
Stereotyping Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Stereotyping does not safeguard the vulnerable. It merely makes them more vulnerable."
"People on the left are capable of putting their pants on without a [ __ ] guide."
"Why are Jews always the bad guys? The honest reason is this: conspiracy theorists aren't that smart."
"Trump is a collection of all the worst stereotypes that Americans have."
"Stereotyping reduces people to a few simple characteristics."
"Stereotyping ignores the complexities of someone's identity."
"Stereotypes play into a cycle of power and representation."
"I think that's important... we just don't have to put ourselves into these little boxes that say you are this therefore you are also that or not that."
"They're just a bunch of stupid klutzy idiot room Bud Light drinkers."
"Characters they create tend to be stereotypes, sidekicks, or just not playable."
"Stereotyping when it comes to race is a form of racism."
"If you can tag them as bad people either stupid or bigoted, you don't actually have to listen to their concerns."
"For so long, Michelle Yo the actress was given a very one-dimensional persona."
"The flawless black computer nerd guy sacrifices himself for the group."
"We've all encountered a Karen or two in our lives."
"Personally, I see drunk elephant as the tourist Safari for white soccer moms."
"Once you start going into 'my feminists are taking the games,' you just sound like a [__] rabid insel."
"He was very boisterous and very loud... he was like exactly what you would think of as young Italian club soccer player."
"Real racism is putting people in boxes and when you step out of that box, they pound you."
"If you're going to judge the Ukrainian people by a group of 100 idiots... it's the same as looking at Palestine and judging the Palestinian people based on the actions of extremists."
"He's fits some of the stereotypes obviously but he's not a full stereotype of a neckbeard like he's a multi-dimensional person."
"Only a white boy would do it, they own the world."
"When you reduce people to a few stereotypes, when you whittle down someone's personhood to arbitrary assumptions about how you think they are, you strip them of their humanity."
"When you put labels like that on people, it's like you stick people in these little boxes and never let them up."
"The left thinks we're all the same. The left thinks there's no difference."
"The left is rapidly becoming a caricature of itself."
"Male energy is focused and female energy is creative and random."
"Just because you've pigeonholed somebody into a category doesn't mean you're right about it."
"It insinuates the idea that all Asian men are alike irrespective of heights, skin tone, personality, upbringing, class..."
"White folks always wanted the safest black they could have."
"What does their crime have to do with them being immigrants? You know what this sounds like to me? This sounds to me like these countries that these people are from are not sending their best."
"Where do these one-dimensional and overwhelmingly negative portrayals of fat people come from?"
"I think for most people, people just think they can put you in a box because of some characteristic of you. It's just so frustrating."
"You can't lump all Americans into one group. It's not fair, stereotyping."
"Valyrian men have only one thing on their mind and it's disgusting: the sea."
"At best, he’s just a jerk jock that loves partying."
"Stop attacking people in general, generalize them in ways like this. Not all white people are bad or racist, and neither are black people or Asian people either."
"We make a big mistake when we divide people into white hats and black hats."
"If one wacky religious nut proves all religious people are wacky nuts, then I guess the same logic makes all skeptics skeptics too."
"It's like that Hollywood thing it's like hey we really need you to play the oh the morbidly obese ugly person in this movie."
"You're giving off husband or you're just giving off wife for some reason."
"He looks like an old grandpa you would see in a nursing home."
"I saw Steven Yeun literally a couple days ago mmm he's the Oh token Asian guy in LA sure a lot of shows."
"People were able to completely invent stereotypes about a fictional group of people and they also became convinced that they wouldn't even want to interact with this non-extant group all based on nothing more than mere thought."
"This is beyond woke...plays up every single stereotype...victimhood complex on a thousand."
"I've never been a fan of pigeonholing people and I hate when it's always when it's been done to me like, well why is that guy from the hangover get to do this but you know we'll see. I'm not sure now you could do whatever you want no we did not."
"True or false, that sounds like Western culture."
"...the real danger with [stereotyping] is the stereotyping that it creates because... you're limiting what you think you're supposed to be. I do not think was ever meant to be the purpose of this Divine gift of astrology."
"Some people are just really stupid, most specifically this Karen."
"You probably contracted your basic bitch-ness from a sorority sister. Borrowed some Ugg boots here and there, experimented with North Face."
"Stop treating me like I'm a [__] bro. That'd be my thing with these [__]."
"He's probably tired of those skinny top girls at the country club."
"You're probably all dudes like me sitting in your nerd caves painting minis and rewatching Star Trek TNG for the 40th time."
"She seems like one of those sex kitten girls."
"You sound like people from around my way, so he's black."
"Bad things happen when you generalize."
"Reducing man to a single type... certain to succumb sooner or later to the inevitable disaster."
"You decide ahead of time by looking at someone what you think they are when they may not be that at all."
"Stereotyping is mentally classifying a person into an affinity group and then identifying the person as having the same assumed characteristics of the group."
"It's like typical dumb guy stuff."
"Don't turn into a race thing. I'm making fun of your Valley Girl stupidity"
"People have just been brainwashed over the last few decades to just label anyone who's conservative or Christian or even just right-wing politically as just automatically hateful."
"I don't have a problem with every black character played like this. The problem is that they are the only black character in here and they're played like this."
"Have I ever been stereotyped? Yes. I'm giving you a few examples. Well boy, I've had my True Religions jeans pulled down by my ankles by the police for DWB - Driving While Black."
"It's funny for us, but it gets weird when people get a bit too comfortable with stereotyping."
"It is evil to scapegoat a community of people, painting them with a broad brushstroke based on your stereotypes."
"To categorize is to put in a box, as in to label something, to stereotype it."
"The big crime is presumption... a person is a part of X group so they must be like this."
"It's called stereotyping, and it always is an easier substitute for clear thinking."
"That's what happens when we label someone; a lot of times it's tied to the very women who have power and agency who aren't comfortable being silent."