
Repeat Purchase Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"A product that works well for most people is typically worth buying and rebuying again and again."
"Would I go out and purchase this again? Definitely."
"Men who buy one Rolex are statistically very likely to buy a second one or maybe a third one."
"Despite all those flaws, would I purchase this van again? Absolutely."
"I'll jump back on Amazon and get more of this dress because I love it."
"It is that good... I actually decided to get a second GH4."
"I would highly recommend this product, I would go ahead and purchase it again."
"Would I go back and repurchase more? Absolutely."
"It's worth it, totally would I buy it again, absolutely."
"People are so happy with their first purchase that they buy another one."
"Overall, I really liked it. I would buy it again."
"People who love coloring books, as an example, they're not going to just buy one coloring book and then never come back and buy another one. They will buy the coloring book, they will complete it, and then they will come back and buy another one."
"I absolutely love this. I just want you to know that I've just bought another two."
"Would I buy again? Yes, yes and yes."
"I would buy another one in a heartbeat."
"Overall, I would purchase this again in a heartbeat."
"Yes, I love it. If I do it again, yes, I will buy this product again."
"I ended up liking this thing so much, I bought a second one with my own money just so I can have two."
"This will be a benchmark model available in all the liveries that people can buy time and time again."
"I would buy this setup again and again and again."
"Oh my gosh, they're amazing. I'm going to get two things of these this time."
"Would I buy another one of these? In a heartbeat."
"I personally think it's worth it, I personally would get another."
"I would definitely buy this again."
"They're really good, I would definitely buy these again."
"I would totally buy it again ten times over."
"Would I buy this again? 100%. In fact, I've bought it twice over again."
"This table is pretty awesome, so in fact, I'm gonna buy another one."
"We would definitely buy this machine again."
"If it wasn't already obvious, I would definitely buy these again."
"I would definitely buy the Hoodoo again."
"10 out of 10 for me, if you couldn't already tell, I would definitely buy them again."
"This is really good, and I would actually pick this up again."
"I loved it so much, I bought it three times."
"I would buy this boat again today, a year later."
"Delicious, very good, would definitely buy that again."
"I was so impressed I bought another one after destroying the other one completely."
"I actually really like these; I will get these again."
"I'm happy about this one, I will go get this again."
"Would I buy it again? In a heartbeat, absolutely."
"Now knowing what I know about it, I would 100% do it again. I love it."
"Yes, in a heartbeat I would buy this again."
"I don't typically buy shampoos, but I would 1000% buy this one again."
"I'm really happy with this one, I love it enough that I bought it twice now."
"I love this formula, and I've purchased the shade Legend several times."
"Every time I repurchase this one, I just fall in love with it all over again."
"I loved it so much I ordered it in the army green and the black."
"Absolutely amazing cleanser and it's the one that I've purchased time and time again."
"I love this NYC bronzer in Sunny; this is amazing, I went through three of these already."