
Online Media Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"The Mandela Catalog is an analog horror series that has absolutely exploded as one of the faces of analog horror online."
"It really just takes one click to share your ideas with the world, and even if you think no one will see it, there's really no downside in uploading something."
"It's content policing when you're like, why don't you make a channel going after only these important subjects?"
"Total biscuit's passing... I'm glad he's no longer around to keep doing harm."
"White people are people of color. Stop trying to marginalize their voices. Stop trying to silence white voices. White voices matter, white lives matter."
"Guys, thank you for watching Crime Online with Nancy Grace here on YouTube."
"So if you want to watch exclusive unfiltered controversial videos that I can't release to the public, which includes access to my server and a monthly Q&A, join my channel for only 5.99 a month."
"I'll leave it there. Next segment's coming up at 8pm over at youtube.com/teamcastirl. Thanks for hanging out and we'll see you all then."
"Thank you very much for watching another GTN show please if you enjoyed it do give it a thumbs up as well and we'll see you next week."
"If you enjoy this why not click on screen right now?"
"Congratulations you've qualified to watch this video to the very end."
"Consumers have little or no idea how the information they see has been shaped by the sites that they're visiting."
"They tracked disinformation online and tried to figure out how to combat it. One component was tracking dangerous lies that might otherwise spread unnoticed."
"Thanks for watching, I hope that this video helped you."
"Double down on what's working on your channel right now."
"You should see the button to donate next to the video, and it will be nice if you use it."
"Congratulations on one million subscribers from Anthony Fantano... Keep on speaking truth to power and messing up your hair and stuff. You're the best, good job buddy."
"Check it out! Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time."
"One more strike and it's over. I feel like it's inevitable anyway. I physically can't watch every single video I've made on my second channel." - KSI
"We have videos dropping every day so make sure to subscribe to Channel Frederator, your cartoon central on the Internet."
"Thanks for checking out our YouTube channel. Subscribe by clicking on the button below for more from The Last Word and the rest of MSNBC."
"But even though 'Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared' is genuinely one of the weirdest things I've watched on YouTube, I really like it!"
"They said no, you can go on YouTube and just be yourself."
"As always, thank you ever so much for taking the time to watch this video. I've been Pandjino, and I'll see you guys in the next one."
"The primary justification for censorship laws they're now trying to impose is that there's too much disinformation online."
"There's really no way that Legacy TV...can compete with the absolutely wide open Frontier of online video distribution."
"Follow our latest way follow Tim cast songs on YouTube go to trashhouse.com and get Bright Eyes some of our other songs are coming out."
"Make sure you do set all this up and then press publish."
"It's a weird, crazy meme one minute, and it's gonna be just about really heavy topics the next."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. See you in the next video. Rock on."
"This is YouTube, right? YouTube is in Google, in Alphabet. It's an American app. But imagine you had the political tension in such a way and I guess this is the case in China, people are not watching us on YouTube in China right now."
"I found conservatives online, I found PragerU, I found videos where people were challenging my belief sets and they were challenging them very strongly."
"Every time someone posts a video of a concert gone wrong online, it goes mega viral."
"Click that subscribe button down there at the bottom of your screen if you haven't already done so."
"I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you next time. Bye."
"I don't ever regret being on YouTube. Is it worth the time, effort, and stress? Yeah, hundred percent, hundred billion percent."
"I just wanted to say that Amino is sponsoring another video and guys as a full-time content creator these sponsors helped me a lot."
"Quality content, that's exactly what you signed up for."
"It's so hard for me to imagine that an entire generation of people who grew their audiences by making content that was edgy are now encouraging someone else to have their livelihood taken away."
"Everybody making videos ripping part of your content. How did that feel?"
"The Patriot Post is a terrific website with some of the most insightful conservative commentary on the Internet."
"Be sure to subscribe and hit the Bell so you don't miss out on any of the new content."
"The Dirt Sheet debuted as an online-only program on WWE.com, hosted by John Morrison and The Miz. It was the first opportunity for both to display and develop their personalities outside of the rigid constraints of the infamous creative team."
"We just gotta sit back, two hands behind the head, kick it, let the YouTube views crash in on us like a wave."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in my next video."
"I launched a theory over on Film Theory earlier this week."
"Adventure Time started out as a hit online animated short and developed into a Cartoon Network cult classic."
"For the most part I'm just excited to just be making videos if you can't tell..."
"I rely on donors, viewers donations to make these videos."
"Some of you guys actually just spent whole days watching this playlist now."
"Stephen Crowder was once a leading figurehead of the online conservative movement."
"Stick with us because over the coming weeks and months here at think media we're really going to be continuing to help you build your influence with the best tips and tools for online video."
"Honest opinions mean more than a million YouTube positive viewings."
"Now I'm happy, now I'm content whether a video gets 10 views or a million views."
"But first make sure to subscribe to the Weird History YouTube channel."
"Maybe his return to YouTube could actually be something good."
"Do you think the revenue from these types of videos is worth more to YouTube than their reputation and livelihood? I really hope you answered no because if you didn't you're [__] wrong."
"Toward the end of today's discussion, we'll be taking questions for me and Bart, so please be sure to stick around, give us a thumbs up, a thumbs up click, subscribe, share it if you want, that would really help us."
"Welcome to the best damn movie related show on the Internet!"
"This series, this ARG, this viral scary story has captivated me in a way that I've just never been captivated by any piece of horror on YouTube before."
"Make sure to check out the channel, The Victorian Bar Room, and thanks for watching today."
"Assuming Victor Entertainment isn't a dick and doesn't take this video down on some bullshit copyright claim, I have another MMO Junkie video in the works."
"Obviously, if you're not getting views, your video's not good enough."
