
Planetary Alignment Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Jupiter actually harmonizes with Saturn and it conjuncts the North Node which is a perfect alignment to tap into good luck, good fortune, and prosperity."
"The solstice is inherently a more local phenomenon than the fact that from Earth, Jupiter and Saturn are about to appear to be as close as they have in hundreds of years."
"New moon glow up! Unexpected financial surprises await with Jupiter and Uranus in a broad trine."
"Now, Saturn is going to join forces with Neptune."
"Mars will conjunct the degree of the eclipse."
"All major planets are going to be direct for about three months, and this is powerful because it does suggest forward momentum in so many ways and in different areas of life for many of us out there."
"The famous Star of Bethlehem may not have been a star at all but an extremely rare planetary alignment."
"Venus will trine Mars as well, which is so beautiful on the 8th and 9th of January."
"Nature didn't make a flower on this planet and a bee on the moon."
"It's such an auspicious time with all the planets being in their own signs of rulership."
"We also have Mars in Virgo almost perfectly trining Pluto and Capricorn... where are you holding yourself back?"
"She has this massive Sun, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn, Moon stellium in the first place."
"Rejoice about the Saturn Uranus square being over."
"Pluto and Venus connect and align you with a deeper love connection on the horizon for you."
"Venus and Mars in Aquarius is the birth of the new age."
"The energy stemming from Mars will have a very strong positive effect."
"The two planets of possibility linking brilliantly."
"There was a similar sort of meme when the Moon was conjunct a huge pile-up in Capricorn and Saturn."
"Jupiter-Saturn synergy: Personal Year Number Three promises growth and abundance."
"In February, planets will conjoin Pluto in Aquarius and bring activations of this transition into our lives."
"This particular Jupiter Uranus conjunction will be extra unique."
"Sun conjunct Mars opposite moon conjunct Neptune, that is a sacred type of alignment."
"Now, WITH Uranus having moved direct, this means that ALL planets are direct until June, so we’re in a powerful time for manifestation, moving forward, and making things happen."
"This conjunction between the moon and Uranus opposite the sun is going to be much more alive than it has ever been before."
"This is about abundance all this energy right now this is rare rare and Mars 16 so it's off the Quinn curse to Saturn."
"This time around it's even more pronounced because joining Saturn and Pluto will be the Sun in Capricorn."
"Jupiter and Saturn aligned in Aquarius, suggesting a huge paradigm shift."
"Jupiter and Saturn are in a conjunction which is a blending of those two energies."
"But we also have Uranus very closely aligned to it in Taurus so this is going to bring in a lot of surprises over the next few weeks."
"So that's why I wanted to show you. Mars and Saturn conjunct soon as well."
"Every time there's a hard time with depression something happening that's really big in the finances it has to do with Uranus interacting with Saturn in a hard alignment."
"This Tower is coming out exactly around the time of the 20th of April, around the time that Jupiter will conjunct Uranus in the sky which will bring amplified random change into all of our lives."
"Anytime you have Mars in a conjunction with Saturn, it's this sort of hurry-up-and-wait energy."
"The new moon in Virgo is making an auspicious Grand Earth Trine with Jupiter and Uranus."
"The conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn happen every 20 years."
"This particular solstice chart has Saturn and Jupiter conjunct in Aquarius."
"This month is the best month that we can have because we cannot have so many planets in good situation."
"Especially the first few days of the month you might feel this 12th house is where a lot of the planets are."
"We're getting an interesting combination in 2023, Saturn and Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius..."
"Transits relate to where the planets are actually at in the sky right now, and it relates where the planets are in the sky right now to events happening on Earth or events happening in your life at the moment."
"Mars going into the 10th house with Rahu is like, I mean, really cranking up the volume, like as loud as it can go."
"While Saturn and Mars are together in Pisces, we're entangled with intense and complex emotional territory."
"My favorite is when you could see Pluto and like the four moons lined up in line."
"The morning sky becomes the canvas for a celestial ballet as Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars will all align in a captivating display."
"Experience the awe-inspiring alignment of the Sun, the moon, and seven other planets in a phenomenon occurring once every 32 million years."
"The Crescent Moon, AKA my beloved toenail moon, is going to be right in the middle of Venus and Mars."
"For one who is on a spiritual sadhana, particularly on those days, what is available on the planet is phenomenal."
"It was one of the most complex and diverse planetary alignments Evie had ever seen."
"The Grand Tour could exploit a rare unusual and favorable alignment of the planets."
"Unbelievable, Venus, unbelievable! The sun, the moon, the stars, and Venus was definitely in alignment, baby, because you tore it down!"
"The year ends with four planets in evening skies: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter."
"It's awesome, really. Do planets always line up in formation for your birthday? No, this is a special one."
"There's a rare alignment today up there in the sky between Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Saturn."
"When the planets are in accord and most of the connections they're making are sweet, we really feel that."
"Mercury is going to come and make this conjunction with Jupiter which very often brings enhanced luck."