
Formation Quotes

There are 288 quotes

"Everything that's ever happened formed the incredible being you are."
"Another edition of the banners being held by the troops themselves walking in line formation ready to clash in the center."
"With this, the Rebel Alliance was truly formed."
"Form feet and legs; form arms and body; and I'll form the head."
"It is generally accepted that they stood in straight lines, interlocked their shields, and pushed the enemy back with the weight of their numbers."
"About four and a half billion years ago, when a cloud of dust and debris coalesced in the empty void of space to form a ball of rock."
"Mount St. Helens itself is the youngest of the Cascade volcanoes, coming into being only 40,000 years ago."
"Memory is formed; it's anchored with emotion."
"Chany Yoon and Chanlu form a powerful formation and launch aerial dagger attacks at Fajo."
"The final state of your soul includes not just your virtue and your state of grace, it includes this whole formational apparatus."
"Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with."
"Goblin Valley State Park in Utah, United States, features thousands of hudo referred to locally as goblins, which are formations of mushroom-shaped rock pinnacles, some as tall as several meters."
"The Eye of the Sahara, Mauritania, is a symmetrical geological marvel in this rocky, isolated region in Mauritania, known as the Eye of Sahara or more recently the Richat Structure."
"Wave Rock is a natural rock formation that's shaped like a tall breaking ocean wave."
"How can an agency relationship be formed? Well, number one, it has to be consensual. Both parties have to agree."
"...it's not all bad. The Decay is such that it actually allows stars and planets to form."
"Most of the heat stored in its interior during the planet's formation has been lost."
"Family is what you make of it, and there's no wrong way to form a family."
"The Virgin anticline was caused by geologic forces from the larger Basin and Range province as it crumpled up the Earth's crust when it pushed up against the hurricane fault in the large block of the Colorado Plateau behind it."
"An opening attacking the starboard flank of the formation."
"A formation of lights arranged in a line, like an upside-down check mark."
"So, this particular nodule is about ten million years in the making."
"No Use soon began getting themselves out into the local scene, and after performing as a four piece for a short while, they would take on two more members in rhythm guitarist Doug Judd and co-vocalist Ramon Grass."
"Stars form from a cloud that has a certain makeup, almost entirely that same hydrogen and helium that formed in the first minute after the Big Bang."
"You can see that this support material as it forms is very very coherent."
"The greater purpose of Seminary, a greater purpose than education, is formation."
"The magnetic field is basically sort of c-shaped like you see right here with an unusual double formation that seems to extend all the way across for millions and millions of light years."
"The Hope Diamond and most other minerals classified as gemstones, about 90%, all were created in the fiery cauldron of the Earth's interior millions of years ago."
"...God forms us into the calling that he has for us through so many dimensions and parts of our lives and that's just as essential to us becoming who we're called to become as figuring out what vocation we're supposed to pursue, yeah."
"The Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
"Shows how new worlds can form in the wake of a star's destruction."
"Stars are formed when a huge cloud of hydrogen and helium collapses under its own weight."
"These stars are obviously forming from more pristine gas than we have today."
"New devils are still slowly being formed from these pools of blood."
"Iceland emerged from the bottom of the Atlantic some 20 million years ago."
"densely packed formations were ultimately the backbone around which all other elements of warfare were centered"
"Spiritual formation is counter-formation to the ideologies of the world; we've already been deformed."
"Formation is happening on the level of narrative, personal story, and identity."
"It will be local and online, it will be formation and mission, it will be all of these dichotomies held together in a compelling way."
"It's this combination of factors—geology and erosion—that creates such beauty."
"When erosion combines with geology, it creates truly magnificent landscapes."
"The sum of your experiences make you who you are."
"...he decided to form a new league and the AFL was born."
"Even though it was a simple five Planet Grand formation, it was an actual Emperor level formation."
"Let Christ be formed in you; make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts."
"Diamonds don't form without pressure."
