
Religious Knowledge Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The most exalted privilege we can get is to know Him. And that's what the Bible really is all about."
"When we do studies to show who knows and understands more about, for example, the Bible, atheists win."
"There's very little that we know about Islam, and I don't even understand the Quran because I don't speak or read the language."
"He had memorized every hadith he had come across."
"This Islam is powerful, and those that possess knowledge and understanding and implementation of this religion, you are powerful."
"I think actually the way he put his point across was so powerful that you can't argue against it... He knows what the Quran says, he knows the ins and outs of it all."
"God does not desire us to be ignorant, friends."
"Knowing Christianity is true is different than showing Christianity true."
"He's one of those delightful atheists who knows more about the Bible than many of the Christians that he engages."
"For a non-believer, y'all sure know more about the scripture than most Christians I know."
"The Quran is aware of the stories, it's retelling them and correcting them."
"Atheists tend to know more about the Bible than Christians."
"Ignorant of Scripture is ignorance of Christ."
"Every single one of them had one thing in common, always: they were dedicated to the knowledge of Islam."
"The main overarching point, ladies and gentlemen, is this: if you didn't know anything about the Torah, the gospel, and the Quran and no one told you anything..."
"Jesus wants us to know who He is and what He can do."
"You have to know the Word, and that's how you can expose these hypocrites, these stage actors, these performers."
"They know what's that Revelations 12. They know that."
"The Quran tells us that the angels brought a new type of knowledge, something very powerful."
"Allah is the one who is all-knowing and the one who makes plans."
"The God of the Bible who knows the future... and he's written us this book... it's actually a revelation of God's will."
"Knowledge, studying Islam, studying the concept of fitna, reading the predictions about the day of judgment, the signs of the day of judgment, all of this helps us understand what's going on."
"As can be gathered from this video, beyond the likes of Michael and Gabriel, information about archangels becomes scarcer and scarcer."
"When he preaches he never opens the Bible and he can quote every scripture from memory from Genesis up to Revelation."
"The even the concept of the deen that people bring over from the scholars after maybe six or seven years of study, maybe ten years of study, is even lacking based on what you actually learn from them."
"...there is no denying that this knowledge was mentioned by Jesus Christ himself."
"I think if we learn our own culture and our own religion, that this would help more than anything."
"Justinian really takes us to a whole different level because he is so well versed in theology and he is basically a very, very devout religious person."
"The knowledge about jibril opens up large swaths of the Quran."
"It's very important for you to know the word of God."
"People in the Middle Ages who went to church knew their Bible better than we did because they heard it every day."
"The Quran speaks about past history revealing information that were not known to Muhammad."
"Through Aisha, we know the Prophet. Through Aisha, we know our religion."
"We love these prophets and if you truly love these prophets and claim these prophets, then you have to know more about them."
"This knowledge is religion, so look to who you take your religion from."
"The pyramids were built on what was called in those days religious knowledge."
"The knowledge of the Deen of Allah is the most important knowledge."
"In order to be truthful in one's Ean, a person has to have knowledge of the deen."
"I do not know every passage in the Bible; I will never pretend that I do."
"How can we when we don't even know the Quran?"
"Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks' encyclopedic knowledge in Torah and Jewish spirituality and in secular and worldly wisdom is unrivaled and incomparable."
"The more you learn about Islam, the more you learn."
"Knowledge comes from Allah; evidence for such knowledge comes from the Quran."
"I've never known someone more knowledgeable than her in a verse of the Quran, nobody could come close."
"The greatest issue in the church today is the knowledge of God."
"The shaitaan is getting smarter, and seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim."
"I think many Christians don't know what LDS and jdubs believe enough to effectively witness to them."
"When we say it's new, it doesn't mean we're making it up, we're just extracting knowledge that's already in the Quran."
"What Allah allowed me to learn is better than what he allowed you to learn."
"We must have knowledge of that faith; we must know Islam."