
Ultrasound Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Let them hear that baby's heartbeat, let them see an image of that baby in their womb."
"This allows your sim, once you're in the second trimester, they can go and get an ultrasound... it's such like a more fun way to find out, and I love it so much."
"EchoGram generates a picture of internal structures using sound waves."
"I'm not worried about it at this point I do have one final ultrasound I think at 35 weeks so 2 weeks away from the point of me filming this."
"I love having just as many scans as possible. I love being able to see the baby and know that she's growing okay."
"At least one patient every other day I'm at the hospital needs an ultrasound IV."
"The ultrasound process like did it...it was painless."
"That ultrasound in particular was what really calmed my anxiety and brought me a lot of peace."
"Ultrasound can be used at high intensity to cause lesions, at medium intensity to open the blood-brain barrier, but at low intensity, it can affect mood and consciousness."
"As soon as they do the ultrasound, the lady was like, 'Baby!'"
"Later her baby under an ultrasound reveals a resemblance to the red girl."
"Using ultrasound to look for pneumothorax is really nice because it's quick and it has a very very high negative predictive value. If I perform the scan I can say with confidence that my patient doesn't have a pneumothorax."
"The sensitivity of this scan is such that when you perform it you well outperform a chest x-ray and you approach a CT scan in terms of the negative predictive value which is why so many of us like doing the scan this way."
"Plural effusions are pretty easy to find with ultrasound and it's very very sensitive you're going to find pleural effusions that you don't see with the chest x-ray but you can pick up with ultrasound."
"...it just felt so real and I don't know really cool that they can already see the baby just on my stomach."
"If we're doing this for pregnancy, we'd want to see that pregnancy right up here in the uterine fundus within the endometrial canal."
"We'd want to look for an anechoic structure which could represent a gestational sac and then a small bright cheerio within that, which would represent a yolk sac or even maybe a fetus."
"We've evolved into a family of techniques still using the same principle of sending an ultrasound beam or packet of sound reflected back from the surface of whatever structure you're looking at and then characterizing it one way or another."
"It really has evolved into a family of techniques of Doppler 2D 3D and you name it."
"Interestingly enough the properties of ultrasound are similar to light right so if I send a little packet of wavelength there it's gonna hit a certain surface and some of it is refracted depending on the properties of that surface."
"So, axial resolution depends predominantly on the frequency."
"So these are the main principles for resolution because that's your image."
"So, these tiny micro bubbles when you use contrast emit quite a bit of this resonant frequency so if you send it to point five they're gonna emit quite a bit at five and the image would would look quite impressive."
"I know how deep this area of interest is. I wait for it to reflect back so I know the distance."
"That's how I can tell by post, and that's the beauty because you're getting the range."
"When using pulse wave Doppler, what we measure is phase shift—how different is the returning signal from the one that we transmitted."
"In summary, when we fire ultrasound into our patients, we can get information about the timing and amplitude of returning signals, but also by assessing the frequency shift or phase shift."
"It was just so cute to see all his little feet and they were like pressing up against the um ultrasound or I guess like the Sonic I don't know what it is exactly but it was cool to see like his feet moving back and forth."
"Ultrasound is just very important and it's going to keep going in the next few years."
"In my opinion, everybody just walk around with an ultrasound and to confirm whether what patients feeling pressures are."
"Ultrasound is a very cool way to see. Isn't that interesting? We use sound to see."
"We can't just use the last menstrual period to date pregnancies, and we need other factors, especially ultrasound."
"At the time of the initial ultrasound, if it's anytime after six weeks, they recommend basing the gestational age on the last menstrual period unless the woman is unsure of her last menstrual period or the last menstrual period is inconsistent with the ultrasound measurements."
"The only time we date a pregnancy by ultrasound is at the time of the first ultrasound."
"The higher frequency our ultrasound beam, the more attenuation and attenuation occurs as we travel through a depth in tissue."
"The 11 to 14 week scan is much more than the assessment of the nuchal translucency."
"I'm excited about the gender scan."
"Emergency medicine physicians with ultrasound training can accurately classify LVEF as normal, depressed, or severely depressed."
"The most important thing to know for ultrasound is it's the imaging modality of choice in women under 30."
"A basic understanding of ultrasound physics is essential to reliably acquire quality images and provide accurate interpretation."
"We've ultrasound anything from sea turtles all the way through to snow leopards and everything in between."
"Let's now review the standard ultrasound scans of the hands."
"Seeing our little baby's face on the screen was one of the most magical moments of my entire life."
"Is it scary? No way, it's cool. You'll see your little one right on the TV."
"That's where we see the heartbeat, and that's like one of the funnest ultrasounds and appointments that I have with my patients."
"The presence of B lines and pleural slide essentially rules out a pneumothorax."
"The ultrasound-guided technique allows for direct visualization of structures like the nerves themselves, vessels, and muscles."
"Welcome everyone to this webinar on tips and tricks to examining the mid sagittal view at 11 to 14 weeks."
"We also check the number of gestation in early pregnancy; you may see two gestational sacs or two embryos."
"High frequency, short wavelength imaging penetrates shallowly and gives high resolution."
"Ultrasound is a rather old and well-tested technique that's used to confirm intrauterine pregnancy."
