat its female characters worse than any of them?"
"It strengthens the female characters, because they get to have their stories, y’know, happen, and there’s enough weight and texture given to them that their entire character arcs don’t rest of Araragi’s existence."
"If you just throw female characters into Superbad, you really do have a lot of room to just do those jokes."
"So we can look at the other female characters in Neverland."
"...it's rarely the case that male characters get the backlash that characters like Orihime or Asuna or Lucy and so many other characters have in these situations."
"A strong female character means she has to be good at fighting which I mean that can be a part of it but that's not the only way to do it or even the best way to do it I don't think."
"Storm was probably one of the most influential women characters in my life."
"I'm mostly stoked for the two female characters."
"There's a whole world of untapped potential for representations of female characters who aren't animated in ways that frame them as sex objects."
"We sexualize, we objectify, we marginalize, and we reduce these female characters a lot less than they can be."
"Female characters can exist for other reasons other than to end up with the main male lead."
"To her credit, spy V also raises the point that there are still many great female characters, villainous or otherwise, in modern media."
"Arcane is seen as different by these fans mostly because of the way it handles its female main characters."
"If you wanna anime with well-written female characters, that's older, Sailor Moon."
"One of the reasons why this series is so awesome to me is because of how strong the female characters are."
"Do we mean a female character who has strong writing behind her, a lot of depth and development?"
"I liked reading a female character written by a female author."
"It's meaningful when demos at E3 feature female characters or players."
"The girl who fought the Sound Ninja solo, was the first to defeat an Akatsuki member, surpass the Hokage, and help defeat a god, should not be the poster child for underutilized female characters."
"Sakura should be one of the most respected and celebrated female characters in Shonen, as she is undeniably an inspiration for the many similarly minded characters."
"I like the way that the women were written in this film."
"We continue our celebration of the female vampires that transcend the stereotype."
"I'm liking the new group of ladies on Roni."
"I think that it's absolutely terrific that we got another very strong female character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"I love her, all the woman in the show."
"The women on this show are awesome. They're the coolest characters on all the shows."
"I always think that Jane Austen has really strong female characters and clever women."
"I think there are plenty of great women in Naruto."
"Romance would be good, and bringing back strong female characters that are not girl bosses."
"She writes such complex female characters, and I love her for that."
"I have a desire to see strong female characters in our culture that was not met for most of my childhood."