
Day Quotes

There are 1008 quotes

"Peace out, guys. Hopefully, you have a great rest of your day."
"I have really good vibes about the day...and we're going to make today amazing."
"What a great day again, just an amazing day."
"Good morning, hope you guys are having a great day."
"Stayed up so have a flippin' dope day you guys. Klout flex!"
"Have a great night everyone, have a great rest of your day everybody."
"We've had the loveliest day. It's now actually just gone half eight."
"Even if you're not ready for the day, it can't always be night."
"I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your day."
"Hey there everybody, hope you're having a great day."
"Though alone on the night side of the world, I know the rest is there; that the sun greets most men the world around at work and days go on."
"I hope everyone is having a blessed day so far."
"Thank you for this day, for it is a day that You have made."
"I hope everyone is doing well. I hope you guys are having a blessed day so far."
"Hope you're having an amazing day."
"You guys have a wonderful day in this beautiful sunshine."
"May you have a beautiful rest of your day."
"It's Wednesday, it's Market day, and I've got a wicked one planned for today."
"Good morning, it's day number two of the Googan US challenge."
"It was the day that was to have been expected but one that for many still came as a shock."
"I hope you are all having a great day."
"It's yet another miserable day at Maon."
"Every night is like a day, but every day is like a new romantic"
"This was an amazing way to start the day."
"It's the most special time of day."
"What an incredible day. Oh, amazing."
"This is going to be such an exceptional day."
"Thank you for watching my video, have a wonderful day."
"This might be the best day to be raining on a collectible unit day."
"It's been a cracker of a day, actually. Apparently, you can't get down the rainbow along the beach because the tide's all up."
"Honestly, this is such a freaking amazing exciting day."
"Morning routine I think is the most important 30 minutes of the day."
"I hope you have a fantastic fantastic day."
"What a crazy day we've had already."
"Lovely day today, I mean you can't ask for better weather."
"On our way for our first beach day. Can't wait."
"I will catch you all in the next one. Have a good day everybody."
"Oh, really? Dude, this has been an epic day."
"Sundays are arguably my favorite day of the week."
"Days are just really good days and that was a belter."
"This is by far one of my favorite days of the entire year."
"What a day, and I dropped it, but my bestie."
"Productive morning, productive day."
"This is literally the dream London day for me, if I'm honest with you."
"It's been a fabulous day. It's been a busy long day."
"If that's not the best way to start the day, then I don't know what is."
"The first few hours passed, still normal. Lunch came around, and that was perfectly fine too. Loud but fine. In fact, the rest of the day went according to plan."
"I just try to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day to enjoy it as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary ordinary life."
"This is Jack and Jamie's day of fun."
"Just another beautiful day in paradise."
"Just going to crack on with the day. It's a beautiful, beautiful sunny day."
"I'm having the best day ever. I moved into my new apartment yesterday."
"It was a stunning way to start the day."
"We've had a really stressful day."
"Don't be afraid of the terror by night or of the arrow that flies by day."
"Nice day, isn't it? Lovely indeed."
"Good morning, it is Saturday which is my second favorite day."
"We're taking you guys Along on what we do in the body shop in a day."
"Best part of the day, worst part of the day... some people call it like rose Thorn, this sounds Christian as [ __ ] it wasn't Christian, it was non-denominational cheese, okay, best part of the day, worst part of the day."
"And it's gonna be a beautiful day that's plain to see."
"Oh my gosh, y'all, today today really drained the mess out of me, OMG."
"It's really gorgeous. It's just a beautiful day."
"You can win or lose your entire day before your eyes even open in the morning."
"It's such a nice way to start the day."
"Enjoy the rest of your day. I'll see you in the next one."
"An eventful week and day it's been!"
"Welcome to my favorite day of the week."
"I've been filming video I was all day today and I got up."
"A room that lives and evolves throughout the day."
"What a day, surprises are everywhere."
"Nothing like crying into your breakfast to start off the day."
"The last thing I want to do is get kicked out of the first thrift store of the day."
"Have a great day everybody, stay safe, have a great day."
"I hope everyone is having a great day."
"Every day in itself brings with it an eternity."
"This was one of our highlights of the day for sure."
"We've had a lovely day. It really has been."
"Everything in life takes one day. It all takes one day for all hell to break loose. And this is my day."
"The night is long that never finds the day."
"Everything about this day has really gone sideways."
"It wasn't often that she had a reason to grin during the day especially on a day when the Beast made an appearance."
"The most beautiful part of the day."
"What a lovely day, what an amazing day for cricket."
"There's no question it's a day I'd like to forget."
"Guys, I hope you're having another lovely day today."
"The Sabbath day is the seventh day, Saturday."
"I could watch this all day. It's just really fun."
"Those who start today with prayer will end the day with gratitude."
"I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend, have a wonderful day and I will see you guys next time."
"This is mesmerizing, might be the best day ever."
"What a day! He enjoyed every moment."
"Not exactly the best way to start the day but that's the way we're starting today and we're gonna make the most of it."
"Enjoy your day as much as you can."
"Every day I live is the most beautiful day of my life."
"I should probably go, this concludes day two of nesting."
"What an incredible day this has been."
"It's a beautiful day, it's a good old Tuesday, sun's out all that, all that."
"From the minute we wake up to the minute we go to bed, we have an infinite amount of possibilities to increase our self-worth."
"It's the perfect way to inject some excitement into your day and make unforgettable memories."
