
Series Anticipation Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Honestly, I'm so excited. I think this is gonna be such a good series."
"There's something about this Andor trailer that has got me really excited about something in Star Wars even more than the Kenobi series."
"Thank you all much for watching, I do hope you enjoyed and you're looking forward to the series."
"Everything about it feels so great and when it came out it got me excited for what's to come next with the series."
"This is going to be absolutely insane and I hope you guys are excited for the series as well."
"Thank you so much for watching, I hope you guys are excited for the series as much as I am."
"Expect a lot, they didn't really skimp on anything in part one."
"I'm very excited to learn more and I gotta say that the series looks incredible."
"Season eight is perhaps going to be the best season yet."
"More people are interested in the Game of Thrones prequel than they are in the Lord of the Rings sort of prequel."
"Probably gonna be really good. Beastars. I've heard a lot of good things about it."
"Long-term series, hoping you're looking forward to it."
"Loki season two: Chock full of Easter eggs, ready for a wild ride!"
"I am so hyped for House of the Dragon but I'm even more excited for the show to complete its entire run before George Martin finishes damn sixth book."
"I'm so glad that so many of you have enjoyed the show in the first season, and we really think you're going to enjoy the second season just as much if not more."
"Hit that like button if you're looking forward to the rest of series."
"Eternals, Moon Knight, Falcon & the Winter Soldier, Loki... What If... I'm excited, fired up!" - Discussion
"The reality is most series I watch I don't really binge... It builds up good anticipation for me."
"I think we're literally on the cusp of something fantastic for this series."
"Ultimately, I think it's going to be Ryan. I don't think Victoria Newman is going to even try to talk with Homelander anymore. I think the boys and Victoria Newman are what we're looking for towards the fourth season."
"This is gonna be a series that three six nine months down the line everyone is gonna look back on and be like wow we have the chance to experience this in 2022."
"The best way to release these shows is week to week. It builds anticipation, word of mouth, and buzz."
"You're going to actually see a decent amount of growth with that, and this will carry you through the next three-month period."
"It definitely felt like an appetizer for the upcoming volume three."
"I love horror anthologies and it's so beautifully done. I can't wait to watch the rest."
"Tales has always been a great series, I'm looking forward to the next one."
"Real news regarding the Aon's Conquest show... there's some momentum behind this show... looking like something that will probably happen." - David Lightbringer
"Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Kingpin and Daredevil downstairs raise your anticipation level for the series."
"Thank you everyone for watching hope you enjoy and you're looking forward to this series."
"Wild prediction: Bo-Katan. I don't think that's a wild prediction because they've already said Katie Sackhoff's gonna be there."
"I'm getting so hyped for that Obi-Wan miniseries."
"I hope you all eagerly await the next installment of the series."
"Years later, I was replaying through the series leading up to the release of Mass Effect 3, and my dad came in to see what I was up to right as I was using the galaxy map and was immediately intrigued."
"I'm pretty committed to the radio Outlaws deal because I firmly believe that that is what radial racing has needed for a very long time - a little bit of structure, a point series, something to go after, something to look forward to, and something to count on."
"The precursor to one of my favorite fights in the entire series."
"Ahsoka season one, been really looking forward to this series."
"You won't be disappointed. This is going to be an awesome series."
"I was shocked at the ending, and I loved it. I cannot wait to see where the series goes."
"The Kenobi hype was literally a really fun time."
"It's really nice to feel excited about a series again."
"Ed Stark seems like such a good dude, can't wait to watch eight seasons of this guy."
"This is the start of a series that I have been waiting for forever."
"I'm actually a bit more excited for a Jon Snow sequel series than season two of House of the Dragon."
"I can't wait to re-watch the whole season; I think this is the best season."
"Enjoy the series because it's going to be fantastic."
"I'm really excited to dive into this whole series."
"I loved everything about this I can't wait to continue in the series."
"I have never in my entire life been more excited to start a series than I am today."
"This series is hilarious; I'm so excited to see where this series leads."
"Don't wait to binge this show; you're gonna have to join the party as it unfolds."
"Stay tuned for the series, watch me struggle through various things and hopefully we'll have a nice working tool changer at the end of this."
"I hope you guys will like the series."
"I would watch the entire series of this just as she is a superhero fangirl in school."
"The boys... it's already been renewed for season five."