"Forming ores over thousands or millions of years, it’s like a recipe - you need the right ingredients and the right conditions."
"The Marvel universe is a cold, uncaring, hostile place before the Avengers are formulated."
"The very first stars that we did, the star saturated."
"Planetary nebulae are formed when a star blows off a great big shell of gas."
"Businesses have been formed through the swiss symposium."
"Hurricanes always start as storms in the middle of the ocean. When the temperature gets warm enough, winds start pushing the air up and out. The air keeps rising because it's so warm and humid, forming this enormous donut-shaped storm."
"Neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, and monocyte are formed from the myoblast."
"Every gem tells a story of its own formation and journey."
"The picture of the Orion Nebula would be as that of the Karina nebula very important for understanding the formation of our solar system."
"What kind of worship could actually form people to be the kinds of people our world desperately needs right now?"
"California's Long Valley Caldera was formed creating large rock formations that eroded over time thanks to wind and water."
"No formation embodies the high press better than 4-3-3."
"It naturally forms in large crystal clusters."
"If you've got a star like our Sun, it probably takes ten million years to go from a clump down to a star."
"The sucker Creek formation, about 14 to 16 million years old, consists of Tufts, ash from volcanic eruptions, some conglomerates, some sandstone, a little bit of shale."
"So you can really see that it's really starting to take shape."
"I remember with this grand vision, we always came back to 'we've got to start with formation.'"
"Many rivers had up to 20 to 60 times their present discharge, leading to the formation of enormous valleys with small rivers flowing through them."
"I felt my pulse quicken, my senses sharpen, and then it happened. Each symbol within the formation lit up one by one as if activated by my presence."
"Galaxies have to form in these structures, shaped dominantly by gravity and dark matter."
"These globules still keep his name today as places where over dense regions where stars are forming."
"These pillars point at extraordinarily hot stars. Each of these pillars could easily make thousands of suns."
"Stars like the sun are formed when a cloud of dust collapses under its gravitational force."
"The discovery of pulsar planets shows how new worlds can form in the wake of a star's destruction."
"Every pandemic's completely different, the way they form, the way they emerge."
"But the more important question to ask is this, 'How are disciples formed?'"
"What will be formed in you and what it will mean for the next generation is absolutely essential."
"This body of water came into existence at the end of the last ice age over nine thousand years ago."
"Understanding this in the context of God's presence, that God is forming us into beings that would desire Him, that's what worship brings us into."
"Yuga is a huge term, not only in terms of the measure of time, but in terms of the entire formation of the universe."
"Without it, there would be no galaxies, so it's a funny combination of inflation inflating the universe and making it very smooth but leaving over these little fluctuations which eventually became the seeds of galaxies."
"Temperature variations allowed the galaxies to form in the early universe."
"I need to form a new Infinity Watch."
"Here are the disks of the planets that will one thing the disks that one day will become planets in these stellar systems."
"My three self-propelled guns formed the spearhead, followed by the rest of the company."
"Diamonds aren't made without pressure."
"Comets in some sense are the ultimate engineer of the solar system. Cometary impacts could give us the chemicals which give us the atmosphere not just of Titan but even perhaps the Earth itself."
"People come, they get formed, and then they go out."
"They're mainly unaltered since their formation right at the beginning of the solar system."
"Your soul is either shaped and being formed like Christ or it's not."
"They joined hands and 13 colonies became the United States."
"Just one year later in Syrup Village, the Usopp Pirates are formed, but all they do is pretend to be Pirates."
"Out of just one type of atoms consisting of one electron and one proton, billions of stars were formed."
"God's intent on fathering them. He fathers them in such a way that he's forming them to be his Living Image."
"What formed him allowed him to be, but what filled him allowed him to live."
"Title Fight was actually formed back in 2003."
"We want them to grow up in Christ, to be fully formed into His likeness."
"Once we had the sound of a vocalist over us playing music, it's like, 'Alright, we got a band now,' you know? And then Deftones was formed."