"The major benefit of ultrasound is that it poses no risk to the fetus."
"The first sight of the fetal ultrasound filled me with indescribable emotions."
"The echogenicity or color is brighter than the surrounding strap muscles."
"Markedly hypoechoic nodules have a higher risk of malignancy."
"Fortunately, ultrasound of the neck is a very helpful tool in identifying clinically significant cancers."
"Tia gets to go in with me, so she gets to see the baby on the screen."
"I'm so excited, we're gonna be able to see what our little baby boy looks like for the first time."
"We're going to look at what AFAST is, when to use it, how to do it, and we'll have a look at some of the common pitfalls and how to avoid them."
"Artifacts occur when ultrasound displays don't match what is truly occurring in the body."
"Pulse inversion harmonics is going to improve the process so there's no loss in axial resolution."
"Whatever color is on top indicates that flow is moving towards the transducer and whatever color is on the bottom indicates flow moving away from the transducer."
"Ultrasound can see so much more than a laparoscopy."
"We're celebrating turning 30 weeks in style by setting off for a scan."
"A point of care bedside ultrasound examination also tells you whether the patient is heading towards pulmonary edema."
"The popularity of point-of-care ultrasound has grown dramatically in veterinary medicine for its ability to support rapid and accurate diagnosis."
"Anatomy is key. You really need to know your anatomy when you're picking up that ultrasound scanner."
"You can estimate depth to the subarachnoid space using ultrasound."
"The ultrasound appointments were like private screenings of the most awaited movie of their life."
"Ultrasound waves are used for medical scanning and in sonar to calculate the depth of oceans."
"Ultrasounds have been the highlight of this pregnancy."
"You can fix it, and let me introduce you to the concept of using ultrasound for treatment of vascular occlusion complications."
"Ultrasound is a great option to treat the occlusions, and it's even better used to prevent the occlusions."
"The amazing thing to me is that you have a transducer, you send a little packet of ultrasound, it goes down, reflects, comes back, and you analyze it."
"The primary utility of bedside ultrasound of the IVC is to aid in the assessment of intravascular volume status of the patient."
"It has few technical limitations; you can get good studies on just about everybody."
"You can perform real-time dynamic studies and interventions, and this real-time nature is a very major advantage of ultrasound."
"The spatial resolution for a 10 megahertz probe is about three times as good as MRI."
"Technique is critical in musculoskeletal ultrasound."
"It's very important to have an anatomic reference handy."
"One of the benefits of musculoskeletal ultrasound is you always have the contralateral side for comparison."
"Each type of tissue has its own signature appearance."
"Normal tendons have nice parallel lines, parallel collagen fibers."
"Anisotropy is artificially low echogenicity that you see within a structure because the beam is not hitting it at 90 degrees."
"When you see anisotropy in a tendon, the correction is to tilt your probe."
"Normal tendons do not have any color Doppler within them."
"The anatomy of Baker's cyst is that you have the semimembranosus tendon and you have the medial head of the gastroc."
"You can take the study from just being a diagnostic to being a therapeutic one."
"That's of course one of the real powers of ultrasound."
"The best initial diagnostic step is abdominal ultrasound."
"The Doppler shift is not what we are interested in; it's not the diagnostic part of performing Doppler ultrasound. What we really want are the velocities."
"Ultrasound is, in my opinion, a superior tool."
"So this morning we are rushing through our like morning errands to get ready for the day because we have our 20-week 4D anatomy scan which is so exciting."
"I'm excited for that appointment because it's like an hour long and we get to see baby."
"I actually saw my baby move for the first time ever on screen."
"Make sure your pregnancy ultrasounds that you're really reading, you're going to have to know what trimester it is."
"The pulse echo technique using ultrasound can be used to produce images of an unborn baby."
"This innovative FDA-approved treatment is called high intensity focused ultrasound."
"Whichever way that you choose to calculate it, you should get three centimeters as the half value layer thickness for a two megahertz transducer."
"The sensitivity for a right upper quadrant ultrasound is 84%, and the specificity is 99%."
"The average axial resolution of an imaging ultrasound system is 0.05 millimeters to about 0.5 millimeters."
"I'm excited because it's like the first time I've seen the baby since our first ultrasound."
"We went for an early ultrasound and everything looked great."
"They actually use high-frequency sound waves to actually bounce an echo off an image inside of a body."
"It's always exciting this time of year when I can do my first ultrasound."
"This black part here is the baby's head, and this is the body. As you can see, it's moving around very well."
"Always look at the site under ultrasound before you drape to make sure it's suitable."
"I've had several people bring with them to see me, and they will bring the sonogram of the ultrasound that they had taken."
"We're having a boy and they confirmed that at my 12-week ultrasound."
"We do perinatal ultrasound where we make diagnosis of fetal abnormalities, we do fetal therapy and fetal surgery."
"I just love that ultrasound photo so much."
"Tumors would be destroyed using beams of ultrasound energy and afterward the patient would walk out the operating room and go home."
"...these frequencies are above our standard audible limit, so if you are above that particular frequency, then you are in something called as an ultrasound limit..."
"...this is the beauty which ultrasound provides and is actually necessary for the kind of imaging which we are going to do over here."
"After like two years' journey, we got our ultrasound today."