"Thank you so much for checking out this video! I hope you enjoyed it. If you enjoyed the video, be sure to like and subscribe for more horror lore lists and mysteries. Thank you, and stay single!"
"It's gonna be an action-packed year full of vlogs and content here on the channel."
"It’s a version of support that doesn’t cost a penny and it helps me produce more and better content!"
"Online video has allowed the war in Syria to be documented like no other conflict in history."
"Tiddlywinks and I will have you around for tea, Dumani. Oh, and um, don't forget to like my video when I'm back on TV's channel."
"Knowing that that is my North Star, the Dream YouTube channel."
"Don't worry though because once Season 9 starts I'm gonna be cranking out new content to help you guys in the new season, so be ready for that."
"YouTube is changing. YouTube has always been changing. Changes the name of the game."
"We can't make our content without your support."
"We are Marching to 1 million subscribers here on the Midas touch Network."
"YouTube is just as much personality as it is content."
"Kingdoms will never be completely gone from my channel."
"These videos are so effectively creepy and they're just made by people and put on YouTube for free."
"With good reason, because he has a ton of great content."
"Coco Melon has proven itself to be quite the eye-opener when it comes to demonstrating the power of YouTube."
"Thanks everyone for watching Seeker Plus this week!"
"And yeah, it really, really means a lot that we get sponsors for these videos."
"I guarantee you, even in 2011, my putting that out there at big government.com alone and hoping that it goes viral would not have been the successful strategy."
"It's a film where I can look up those three or four scenes I enjoyed on YouTube when I want."
"Clickbait sucks. I hate it, but I have to do it because none of you guys are going to watch it."
"You guys are the people out there that are watching the videos and you should have a right to watch whoever you want to watch."
"Like, subscribe, and visit back for more history of Shotokan."
"If you can get these three things right then you're completely Off to the Races and your channel will explode and you'll become a millionaire."
"This rules, I've seen a couple of these videos."
"Congratulations to everyone. Thank you for joining us. Love you guys so much. Goodbye, this has been YouTube, baby. See you later."
"Anything to get views, even HR complaints – that's YouTube for you."
"If they started educating the public and making a push for factually accurate information in their videos, then maybe, just maybe commenters could see the dangers in the fake videos too."
"The CCP has implemented extensive measures to scrutinize and control online public opinion."
"Thank you guys so much for watching if I take this box and I put it up with the screen it looks like we said bye."
"This is the home of free speech, of course, and a fantastic online newspaper is similarly unregulated, unpasteurized, and refreshingly honest."
"Food reviews have been around on YouTube pretty much since the beginning of the website but around 2013 and 2014 you really saw the genre become realized..."
"That's pretty incredible if I get 25,000 views in 24 hours."
"The thing about those videos is sometimes you don't realize what the bangers are until months later."
"Let's write down there and to check out all the videos click right over here."
"Rumble is the best alternative to YouTube That's un uh debatable I mean you could argue that maybe X or you know Twitter's gonna give it Rumble"
"And if you like the video please like and subscribe for more movie recaps."
"It reminded me of like a modern-day pay-per-view, you know, like the internet version of it." - Dane Cook
"If Mr. Beast continues this example, he is gonna push us all into a new creative Renaissance on YouTube."
"It's not clickbait, it's some other fucking story time."
"I genuinely believe that non advertiser friendly content is the content that is pushed... that is the way to success."
"Just be original, you can't make the same gaming videos the typical gamer makes and think you're just going to blow up and be as popular as him, it's not going to happen."
"Seen plenty of online skits that are very well done and more entertaining than Hollywood stuff in my opinion."
"Now folks if you'd like to see more stories like this on crossroads please let us know in the comments."
"But what they are realizing now is that if they want to keep up with the speed of which news breaks online, then they need to jettison many of the things that they thought were fundamental to their craft."
"Local 58 is often heralded as the originator of online analog horror media."
"Hey, it won't be more than five minutes on YouTube though."
"I love the intricate artistry and designs I saw online."
"It’s a great way to help support some of your favorite channels while getting ad free content."
"I started to upload videos to YouTube the first day YouTube came out."
"I want to make videos online that mean something, that say something."
"If you like this kind of content, you can subscribe if you would like, it is free."
"Online content can be made with anything, so it's far more important to enjoy making the content."
"Live streaming has changed the game when it comes to online entertainment."
"The more that we can do that, the more we can fight against these easy and false visions that are now created and so rapidly disseminated online."
"Fantana seems to have figured out a way to make some kind of living by disseminating his own criticism in the online age."
"The personal nature of the videos created memorable personas and comedy styles more suited to the YouTube of today."
"Stay tuned for more videos and we'll be back before you know it."
"TV's a dead medium; you can do what you need to do online."
"We need to help people do a better job of parsing apart ideas that they see online and recognizing when they're being manipulated."
"I love YouTube and I watch every day."
"I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless, and thank you so much for watching."
"If you miss a video, it's always there; you just go to our page and you can find it."
"I literally do whatever it takes to create badass content for you guys."
"These entertainers online are just that, they're entertainers."
"Welcome back everyone to another day, and today I'm here to just plant my flag in the soil of what is undoubtedly going to be one of the most historical moments in the history of online content creation."
"There's a little something for everybody on YouTube."
"I feel like YouTube is so much more genuine than a lot of shows like that."
"Good leads are even more important in today's age of online journalism and New Media."
"Not everything you hear out online today is actually a hundred percent accurate."
"Writing matters more than ever; online media requires more of it, not less."
"We launch Sim kids on September 2nd, 12 weeks later we hit a million views."
"You're watching Bianca Renee today, and today's video is long overdue."
"On this channel called Think Media, we bring you the best tips and tools for building your influence with online video."
"Simplicity, folks, you want to know the secret to YouTube and blogging is simplicity."
"YouTube has already become synonymous with online videos."