"Extreme circumstances can also lead to the formation of spirits, such as tales of unquiet battlefields, ghostly ships, and haunted cities."
"Don't tell me it takes millions of years for these formations to form. It does not."
"The 4-3-3 formation creates a very fluid position-based play style."
"We are supposed to be in a formation, we're supposed to be in a relationship."
"It's this natural formation in the rock and clay there that from up above it looks like a face."
"Barrier islands are formed by wave action, the ocean is constantly moving sediment from one place to another, depositing it in piles, the largest of which become islands."
"What do you think of the 4231 and what is your favorite formation that you like to watch your team play?"
"The shape that each snow crystal takes depends on what the conditions were like as it formed in the cloud."
"So, in my la night zones, you get these areas of ice shaped or linz shaped round areas that are made up of quartz and feldspar."
"Our struggle has formed a valley."
"The 3-4-3 has qualities within it that are rare in football these days."
"Icebergs are fascinating, they are formed during a process called calving."
"We could be seeing the material that would go into forming a system of moons around a giant planet or little planets around a brown dwarf."
"The African Union is formed officially."
"...a lot of this new data suggests that we might actually have underestimated the age by which the Galaxies have already formed."
"The question is so let's come to the formation how quickly can we make black holes and what are the masses that we can make them out to be."
"Seeing very massive quite old galaxies that close to the Big Bang is really pushing things quite to the limit in terms of our understanding of how galaxies form."
"The US Navy officially forms, Congress orders the construction of a naval fleet."
"The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola is what shaped him."
"Jupiter might have been enriched with heavy elements and then headed towards our star, completing its formation."
"Some of these super-heavy elements aren't formed in supernovas."
"Greatness is formed by good habits."
"The rate that structure forms in the universe depends on the properties of Dark Energy."
"Devil's Bridge was legally constituted as a national park in the 1950s; it is a natural formation where angry sea meets peaceful paradise."
"Well, I think when two continents collide over millions of years, the land gets all pushed up."
"Thus the first of the great mercenary companies were formed."
"The elements of contract formation tell us whether or not there actually is a contract."
"It's a very sophisticated formation, where they're not just hovering together, but they're rotating en masse as one object."
"A dominant discourse creates a certain kind of discursive formation."
"One millimeter takes 30,000 years to be created."
"These massive spherical rocks... began forming 60 million years ago on the ancient sea floor."
"We would have a well-formed faith, a well-informed faith, a knowledgeable faith."
"Habits first you make the habit, and then the habit makes you."
"Spiritual formation happens to everyone, no matter who they are or where they are."
"It's natural, it formed millions of years ago."
"As the lava cools, the surface cools very quickly and has a glassy outer surface."
"He can run too, that's why the formation."
"The most likely explanation is that it is something that formed in the region of Uranus and Neptune."
"He formed his leading half company into three ranks with the front row kneeling."
"This area was formed by ancient hot springs."
"Here's a perfect example of some drusy, which is how the amethyst forms."
"V-formation for victory, Vs for victory, going all the way towards the windscreen."
"The kingdom of Enri was not formed by the sword but by the spirit."
"If there's a tiny density contrast, then as the universe expands, that slightly overdense region lags behind more and more and eventually condenses out."
"New stars are formed by gravitational forces that compress and heat up clouds of cosmic dust."
"The Mississippi River Delta, formed near the end of its journey, is one of the world's major delta systems."
"And thus the continents were formed."
"Stalactites stick tight to the roofs, stalagmites might reach the top one day."
"Opinions are formed from the facts, not just you have opinion that informs opinions."
"You are formed to the degree of your follow."
"The learner is the one who doesn't know because they are forming; their learning is the formation of a solution in a problematic field."
"This deliberate separation marked the birth of the nucleus for an entirely new division, an endeavor laden with historical significance."
"History is formed where you are right now."
"The proper formation of the circle is of the utmost importance and upon it depends the excellence of the phenomena."
