
Snakes Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"She's singing to the snakes. She is singing to the snakes."
"Cobras are not as scary as they seem... Most would flee from a human rather than fight one."
"Tiny slitherers like the hog nose make for some pretty adorable pets."
"Fantastic, big Burmese python. We snapped a few shots, wow, beautiful beast that is spectacular."
"I feel like when you show people a defensive snake that's the best thing you can do to help somebody get over a fear of snakes."
"Avoid being bitten by snakes because I hate being bitten by snakes I don't enjoy it at all."
"I've kind of gone back and forth on what my favorite individuals are in my collection I've really liked black tails and and Easterns as a species maybe black tails are still my favorite but as far as an individual goes Orion's my favorite snake."
"This is a beast of a Mamba, one mistake with a snake like that and you're not gonna recover from it."
"I'm scared of snakes, like if I see one I'll look at it but it don't fuck with snakes."
"...every year across Asia snakes from the Cobra genus killed tens of thousands of people."
"The dwarf and super dwarf reticulated pythons are the perfect pet snake in the perfect sized package."
"They are intelligent, hardy, excellent eaters, interactive, and fun."
"Wait until you see the Gaboon viper. This is the world's largest Viper."
"Fox snakes... the name has nothing to do with actual foxes."
"Vipers definitely my favorite group of snakes and that is their incredible large triangular heads."
"The most impressive and in some ways terrifying snake in the world."
"When you were good to them, they still prayed on your downfall, forever snakes."
"King cobras are definitely one of the coolest snakes in the world."
"...if you're confident about it, they're not going to strike you."
"Mandarin rat snakes are one of the most beautiful non-venomous snakes on earth."
"Apparently, there's a species of snake that are capable of performing gliding flight. Oh, yeah."
"Being able to talk to snakes was what Salazar Slytherin was famous for," said Hermione.
"Unlike other snake species which kill their prey with poisonous venom, pythons and anacondas are constrictors, snakes that squeeze their prey to death."
"For snakes, the bones in the lower jaw called the mandibles aren't connected the same way they are with us."
"You're never gonna walk into a pet store like hey all snakes $1 have at it but kids seem to like the ones at rattles so maybe pick one of those."
"I love jewelry with snakes on it."
"We're not just merely talking about animals, reptiles, snakes here."
"Beware of snake signs let me tell you the first time I saw one it was spray painted on the ground and it scared the hell out of me I've been in Australia for like 2 weeks and I had no idea because I thought all snakes were like deadly venomous scary Australian snakes."
"The biggest snake ever that's horrible this movie came out 25 years ago I remember watching it with my family made me extremely afraid of snakes and water although the green anaconda is a non-venomous snake the boa constrictor is still one of the most feared."
"Do you know that a snake has a heart and lungs and kidneys and stuff?"
"People always think snakes are slimy. Snakes aren't slimy. It's smooth."
"I just don't understand how we have like a hundred different types of snakes that can kill you, and then there's like literally not a single snake, not even a friendly snake."
"Of all the snakes to start with, these are one of the best."
"Being Boas, they are new world snakes, which means they're live bears, which is really, really cool."
"The ball python is probably the most docile out of all the snakes."
"Once you get a ball python in handling mode, it's rare that they shift modes."
"...people call him the best pet rock snake and I don't really like that term very much because I think they have a lot of great personality."
"...garter snakes...they have amazing personalities...they are amazing animals."
"...they're one of the bigger snakes that I think could actually be handled by a novice or a beginner."
"...ball pythons in my opinion are the best medium-sized snake."
"Guess what, we have more baby hognose snakes hatching! I'm so excited!"
"It's a country completely devoid of all venomous snakes."
"Their diet has caused an evolutionary adaptation that has removed their teeth and their necks are much larger than other snakes to enable them to eat eggs whole that are much bigger than their heads."
"This is the biggest snake in Africa."
"For anybody who has an arboreal or semi-arboreal snake, I highly recommend doing arboreal."
"That is seriously one of the best things I've ever seen in my life, just four perfect Immaculate stunning timber rattlesnakes, all just chilling right next to each other."
"Look at that paradoxing on him, that is a gorgeous snake."
"These snakes do an incredible amount of good by helping to balance the pest populations."
