
Manuscript Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Sometimes you'll be reading a manuscript, and the same word will occur three times within a couple of lines, and the scribe will spell the same word three different ways."
"The Voynich manuscript, which gets its name from the Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912..."
"The Voynich Manuscript is an illustrated codex written in the Voynichese writing system, otherwise unknown."
"The beauty of Celtic manuscript art is indescribable."
"Let's talk about how you need to format your manuscript in order to submit it to a professional editor."
"You can't have a manuscript or even folios that predate of Uthman."
"The manuscript on the margin of each page had a little flower, a little bird with their wings up in the air or a leg lifted, or you know it was in fact full of movement."
"The Voynich Manuscript: a mystery that has baffled humans for 600 years."
"She came back for this it's because she copy and pasted her old manuscript from the first book."
"But we cannot overestimate the importance of this manuscript and do not study what just a Reitter said, fetishism in capital and also old the making of the concept of alienation and fetishism and reification."
"The manuscript tradition, especially in the Greek side, does not support it. Many of the manuscripts that do have it marginalize it, put it in the margin."
"Your manuscript is going to be the interior of your book, so those are going to be the pages that you're using inside of your book."
"It's an intrusion, and the earliest of the two manuscripts of this is from 977."
"The Quran that we have today is in principle almost identical to the manuscript that we have in the time of the Prophet Muhammad."
"So submission by the way is the process of once you've finished polishing the manuscript with your agent and they think it's in a good place they will start contacting editors to see if any editors want it."
"To try to get, you have to get a literary agent, right? Almost overnight, that manuscript just found a buyer. Boom, boom, boom, found a buyer, found a movie buyer, found everything right away."
"The majority of the Quran is still written in the Arabic language, however, what he's saying here is that the first Quranic manuscripts, they were written using the Aramaic script."
"Don Dunne, a professor at Meritt College in Oakland, co-wrote a manuscript about the escape with inmate Clarence Carnes."
"There were no printing presses then, so all copies were made by hand, some on parchment or animal skins, but most on a material called papyrus."
"A clear narrative throughout your manuscript is crucial."
"The mystical charge of such manuscripts had an electrifying effect on people who had never seen the written word given such majesty and magnificence."
"Beowulf is thought to have been composed between 700 and 750 A.D and is known to us because of a single surviving manuscript that dates back approximately to 1000 A.D."
"The Voynich manuscript is mainly of concern because no one is actually able to determine what the heck it's about."
"Including the most ancient collection of all four gospels. Papyrus 45."
"Codex Sinaiticus... a 4th century manuscript... discovered at St. Catherine's Monastery at the base of Mount Sinai in Egypt."
"The manuscript contained three works written by John Frith, a Protestant martyr."
"This extraordinary manuscript unveils chilling revelations about the human race."
"This is a fourth-century manuscript called Sinaiticus."
"The oldest of the two is thought to be the earliest surviving illuminated Christian manuscript in the world."
"The rohank Codex is one of the most mysterious manuscripts in the entire world."
"The book manuscript that I was having a famously difficult time finishing is now complete."
"The Voynic Manuscript is an extremely mysterious codex that has been handwritten in a language that we don't know."
"It wasn't until 2018 that the manuscript for 'Frozen Hell' was discovered among Campbell's documents."
"The Codex Gigas, the Giant Book, the largest extent medieval illuminated manuscript in the world."
"The Codex Gigas is a massive handwritten book likely created by one person in the 12th century."
"The Voynich manuscript is considered one of the most mysterious manuscripts in the world."
"Legend has it that the manuscript was written by a monk who was facing execution for breaking his monastic vows."
"The Codex Gigas AKA The Devil's Bible."
"I believe that every single original reading of the apostles continues to exist in the manuscript tradition today."
"The Codex gigas is a medieval manuscript enveloped in mystery and legend."
"Make sure that whatever you're doing is consistent with what we actually know about this manuscript."
"It's the very definition of a one-of-a-kind item, written on calfskin stained with a royal purple hue."
"If you didn't believe me, I could show you the original manuscript."
"How long is your average turnaround for reading and notes? This is a very important question because it's an essential part of your working relationship."
"State if any editors requested your manuscript at a conference or a contest."
"Surely a holistic approach will produce an all-encompassing explanation that this manuscript richly deserves."
"It's the uniqueness, the way that some aspects of the manuscript are utterly unknown from other manuscripts."
"My heartiest congratulations on the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times."
"This manuscript runs between the 3rd and the 4th century."
"This particular palimpsest had a copy of the Quran written, apparently a copy of the Quran that was erased and then a new copy of the Quran was written over it."
"The manuscript evidence that we have, including carbon dating, seems to confirm the Muslim narrative of an early fixed 7th-century text."