"Do we all not form our opinions, beliefs?"
"Tornadoes actually form from thunderstorms when warm moist air rises and mixes with cool dry air and wind shear."
"I'll always be thankful for the Lutheran Church and my own spiritual formation."
"The Himalayas, the Alps, folded sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, granite in the core."
"An ethnic community can form from any group of people."
"We're making this hole by pulling apart and doing our right lateral strike slip faulting."
"You see how dependency is formed."
"The massive collision between India and Eurasia thrust up Earth's crust, forming the jagged Himalaya mountain range and raised the roof of the world."
"Sand dunes form because of the dry and windy conditions."
"Beach sand likewise forms due to erosion from constant wave and sediment motion and weathering."
"The earth was formed a long, long time ago."
"Each one being essential to the formation, obviously."
"The beings of light took formation on the green grassy field just outside of the settlement."
"These little striae of fractures are part of the process apparently."
"Miyakejima Island has been formed on top of an active volcano chain."
"The entire area was once formed by an incredibly powerful mountain-forming volcanic event."
"Gold is formed through time and pressure."
"Ice babies can be connected and form gigantic ice caps."
"There are certain things that have made us who we are; it wasn't by accident."
"The fry congregate into a cylindrical formation that people call a fry ball."
"Be patient, wait for it to form; you'll see kind of that shiny appearance and once it forms, go ahead and add that filler metal and move along."
"Christian worship should be seen and understood as counter-formation to the secular liturgies."
"Christian worship as counter formation."
"The twisted towers likely came from a cement-like substance that once filled the cracks of beds down here."
"The cold classical Kuiper Belt objects... are believed to have formed in situ."
"God molds and shapes people's lives as they work out some process in His design."
"This company was formed as an answer to the Cheyenne who had been doing plenty of raiding in the area."
"You are a diamond under pressure, and anytime a diamond is formed, it continuously goes under pressure."
"The debris and clouds of dust from the collision gathered around our planet and started circling it, eventually forming what we today know as the Moon."
"The team is formed when Raven gathers and convinces the group to fight her demonic father Trigon."
"In the case of Dark Matter Stars, huge collections of this material began to cluster in patches, eventually forming the first stars in the universe right after the Big Bang."
"The vast majority of pillow basalts are formed at divergent plate boundaries."
"This whole mountain range was pushed up like a throw rug on a smooth hardwood floor."
"The rocky debris soon formed another celestial body, the one we now call the moon."
"Diamonds form very deep in the earth, most diamonds that we're recovering in mines formed about a hundred and fifty to two hundred kilometres down inside the earth."
"These large lava plateaus and even mountain ranges that are just built up of lava flows and basaltic rock."
"We don't have a crystal-clear picture of exactly when and how that came together, but what we know for sure is that it came together."
"Gravity pulled the particles together, and the moon was created."
"It really is an act of full courage, an act of bravery, that this newly formed, literally baby ummah, is literally two years, a year and a half old."
"That pocket of material will then gradually settle down to form a planetary system, just like we think our Sun did about four and a half billion years ago."
"It's very likely if we've got CO snow lines everywhere, that kind of process that formed Uranus and Neptune is absolutely the dominating process in other solar systems."
"But even then, the famous, sheer Pictured Rocks cliffs didn’t exist yet."
"To break the formation, the only way is to enter the formation and find the formation eye."
"The closer you are to the formation, the greater the possibility of losing your mind or even being demonized."
"Letting go of this formation will cause Tianjin Immortal continent to lose one third of its territory."
"It is the will of God that gives everything, whatever it may be, the power to form Jesus Christ in the center of our being."
"To see this little community form has just been so incredible."
"Diamonds are made from carbon under pressure."
"That means that Sasuke has formed his own group."
"It was actually formed from the freed slaves of the Americas."
"Diamonds are formed under pressure."
"The supernova goes off and within a few million years... you've got the rocks forming and trapping the decay products."