"Snakes belong outside, not inside the house; but if you find yourself in this terrifying situation, make sure to contact Australian Wildlife Encounters so they can safely relocate your resident serpent."
"Rattlesnakes are an important balancer of the desert ecosystem."
"I love snakes. Look at the way it's slithering about, oh it's so cute."
"Snakes have long been both feared and revered for their deadly venom and enigmatic nature."
"I love snakes, they're one of my favorite animals."
"I have a pet snake, and her name is Pixel."
"Snakes are not slimy; they have dry, scaly skin."
"Snakes evolved from the Jurassic era alongside the dinosaurs."
"If you hold them just like this and show that you are not a threat, you are not a predator, these snakes can be so gentle."
"Expert-level snakes, we've all seen them: the hot boys, the thick boys, the long boys, and the water boys."
"Snakes are limbless predatory lizards on Earth; they are a highly successful clade with as many as 4,000 species throughout all continents but Antarctica."
"King cobras are definitely the most intelligent snakes on the planet."
"They're brown snakes, so Pseudonaja textilis or Eastern Browns, which are the second most venomous snake on the planet."
"Snakes are known to be amazing when it comes to helping people through therapy."
"Snakes are by far one of the most misunderstood animals on the planet."
"Snakes are extremely low maintenance and there's really not that much that you have to do for them."
"Each snake is going to have amazing colors and patterns that really make it stand out."
"Snakes can be super artistically inspiring."
"Snakes can also simply be living jewelry."
"Being able to keep snakes and just handling them is a great way to relieve some stress."
"Captive snakes are amazing educational ambassadors to really teach people about their species."
"The more popular snakes become, the less people are going to fear them."
"Things like snakes are able to learn really complex behaviors."
"Snakes don't have any arms or legs, they just have one really long body."
"I love these snakes so much, beautiful colors. Reds right behind the eyes, getting big as can be."
"It seemed to Dodd that a sudden silence had wrapped about the cobras."
"I absolutely hate snakes, they scare me."
"When snakes eat, they dislocate the back of their jaws so that they can swallow things larger than their heads."
"The Python slowly squeezes the life out of its prey."
"I'm the big snake guy; I like big snakes."
"That snake was so mellow and just so well fed and so well accustomed to people."
"These snakes just want to thrive and live their lives and be left alone, just like us."
"Ball pythons are nocturnal, heavy-bodied snakes from Western sub-Saharan Africa."
"Boa constrictors are nocturnal, heavy-bodied snakes from Central and South America."
"Boas don't lay eggs, they give birth to live young."
"Ball pythons will lay eggs, and that's how they reproduce."
"Ball pythons are the smaller of the two and will get between three and six feet."
"Boa constrictors will get anywhere between six and ten feet."
"Ball pythons don't move all that much; they're pretty easy to handle, especially if you're new to snakes."
"Boa constrictors can strike from all angles; they're crazy but only for food."
"Ball pythons are lazy, it's slow, normally it balls itself up which is why it's called the ball python."
"If you want a crazy-looking snake, ball pythons are going to give you way more for your money."
"Hey everyone, today we are going to introduce to you all of the rattlesnakes that we have."
"Every time a rattlesnake sheds, they actually grow or gain a new segment on the end of the rattle."
"You could blindfold a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, and they would still be able to see just fine using the heat signature around them."
"Reticulated pythons are the longest species of snake."
"When snakes shed, that means that they're growing."
"This is truly the mastery of handling venomous snakes."
"You can see how close his hand is, he's in complete control."
"These are awesome animals for first-time snake keepers."
"Snakes are clever, have family relationships, and prefer to associate with their relatives."
"This is actually a cape file snake from South Africa, and I think they are some of the coolest snakes that I'm working with."
"This is actually a leucistic Colombian rainbow boa, unbelievable, just look how ivory and beautiful it is."
"...that girl definitely knew how to catch snakes like a pro."
"This happens to be one of my most favorite snakes for sure."
"One of the coolest things most people don't realize about garter snakes is that they are mildly venomous."
"I fought off some of the deadliest snakes in the world while working to restore the native tropical forests with the aid of the Costa Rican government."
"The highest diversity of snakes in the area of this size anywhere in North America."
"One of the most beautiful snakes that we had and surprisingly one of the rarest too."
