
Caching Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Redis... often used for caching, session management, real-time analytics."
"CloudFront is a content distribution network that creates a cached copy of your website and copies that content to servers located near people trying to download your website."
"The most popular use case of Redis is to cache data that comes from the database to minimize the number of requests."
"Redis is an in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker."
"Redis is for caching data to make systems optimal. It does not make useless requests, it does not make duplicate requests, it does not make, if this is your Postgres, so it doesn't overwhelm your database with reads."
"Caching game downloads and updates on your local network is nothing new."
"CloudFront forwards requests to the specified S3 bucket, caching objects at edge locations."
"Redis is a great fit for high throughput caching and memoization. It's a great way to speed up your application's behavior and response time and availability."
"It prefers to cache, it prefers to keep it for longer because it can instantly give you the answer that's faster."
"Before we move on to mapping our custom domain to our website, I do want to briefly touch on this concept of caching and purging since we're working with Azure CDN."
"Redis does more than act as a cache. It can also operate as a database which is effectively what it is doing. It's a key value store."
"Second, we want to generate hash file names so that we can enable that safe caching. You don't want to try to Cache a file that doesn't have a unique identifier in the name."
"...we can actually use a very simple dynamic programming technique called caching in this case."
"You can put those SSDs inside and utilize them for caching, assist the read and write activity of your larger RAID hard drive array."
"We can use the cloud storage to be this highly scalable storage architecture and allow the cloud to cache that data."
"No caching because it cannot look at the data."
"I hope they reverse that I hope they invert it and don't cache anything by default and let you pick when you stuff cash I think that' be a much better user experience and it be a lot easier learning curve."
"Services like Redis and Memcache can significantly improve WordPress performance by caching data in memory."
"Query cache stores the results of frequently executed queries in memory, which can significantly improve query performance."
"Serving requests from the NGINX cache can result in significant performance improvements."
"Having enough RAM is critical to allow each service's caching techniques to work at their full potential."
"By having enough RAM on the server, each service can utilize caching techniques to their fullest extent."
"Cache control max age 3600 means that the returned resource is valid for one hour."
"Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache."
"Caching at proxy servers is one of the ways to reduce the response time perceived by web users."
"Page caching refers to caching the content of a whole page on the server side."
"The local cache of the news feed is essential to prevent too many API requests from being sent."
"With remote caching, this cache can be shared across your entire team and your CI."
"Configure Azure CDN to cache site images and content stored in Azure Blob Storage."
"A service worker will cache all resources like the chat, CSS, and some message data in the browser cache."
"It is in fact a true cache, which is really cool."
"But I do think that this cache used responsibly is very, very cool."
"Caching in video editors is extremely important and it should be on the fastest drive possible."
"There are a ton of benefits to super fast NVMe SSDs for caching, and they mostly come about when you're having a lot of IOPS."
"Caching is one of the hardest, oldest problems in computer science."
"I can do caching, so now the first user goes and does some requests, and yes it has to go to the backend to get the data to serve it up, but the second user that asks for that same content, well that gets pre-cached."
"One of the main aspects of the HTTP protocol is that it provides very good controls for caching."
"If I use it in a correct way, I can still save myself a lot of trouble coding at the server caching mechanism."
"...overlapping sub problems... means that the sub problems which occur occur again and again and again... we can cach our solutions to those sub problems and reuse them and get an overall efficient divide and conquer approach."
"Caching improves your application performance and helps reduce costs and unnecessary network requests."
"Next.js does a lot of caching by default."
"Node has some magic caching; it doesn't evaluate the file every time you require it."
"These VMs are well suited for in-memory databases such as SAP HANA, real-time analytics, and in-memory caches."
"After that, the page is cached, so it's easy to go back and forth between it, which is quite nice."
"Cloudinary will do like caching of your transformations and all that kind of stuff. It's so super cool."
"When you make like a typical get request or post request, you can have the browser just cache your request by default."
"Most commonly, service workers are used for offline browsing and caching assets and API calls."
"ZFS is not wasteful of memory, it actually goes, 'Well, I'm gonna cache it, I don't know if you'll ask for this file again, but you asked for it once, let's cache it'."
"The REST API... actually gives you a URL, and that is something that is actually cacheable."
"Caching makes data throughput faster, right? That's going to make it highly performant."
"This is how you would essentially implement caching inside of Next.js."
"Incremental static regeneration... allows us to automatically invalidate the cache and regenerate the page after a certain interval."
