
Dating Challenges Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Dating has, in a way that is so counter-intuitive, become harder. It should by all rights be so much easier. We have technology on our side."
"Let me just say that the dating scene seems horrific right now. If you're in it, I'm sorry, because it seems like it's just a constant game of who can care less."
"When your relationship starts like an interview, chances are it might end like a firing."
"It's easier to spot problems in casual dating but much harder once two people have been together for many years."
"I like who I am, but it seems most guys don't."
"If a man do not have social skills to be succeeded dating in his own country, why the hell he thinks it can be succeeded?"
"Dating is like being on the swimming pool full of sharks and you are the dolphin."
"Most guys have to go above and beyond just to get a girl's attention."
"The truth about dating as a woman with a disability."
"It's been years and years and years since I've talked to someone and dated someone that I felt like could be integrated into my life easily."
"For a lot of women, the reason why you're struggling in dating in relationships as a successful woman is because you are hiding behind your work."
"That's how women get catfished, they think men have money and they're broke."
"If a woman is used to something the size of a baby leg and you come in with a pinky toe, there's nothing you can do to please her."
"Men don't want to jump through hoops, sweetie, they don't."
"Men have been complaining about dating, calling out the issues, the imbalances, and dating today."
"It's hard for women everywhere, dating is just so heinously horrifying."
"Part of the reason the highest-earning and most desirable black men might remain unmarried is precisely because they are so desirable and appealing."
"If a girl has difficulty in dating, that is entirely self-inflicted."
"You know, it's tough trying to juggle chicks, it's tough doing all that type but if you got the right one, everybody and all these women, it's the right woman, it's not all of them right, it's the right one."
"By the time you're 30, you are not what the average guy is seeking, and you will have a harder time dating, period."
"In a dating culture where detachment is the name of the game, how are we then surprised when people are struggling to really feel their feelings?"
"That's a tight fit to find somebody that you have true chemistry and compatibility with that you can spend the rest of your life with."
"I get a lot of you that had bad dating problems or you just couldn't you kept running into the same person that's all going to change."
"I have a very like small... it wasn't by my choice like people just didn't want to date me."
"None of my friends have ever succeeded in trying to get me out on a date."
"Dating sucks so much today; it makes more sense to step back and work on yourself."
"Dating single mothers is different than dating people without children. It can often bring more responsibility."
"In my life, I think I have met short men who are very bitter and upset about the fact that women won't want to date them because of their height."
"Man, if he loves you he's going to understand it, but if you're playing with a [ __ ] who already got options, coochie game's not going to work."
"Archaeologists haven't been able to date these relics yet but believe they were made prior to 401 BC."
"That's why people don't like dating people with mommy issues, no offense."
"A boyfriend won't just magically drop in your lap unfortunately there's some hard work to be done."
"Too many people are letting the dating process drag along with somebody and they develop what I call dating fatigue."
"Camille genuinely seems like she's a lovely woman, funny, and down to earth. Any guy would be lucky to go out with her, and yet she is struggling to find real love because our modern dating scene is a disaster area."
"A man has to go through rejection if you want to get to the hot women you're going to get rejected."
"Dating nowadays is hard, you ever go on a dating site it's like oh my gosh it's like a buffet."
"The problem isn't single moms but the immature commitment-phobic men who won't date them."
"It's not even these people are so delusional guys that they don't even understand how many times worse dating is for men than women."
"I don't really have the answer when you say well my SMV's too low to date somebody that's 28."
"You feel you feel like the dating pool, okay if you're single especially the dating pool is dried up."
"I had a little situation, well, a meaningful relationship. Yes, it was my husband. After that, it was just kind of, you know, out here dating and being traumatized."
"Online dating creates 'over choice' - the paradox of choice."
"Life has always been a bit crazy and the dating scene has always been hit and miss but since the pandemic, of course, there are going to be different things that perhaps you're going to look for in a person."
"It does not get easier in the dating world the older you get, it actually gets harder."
"Dating apps are rough for men, they're aesthetic based purely."
"Being vulnerable, putting yourself out there, being honest with people you date is challenging at times."
"This damn covey won't let me properly take you out on a date though, I know, but it's cool."