
VS Code Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"VS Code is so powerful, it's ridiculous. I would really recommend it."
"VS Code just makes web development much easier. It's very fast, intuitive, and has great extensions."
"I would definitely recommend VS Code for most cases, most languages. It's very performant, has a ton of features, great extensions, and a built-in terminal."
"VS code does a really, really great job of providing you really powerful IntelliSense that you can use to save yourself a lot of time."
"The extension ecosystem in VS code is great."
"Debugging in VS Code is very powerful. It's one of those features that is highly underrated and very, very useful for you."
"VS Code is the best, the most popular, the most powerful editor for lots of different things, but specifically for web development is where it will really, really shine."
"10 vs code extensions that are going to make your life easier as a developer."
"VS code liveshare: collaboration made incredibly easier."
"I don't see myself leaving vs code anytime soon but I am excited for a future where there's more competition and more innovation happening within our editors."
"But the best way to use VS code is to download it yourself and install on your computer."
"So if you're new to it, this is what the pros use. They use vs code for pretty much everything."
"Using VS code will make your life better."
"We released the VS Code remote development Extensions, which let you use the Windows Subsystem for Linux or WSL, a Container or a remote machine as a full feature development environment."
"I'm excited about learning more about VS Code."
"Now VS Code takes it a step further. Now we can actually set up an entire development environment within containers."
"This is not the default GraphQL experience. This is so much better than what you would normally expect in VS Code."
"...the final thing we'll cover in this video is vs code which in my opinion is the best code editor out there for web development."
"The easiest way to create a simple local server is to use VS Code editor, which has a built-in one."
"We've got VS Code in a place where we've got a little sample project we can use as a template to create multi-file projects moving forward."
"VS Code is an editor where you can actually type out code that is very popular for web development."
"If you run a line of code in VS Code, we'll figure out which code block your cursor is currently on and evaluate it."
"So with previews on the side here, the GitHub style extension, the markdown all-in-one extension, and markdown lint, VS Code turns out to be a great markdown editor."
"These are all of the base features, the foundational features that make VS Code workflows and everything that we're going to do fantastic."
"The cool thing about VS Code is you can actually just take this, grab, click, drag it all the way up into the components folder."
"Wouldn't it be nice if VS Code's IntelliSense helped us out?"
"VS Code is more than a text editor; it's packed with features like IntelliSense, built-in Git, and terminal."
"Extensions are a way that you can extend VS Code's functionality through a Marketplace of extensions."
"VS Code remote is an extension inside of VS Code that makes a remote server run in WSL."
"Azure Data Studio is a downstream fork of VS Code, integrated on a daily basis, that releases every month."
"This is an optional step, but I highly recommend that you guys install the WSL extension for VS Code."
"Let's hop into VS Code and let's get started."
"We now offer a fully functional Jupyter UI inside VS Code."
"How cool is that? You can use VS Code to access and manage all of your databases without leaving your code editor."
"I a hundred thousand percent recommend using VS Code. It is pretty much a standard in the industry."
"The best two snippet libraries that I think exist in VS Code is first of all the ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets."
"I've been using the Kite integration in VS Code for several months, and it's definitely made my coding speed faster."
"Git Lens is amazing. It's probably one of the most popular downloaded extensions in VS Code."
"The development is no longer happening in a browser, it's going to happen in VS Code."
"You could write an extension for VS Code that maybe automates using ampy."
"Let's go ahead back into the VS Code."
"VS Code really gives you the opportunity to build those options."
"We're going to use VS Code to develop anything from anywhere. Develop anywhere with VS Code."
"This is an app running with code that I don't have on my local machine in a language that I don't really use and I don't even have installed on my local machine or on my remote machine and I was able to run it and I can continue developing it. Wow, that's super cool."
"You can use remote tunnels to also start or connect tunnels from VS Code desktop."
"It feels amazing when also VSCode does this really nice thing where it turns the file name red until you fix the App.tsx here, and it's so satisfying when it turns back to green."
"You could, for example, use VS Code and connect to a MySQL or PostgreSQL server to run your SQL queries you're creating in VS Code."
"The one I recommend you use is VS Code. It's the best one out there, in my opinion, and it gets the job done perfectly."
"All we need to do is install the free VS Code editor from Microsoft."