"Implement caching on the front end to store recently fetched posts and minimize the need for additional API calls."
"A proxy server intercepts the requests from the client going forward; it offers caching, so it speeds up web serving, URL filtering, content scanning."
"Caching is something we've talked about a lot before."
"When you have a Response object, you can put it in the cache or you can send it back to the browser; you can do one or the other, you can't do both unless you clone it."
"That's practically everything that you ever need to know about caches."
"We should just take the result of this sub problem put it in a cache."
"I'm going to talk about caching, all that kind of stuff, so it is interesting."
"This application is also offline first, so if the network is down, we actually have cached some of our core static resources."
"The function result cache... can give you some significant improvements in query performance."
"I always log the full proxy cache key, so that way if I'm troubleshooting a cache... I can just look in the logs for the URI."
"If you're using nginx plus, we have an added API that has metrics; we keep track of the state of the cache."
"If you want to punch through the cache... nginx can actually do a bypass."
"We do support byte range caching... all you need to do is make sure that that header is defined in the cache key."
"Our solution, VLM, manages KV cache much more efficiently, thereby allowing much larger batch size with the same amount of memory."
"Caching... stores a response associated with a request to reuse it for subsequent requests."
"We tell everyone at Lyft that Redis is a best-effort cache or a best-effort store."
"We will use dynamic programming to cache previous optimal solutions."
"It's just a layer of cache that's very quick and powerful that you can use within your applications."
"We're not storing the primary copy of the data; it's really a cache."
"Firestore's cache knows how to recover from changes when a user loses intermittent connection."
"The Firestore JavaScript SDK has a cache, and this cache is really useful because it understands how to sync changes from remote updates and it even can handle updates for you when you're offline."
"The service worker is able to cache incoming requests and enable offline access to your application."
"It makes a lot of sense to cache items which are smaller in size."
"Sliding expiration... if a cache is accessed within 30 seconds, its lifetime will be renewed for another 30 seconds."
"The best practice is to use an absolute expiration also along with sliding expiration."
"Caching can shorten the time required to retrieve a report if the report is large or accessed frequently."
"If you have a site like Calendar, or Facebook, where people are doing multiple page views per session, then you might want to make them external to benefit caching."
"By providing long cache lifetimes, you make all the caches that are in the network in between the server and the client more effective."
"The use of table space encryption benefits greatly from caching."
"Do wasm files cache and do those dll's that we saw cache just like regular javascript files? The answer is yes."
"Keeping files in memory after they have been read, or caching, improves system performance."
"If you really just need a basic page by page caching plugin but you need some extra configurability, then this is a solid option."
"The function result cache is a really amazing and elegant feature."
"That in a nutshell is the function result cache, and it is an awesome feature."
"Caching is a first class citizen in the rest approach."
"Once this is cached the first time, as soon as I refresh the page, the model loads instantly because it's pre-caching and available."
"We want our users' browser to hold on to that file and continue to use it so that the pages are going to load really fast on subsequent page loads."
"Client-side deduplication with disk caching eliminates the duplicate block from the same client."
"Caching is very helpful in order to take pressure off of other services."
"Cache invalidation is one of the harder problems in computer science."
"It's a way to asynchronously load and cache images from the web inside of your project or app."
"We've only really solved half the battle for caching because our clients are also going to want caching."
"It's now adding hello to cache because it's the first time I've run it, that is now inside the cache."
"Filter when you can, query when you must."
"Filters are automatically cached, so if you use the same type of filter with the same parameters, it'll go crazy fast a second and following times."
"With the right caching strategy, the network no longer stands in the way of getting your app on your users' screens."
"We now have Redis working as our caching mechanism, and we've also set an expiry so that items don't stay in there lingering in the cache for any longer than what they need to."
"GraphQL and caching are a match made in heaven because the client knows exactly what information will be fetched."
"Caching... is going to let us improve performance by accessing the disk a fewer number of times."
"A monomorphic inline cache is one value, one type stored in this cache."
"When caching happens, how does the caching server know that the object which I have cached is still good to go?"
"To improve startup time for WebAssembly modules, we're starting to roll out something we're calling implicit caching."
"Or the second way, actually which is a little bit of a better way, and I'll explain why in this video, is to actually just use a hydration to hydrate the query cache."
"You get automatic concurrency, you get caching, the caching gives you testability, automatic record replay."
"Utilize gzip compression, cache your files, and losslessly compress images."