
Success Planning Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Your 20s should be dedicated entirely to delayed gratification, to setting up the rest of your life for success."
"You have to write down why you want to be successful."
"Believe you're worth it. Really take a look at what it looks like."
"It's really our approach. But then once executing down a path I actually do my absolute best to reduce risk. You know because to improve the probability of success."
"Success just doesn't happen, you gotta plan it."
"Visualize success; see yourself doing well in this situation and have faith in a positive outcome."
"Having an exit strategy can help you be more successful in the crypto space as well."
"The goal is the compass, and at the same time, a goal by itself isn't anything. You need a system and process to get there. You need both of them."
"I said it yesterday on Twitter I said I can't see away in the next two years that we don't win the title on the trajectory we're on."
"Visualize your success, know what you want so clear that it almost feels like you have it."
"Our system was created by human beings for the benefit of human beings. We do not exist to serve markets, just the opposite."
"I guess Immortals and dig are the two examples."
"Every minute of your time should be harnessed, leveraged, and held accountable to your success."
"Successful people start with identity and then outcomes."
"If we can win more days, then we win more weeks, then we win more of months and even more quarters, more years and we win the decade."
"What would you do if you knew you would succeed and had a decade to pull it off?"
"Envision your success so clearly that it feels like you already have it."
"Make a plan, stick to the plan, stay consistent, and have faith. You will succeed."
"You're stepping into something that is going to lead to ultimate success."
"Break processes down: That is what successful people do; they break down their goals. If you're not breaking down a goal to milestones, you're just dreaming."
"The delay is not to hurt you, it's to ensure that you're successful."
"Preparation is the key to success. You can't win yesterday preparing tomorrow. You should have started five years ago."
"Success is the result of planning and execution."
"Number one is start with the end in mind. Business owners don't plan to fail, they fail to plan."
"If you do everything that I told you to learn over the course of these 12 weeks here is everything that you would have that guarantees your music career launches perfectly."
"Ideas are endless and by having as many options and trying things out as much as possible you'll be able to one day find success."
"Avoid short-term solutions for long-term success."
"Someone is planning to have success, and I feel there's definitely something going on with friends and colleagues."
"Planning for success, focusing on it, and moving forward."
"A power couple, focused, driven, and planning for success together."
"How do founders position the organization for success when they're no longer here?"
"Success has to be planned and earned in advance."
"Planning for success, manifest is what it's telling you."
"Playing the long game, anticipating more success."
"Visualize your success. See it, taste it, smell it. Know what you want so clear that it almost feels like you have it."
"Setting goals is putting in front of you what you want to accomplish, giving yourself permission to succeed."
"A solid starting point, I think it's reasonable to have a high expectation for success."
"Think tonight on what it is that you want for yourself and your success."
"Crystallizing or clarifying what it is you want to do is the most powerful thing you can basically do for yourself to set up success."
"Preparation is half the battle, be prepared for success."
"Why would you not want to set yourself up for success?"
"If you can figure out the answers to these three questions you will become a millionaire and now it's just a matter of time."
"If you create a schedule and stick to it, you will become famous."
"The path to success has been laid out exactly so I wouldn't mess with it."
"Preparation is important. It cannot be overstated."
"Success assured with good plans and hard work so definitely some success coming in for you as well."
"We try and set everyone up for as much success as possible."
"Long-term success should be the ultimate goal."
"Invest in yourself, your efforts will lead to success."
"Proper prep works key if you want to be successful. If you're not willing to put in that prep work and plan to be successful, you better hope you're just one lucky sob."
"Sacrificing short-term pleasure for long-term success."
"Planning to fail is planning to fail." - Michael Muir
"You're going to be very, very successful but know what you want, have that plan, tweak the plan if necessary Virgo, and then manifest."
"The secret is having a definitive aim, a very clearly defined specific purpose, a dream, and being specific and focused on that."
"Either way you play it, Lamar, it seems like you're to come out on top. Now play it right so you can come out even higher."
"Slow and steady wins the race, one step in front of the other, look at the details, plan for success, and I see it coming."
"DON'T MISTAKE YOUR VOCATION. The safest plan, and the one most sure of success for the young man starting in life, is to select the vocation which is most congenial to his tastes."
"Instead of figuring out what are the biggest risks, it's figuring out what are the most important things that will lead to success."
"Being prepared... set yourself up for success."
"Focus on yourself and envision the success, and the rest will start to happen."
"They want a partner, they're planning for this to be successful."
"Success is something that is built and planned. When a bunch of people get on the same page, we can sit here and create success."
"The road to financial success for every rich person is paved before they go to sleep." - Warren Buffett
"Having a plan is like setting yourself up for success."
"Having the end result in mind is one of the most important things we need when it comes to success."
"I'm not even trying to take three million people from rags to riches. Give me three hundred."
"Taking the time to figure out what success looks like is a surefire way to be much more likely to achieve it."
"Planning to succeed rather than trying not to fail."
"Imagine things go incredibly well over the next three or five years... write down what does that look like, what does success really look like."
"What do you actually want your life to look like, and then back out success from there."
"I am going to keep this commitment to myself and set myself up for success."
"Just find what success looks like, write it down on paper, and make sure that you follow it."
"I always had three goals in Alaska: to own my own house by the age of 20, to be in my own business by the age of 30, and retired by 40."
"Performance is about preparation. How well you prepare."
"You have to actively go out and find a step-by-step guide to be successful in life."
"Now finding the blueprints makes all the difference between wealth and poverty."
"Growing your Facebook group is important, but equally as important is setting up your Facebook group for success."
"You want to think about it as your guide and as your plan to get to your financial success."
"You could put yourself in a position to have success if you select the right pigeons."
"Prepare for success mentally, emotionally, have a plan, come up with a structure, be prepared."
"Whatever CRM you decide on, consider investing in a good CRM to set your travel business up for success."
"We making no excuses. Put yourself in a position to win."
"You have a sweet spot of time to really be thoughtful in your design and looking prospectively at what you define success as."
"If you want to find year-round success, you have to plan and forecast accordingly."
"The objective here is not to predict the future but to position the enterprise for success across a broad range of futures."
"If you're looking for a way to organize the model content that you work with on all of your projects, then I really hope in this video we can get you kind of set up on a path to success from here into the future."
"And then lays out a very specific path to success built specifically for you, and what you care most about life and what you want to achieve in life."
"Onboarding is really that first couple of months to make sure you're doing the best job possible to set them up for success."
"Ownership is possible; first, we gotta dream it, plan it, and then we achieve it."
"Success is sown with good plans and hard work."