"Absolutely amazing what a start for the day."
"It's been a fabulous day of learning so far."
"In conclusion of this, I think it's Wednesday."
"This is the day I'm going to remember for the rest of my life."
"Happy Wednesday! Wednesday is Face-Off day and this nearly didn't happen but it did happen because well we'll talk about why and some of the great news out there."
"Once you win the morning you win the day."
"Hope your day is going just as you deserve it to go."
"That's a cracking day on the water."
"What an amazing day of adventure we had."
"What a great start to the Sun Sunday."
"What time is it? It's the morning, basically."
"A morning is just one half of the day, you see."
"But like I said today is Wednesday."
"Maybe this is the best day she's had in years."
"So we have during the day lords prime terse sext known vespers and compliment about every hour and a half or so starting at six."
"It is seriously such a beautiful day. I'm so excited."
"I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day, bye bye!"
"Honestly, Saturdays are one of my favorite days in the world."
"I honestly feel like Saturdays are one of my favorite days in the world."
"I don't know what's going on today."
"Happy Monday, guys. It's a beautiful day."
"Awesome night, awesome day, awesome night."
"I've had a quite a good day to be fair."
"Super thrown off today, man. It's weird, it's totally weird, it's super weird today."
"Otherwise, guys, we'll see in the next one, have a great day."
"I hope you'll all go out and have a very blessed day."
"Everyone please have a fantastic day."
"Hopefully I have a nicer day than getting crapped on."
"Hopefully everyone's having a good day."
"Good afternoon, it's still morning, sorry. It's been a long day."
"Thank you guys so much for joining us today. I hope you have a great rest of your day."
"Hope all of you are having just an absolutely amazing day."
"I hope that you have a wonderful, wonderful rest of the day. I plan on doing the same."
"Hope you all are having a Fab day."
"Have you ever had one of those days when everything just goes perfect?"
"Hope that you have a wonderful, wonderful rest of your day and I plan on doing the same."
"I will move my feet to the floor, stand up, and walk into my day."
"I hope that you have a wonderful su a day."
"Hope you all have a wonderful, fantastical day."
"Monday went by like a small summer cloud."
"Luck will always accompany him, it's just that today turned out to be a very good day."
"Welcome everyone, Adam the Woo here. It is very bright. The sun has not set yet, still a couple more hours to that."
"Hope you're having a beautiful day."
"Ye are all the children of light and the children of the day."
"Even by the afternoon, the day had retained the morning's freshness."
"I truly truly hope that you have a great rest of your day."
"I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day, and I plan on doing the same."
"I'm glad we can make your day a lot better."
"Yes sir, it is Sunday, and it's gonna be a beautiful day. There's no doubt about it, it's guaranteed."
"I'm on my Ice Cube status right, today was a good day."
"Good morning! Well, yesterday for 90% of the day, it was horrendous; however, just on darkness, my day became a thousand times better."
"All in all, it was a really great day."
"Hopefully you guys had a good day as well."
"I'm just gonna enjoy the rest of the day with my family."
"Good morning, slept really well last night. The day today, it's absolutely stunning."
"It's a perfect day for Dinty Moore."
"You're not ruining their day, why should they ruin yours?"
"I hope you're having a beautiful day today."
"It's a gorgeous day here, so I appreciate that you're spending a little bit of your Saturday morning with me."
"Thanks again guys, have a great day."
"I hope you guys are having a great day, I hope you guys are having an awesome Wednesday."
"It is a Friday, which is my favorite."
"I hope you have a lovely rest of your day, evening, whatever time it is."
"Day is called himera because it makes things gentle."
"Looking forward to see what the day holds."
"Hope everybody's having an absolute wonderful day."
"Until next time, hope you guys all have a great day. I'll see you all later."
"If there was ever a day for a road trip, it would be today."
"Thus evening and morning came into being, a complete day."
"I hope you guys all have a wonderful day and I hope you learned something."
"Love y'all, have a wonderful wonderful day."
"It's a beautiful day here in Southern California."
"I hope you're having a good day in your garden."
"It's certainly a beautiful day, nice will be cool but not cold."
"I swear today is gonna be a nice day."
"I hope y'all enjoyed our little walk together this morning, hope you have a wonderful day."
"Good morning, my friends. It's going to be an interesting one today."
"It was awesome, we had like a super relaxing day."
"Maintain a wonderful rest of your day."
"Our day is full of nothing but potential at the moment."
"Good morning, and welcome to a day."
"The entire day went great, everybody was in a great mood."
"It was a truly lovely spring day," said Anne.
"Hello, what's up? I hope you're all having a fantastic day."
"It's a perfect day, it really is."
"Have yourselves an absolutely wonderful rest of your day."
"I hope you guys are having a lovely day."
"I hope today was a wonderful day for you."
"It's nice that we've got a sunny day for this."
"The light would be called day, and the Darkness would be called night."
"I'm gonna have a nice little productive day."
"Don't forget to have yourselves a fantastic day."
"The day seemed endless, but at last, the sun slid down the sky, and the sea turned from green to purple in the twilight."
"I hope you're having a great day today."
"Good morning guys on this beautiful Thursday."
"What a beautiful day I picked for it by the way. Glorious day."
"It's been a really nice day, hasn't it?"
"We are not of night nor of darkness; we are all sons of light and sons of day."
"For you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness."
"I hope you guys are having an amazing day so far."
"I hope wherever you guys are, you're having a fantastic day."