"King cobras are found in India and throughout Asia and Southeast Asia."
"I mean, this is a snake that I've looked forward to working with my whole life. I love black mambas."
"This is probably one of the craziest snakes that I've ever seen."
"Once you gain their trust, then they pretty much stop striking."
"In my opinion, one of the best species of snakes are ball pythons because they are known for their gentle disposition."
"You guys remember the Ben & Jerry t-shirts, well of course they were based off of Ben and Jerry the King snakes that have two heads."
"Helen is amazing because it breaks so many people of their fear of snakes."
"She's a beast of a monocle cobra."
"I'm nearly six foot tall, and she's nearly as long as I am tall."
"She's not heading up at all. She can be a little bit defensive sometimes, but for the most part, she's pretty laid back."
"That is the true king of Florida when it comes to snakes."
"Glad to finally see king snakes are out at this spot."
"Snakes are such cool creatures and they're so misunderstood."
"Look at how gorgeous that snake is, gosh, you guys are absolutely beautiful."
"A two-headed snake you guys may have never seen something like this before."
"When snakes stick their tongue out, they're actually tasting the air."
"People who often think that snakes are slimy have clearly never touched a snake."
"Look at that, he is such a cool little king cobra."
"The snakes love it because the thing about these tubs is they hold humidity very well, they hold in the heat very well."
"Snakes have three major senses: their eyes, their Jacobson's organ, and for pythons and boas, their heat pits."
"I think when it comes to the corn snakes and the rat snakes in particular, they do very well."
"This happens to be a snow motley scaleless corn snake, and it just looks absolutely stunning."
"People absolutely fear especially venomous snakes."
"They can get up to 25 feet, sometimes a little bit bigger, absolutely giants."
"These are albino Colombian rainbow boas! Unbelievable."
"These things are ridiculous. Take a look at it. It's got some striping on the sides and just absolutely gorgeous."
"Kenyan sand boas are an amazing animal and a great option if you want a really cool snake but you don't want something that gets too big."
"These are some little baby red blood pythons, oh my gosh they are so absolutely adorable."
"Ever since I started keeping snakes, I never thought I would really eventually see a purple snake, and sure enough, we made a purple snake."
"The magnificent mamba, no matter if it's green or black, they have that iconic coffin head shape."
"Such a pretty snake, these snakes are actually known to play dead."
"They just have a whole bunch of live babies, super super cool."
"There are snakes that eat other snakes."
"He is the best snake ambassador that I have because people that are scared of snakes can come over here."
"These snakes are vital for keeping our ecosystem in check."
"They're the easiest starter snake."
"Corn snakes are one of the best pet snakes I could ever recommend for a beginner."
"They're very usually happy-go-lucky snakes."
"Just as a standalone super by itself, it's probably one of the most stunning visually stunning snakes out of all the supers."
"These snakes are sexually dimorphic, so females are super pretty like this, and they have this crazy pattern."
"Beautiful little eastern king snake."
"If you were bitten by a venomous snake, your first aid procedure is your pressure immobilization bandage."
"I've been collecting snakes for most of my adult life, and I still love it to death."
"Butterscotch is one of the most athletic snakes that we have."
"She's not only beautiful but she's also one of the most placid snakes you'll ever see."
"Anacondas have changed my life when it comes to the perceptions of snakes and just their relationships with it."
"The last common ancestor of all living snakes must have looked like a cross between blind snakes and boas."
"That's how their common ancestor lineage snakes its way through the family tree."
"The clade of modern snakes is in the taxonomic suborder Serpentes that covers all the snakes there are."
"There are currently around 30 taxonomic families comprising 520 Genera and nearly 4,000 species of snakes that are still alive today."
"No telling how many more there were in the distant past, but their fossils show that they were already spread all over the world a hundred million years ago."
"They're the most common beginner snakes because they're just literally so docile, so chill."
"I am literally surrounded by hundreds of garter snakes right here on this island."
"All snakes prefer to be left alone if possible."
"They're easily one of the best beginner pet snakes out there, in my opinion."
"I have never in my entire life seen a snake that big, I've never seen a snake that huge."
"This is the world's biggest venomous snake, this is a king cobra."
"All snakes are deaf and they feel and they sense their environment through smell, sight, and touch."